Stephen Kingwell


Stephen Kingwell
Head of Year 7, Romero House

Newly appointed Head of Year 7 for 2022, Stephen Kingwell is someone who has always enjoyed reaching out and helping others.

His teaching journey has given him the opportunity to educate students in the areas of his two great passions; music and physical education.

In addition to teaching Physical Education, his most recent roles at the College have included the Head of Year 8 and Romero House Coordinator, with the latter seeing him travel to the Vatican for the canonisation of Romero House patron, St Oscar Romero.

Known for his enthusiastic performances and hosting duties on AvÐÔ°® Christi Day, his many years here have also seen him work with a variety of extra-curricular groups, from College football and basketball teams to the Soul and Folk Bands.

Having begun teaching at AvÐÔ°® in 2007, he has enjoyed both being a part of the AvÐÔ°® family, as well as seeing the smiles on students faces when they achieve their best after pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones and challenging themselves.

What is something others may not know about you?

Before teaching I worked many jobs; however, the most interesting one was working in Carnarvon for the Department of Sport and Recreation constructing and running holiday programs for community members.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

The main reason for me becoming a teacher was to learn the skills to give me an opportunity to be the best father I could be. My dad in my eyes is the best there is and I wanted to learn as much about myself and the young people I work with so I could impart these skills learned into my own life.

What do you love most about working at AvÐÔ°®?

In my university days, I used to work at a supermarket and would dread getting in my car to drive to work. It was not an enjoyable job. From that point on, I began using that feeling of dread as the barometer for personal job satisfaction. Since starting at AvÐÔ°® however, I have not once felt apprehensive about work, and am very blessed to have a job I enjoy. I enjoy being here because the people at AvÐÔ°®, both youthful and experienced, are good people.