Linda MacDonald


Linda MacDonald
Head of Languages, Romero House

Having joined the College in 2020, Linda MacDonald works as the Head of the Languages Department.

Raised in a family where professions that serve the community were encouraged, especially in education and health, Linda explained that she would “play schools" and dreamed of becoming a teacher when she was a child.

Fast forward to today, we now see that she was able to combine her thirst for learning with her command of multiple languages to make that dream come true!

Tell us about a group or club you have been involved in?

Languages Club is a great way for students to come together for activities that we may not have time for in the classroom.

We cook, listen to music, dance, create art/craft, virtually "travel" and more! Students can also attend sessions for languages that they are not currently studying at AvÐÔ°®, so there are opportunities to learn about other languages and cultures.

What is your favourite College event and why? 

Languages Week! It is a time for the Languages Learning Area to showcase what we are about and to give staff and students opportunities to get involved in language, culture and to have fun. 

What is something that others may not know about you?

After graduating and working as as a teacher for a few years, I decided to try something new and started studying law.

Part way through my degree I realised that whilst I was enjoying studying, I didn't actually want to work as a lawyer. I'm glad that I did challenge myself though and I believe the experience helped me to grow as a person and made me a better teacher.

Do you have any hobbies?

I pick up new hobbies all the time! Currently, my hobbies are Wordle, watching animé, and learning Ballet as an adult. Tennis and board games are old favourites and every now and then, I pick up my guitar and try and remember how to play. (Usually not very well!)

Learning languages continues to be both a hobby as well as a professional pursuit for me. I speak Italian, French, Portuguese and have recently become inspired to start learning Japanese. Learning a new language can be challenging but it is worth it and definitely something I would encourage everyone to do.


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