People of AvÐÔ°® - Meet the 2022 Arts Captains

We recently interviewed the Year 12 Arts Captains, asking them about their journey through their chosen fields of drama, visual art, music and dance. Thank you to these students and the many others who continue to share their gifts with the College community.

Read on to find out what they had to say about their chosen field!

Brendan Boudville

Music Captain

Year 12 Salvado

No stranger to the music scene at the College, Brendan has been involved in music at AvÐÔ°® since his first years here. His involvement includes performing in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, Swing Bass Jazz Combo, Concert Band, Orchestra and part of the musical performances accompanying College productions such as Beauty and the Beast, Grease and Monkey.

How do you feel about being chosen captain of your particular field in the Arts?

I feel particularly proud to represent the field of Music at AvÐÔ°®, mostly because of the passion I have for it as well as the joy I feel it can bring to all people regardless of who they are. Music has had such an effect on my life so I feel very excited to bring that to others

What do you hope to bring to the role?

I’m passionate and ardent about music but also someone who is looking to make it more accessible and more enjoyable for people regardless of musical ability.

What are you looking forward to this year in your field of the Arts?

I'm looking forward to helping foster the music department in the Primary School (Once we can mix year groups that is). From there it would be nice for the high school and primary school to play music together and for the primary students to learn about the musical experiences of our more experienced students.

What would you say to students considering your field of the Arts?

If you're on the fence about trying a particular musical group, choir or about learning an instrument, just give it a go. The friendships and skills that you experience in music as well as the opportunities and possible future experiences you could have are priceless and irreplaceable!

The worst thing that could happen is that you don't like the instrument or group, but if that's the case, look for another instrument or group to join! As I said, these experiences you have within the various groups and playing your instrument is priceless, so give it a go!

Erin Peters

Dance Captain

Year 12 Romero

Erin has been part of the AvÐÔ°® dance family since she was in Year 7, participating in all the extracurricular dance groups AvÐÔ°® has to offer. She has admirably represented the College in many events including the Catholic Performing Arts Festival, Dance Galas and more. Erin will feature as Cha Cha in this year’s College musical, Grease.

How do you feel about being chosen captain of your particular field in the Arts?

I feel grateful that I get the opportunity to be the dance captain of 2022. I believe this is a great opportunity for me to extend my leadership abilities and create a very welcoming dance community among all the year groups.

What do you hope to bring to the role?

I hope to bring all my prior dance knowledge and training into the school to help other dancers grow into confident performers. As dance captain I want to make sure everyone is able to feel comfortable in the community that we’ve created and able to express problems or questions when needed.

What are you looking forward to this year in your field of the Arts?

This year I’m looking forward to hopefully participating in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. I am also looking forward to the Dance Gala as we will get to display the astounding rage of performers we have at AvÐÔ°®. It really is a wonderful process to be a part of because I know by the end, we will be so proud of everyone who dances and what they achieve.

What would you say to students considering your field of the Arts?

I would highly encourage all students to give dance a go as it is such a fun and expressive field. You can be so free and creative, coming up with many new movements. I think dance is also best shared with friends as it allows you to experience a new activity in a safe and comfortable space. 

Isabella Cross

Drama Captain

Year 12 Xavier

Passionate about all elements of Drama, Isabella has been thoroughly involved within the field over her time at AvÐÔ°®. Currently involved in the schools production of ‘Grease’ as the character Marty as well as Year 12 Drama ATAR, she has previously also been part of other school productions including Monkey and Beauty and the Beast, as well as participating in the inter-house play which saw her house victorious.

How do you feel about being chosen captain of your particular field in the Arts?

I am incredibly happy that I get to represent drama at corpus as it has been a part of my life for so long. I’ve always loved acting and all aspects of the arts, and now being the person people can come to and ask questions on productions and events is honestly incredibly rewarding, especially since I’m so passionate about the arts.

What do you hope to bring to the role?

I’m hoping that I can encourage more students to become involved and interested in drama related events at school, especially the inter house play. I want to create a positive and inclusive environment within the arts at corpus, especially in drama, in the hopes that students will feel that they too can find a place in the arts to express themselves.

What are you looking forward to this year in your field of the Arts?

I am especially looking forward to this years production of Grease, as we the cast and crew have been working so hard rehearsing and planning for this show and we all can’t wait to perform it. I am also looking forward to hopefully pitching the inter house play this year once again to the rest of the arts team to continue this fun competition at AvÐÔ°®.

What would you say to students considering your field of the Arts?

I would encourage it immensely! Drama includes so many fields of the arts, it almost feels like it’s everything combined at times. There’s the elements of acting, costume and set design, choreography, music and plenty more. I believe there’s something for everyone. It has helped me become more expressive and creative, and it has also helped out in other classes, such as when I study drama texts in literature! Overall, drama is an all round art to me, and I would encourage others that are interested to get involved!

Trinita Kardia

Visual Arts Captain

Year 12 Salvado

As Visual Arts Captain. Trinita’s role includes helping Visual Arts students of all years in their art projects across different mediums. During some Visual Arts clubs after school, she assists Mrs Pannell prepare different materials for students, as well as helping the students with any particular work they’re doing. She also writes article reports on different visual arts excursions or events to keep the Visual Arts portfolio updated.

How do you feel about being chosen captain of your particular field in the Arts?

I feel very excited and honoured to be overlooking and leading the Visual Arts sector as it is a field that incorporates both my joy for artistic creativity and leadership. I’m naturally passionate to be contributing to this department as I enjoy helping the Visual Arts department and the students of all years with anything they need.

What do you hope to bring to the role?

A deeper sense of engagement within the students of Visual Arts. I want to be able to be another source of help for students aiming to further strengthen the presence of Visual Arts at the College. I also hope to be able to bring more involvement of visual arts to College events and liaising more with the Arts Portfolio.

What are you looking forward to this year in your field of the Arts?

I am looking forward to the different art clubs that will be on throughout the term and helping different students on their projects. Very very excited about the annual AvÐÔ°® Christi Visual Arts exhibition that showcases all the students works - hopefully incorporating art somehow in the upcoming AvÐÔ°® Christi Day.

What would you say to students considering your field of the Arts?

I would strongly recommend art to everyone considering it. You don’t necessarily have to be creative or skilful to do and enjoy art. The subject is praised for its variety of mediums that I’m sure you will be able to find one that suits your personality and style. Visual Arts is also a relaxing subject that has a different atmosphere to other subjects. It gives students the room to create what they want without strong external direction. It teaches you a different way to express yourself and crucial analytical skills that will become helpful in any subject you choose within AvÐÔ°® and after you graduate, that is not just related to the arts.