E-News 3 May 2022


Welcome to Week 2

COVID-19 – Baseline Settings

Parents and caregivers would have recently received a communication update for the College regarding our operating guidelines in the current COVID-19 baseline settings environment.  

As highlighted, the new settings will allow for the recommencement of many regular school-based activities. We look forward to providing you with updates in relation to these in the ensuring weeks.

Given COVID-19 is still very much present within the broader community, we continue to encourage everyone to protect themselves and others through following good hygiene principles and practices.

Friends of Av԰

I have mentioned often in E-News this year the importance of parent and caregiver engagement in the educational lives of their children. We want to partner with our families in ensuring the growth and development of students as whole persons. The evidence is very clear that parent engagement in the educational lives of their children improves learning outcomes.

Also, further to my previous communications, I am pleased to inform you that we are now in a position, given the new baseline COVID-19 protocols, to invite parents and friends into the College to codevelop our K-12 Friends of Av԰ strategy.

In developing this strategy, our aim is to design a process that provides genuine engagement opportunities for parents and caregivers to support their involvement in the educational lives of their children.

The planning session is scheduled for 4.30pm Wednesday 18 May 2022 in the Sadler Centre located on the secondary campus. We will also be giving families present the opportunity to provide further strategic input into the Vision and Mission setting process. We hope you can join us at our planning session. We will send out reminder details closer to the date.

National School Improvement (NSI) Climate Survey 

Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have completed the College’s NSI Climate Survey. This important survey comes at an ideal time as we plan the future of our amalgamated K-12 College. The feedback received will help shape our planning moving forward. We therefore strongly encourage your involvement in the process.

All families were emailed out access details. Further information is available later in this edition of E-News.

Parent Student Teacher Interviews

Thank you to parents and caregivers involved in the recent online Parent Student Teacher interview process. We were thrilled to have so many families connecting with teachers to discuss the ongoing learning and development of their child.  

As already mentioned, we work in partnership with parents and guardians in the holistic development of students and therefore welcome any opportunity to speak with families.

We encourage parents and guardians to regularly monitor the academic and pastoral progress of their child via SEQTA and to connect directly with teachers should they ever have any questions or concerns.

As you would be aware, given the COVID-19 environment, we shifted interviews online. In planning for the future, we would be very interested in your feedback on the process. We have provided the opportunity for you to pass on your thoughts and ideas later in this edition of E-News.

Mother’s Day Celebration

We apologise for the late notice, but given the change of COVID-19 restrictions, we are delighted to invite members of our community to the College’s annual Mother’s Day celebration being held this Friday at the College commencing at 7.30am.

We are very excited to be holding this significant K-12 event and look forward to many of our families attending. Further specifics are provided in this edition of E-News, along with registration details.  

Professional Learning Day 

I am grateful to our parents and caregivers for their support of our pupil free day on Tuesday last week which allowed for our staff to gather as a professional learning community.

We appreciate the importance of continuing our learning journey and understand that learning is for life. As has been clearly evidenced over the course of this year, we live in a very dynamic world, and we therefore need to maintain a growth mindset to new learnings and ideas to improve educational outcomes.

This is an adage that we want to model to our students as they progress through the years. As a staff we too want to learn from our students and to seek out new and innovative ways to engage them in learning.  

We spent time during the Professional Learning Day considering the learning, pastoral, faith, social and emotional needs of students and exploring how we could design appropriate and engaging growth opportunities. This is a very exciting conversation that we also look forward to having with students and parents as we think strategically about bringing the Mission of our College to life.

We acknowledge that all of our students are unique, each with their different gifts, interests, skills and capacities. We therefore look forward to continuing to shape a K-12 community that provides personalised and differentiated learning opportunities for all of our students address the years. We are excited at the prospect of involving all facets of our community in this process – staff, parents and students.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen



News (all years)


NSI Survey


Dear Parents

Last Chance

The survey will be closing soon. We would appreciate parents and caregivers taking a few minutes to provide us with some value feedback on how we can make Av԰ Christi College event better.

The National School Improvement (NSI) surveys are used in all Catholic schools. You are invited to participate in a survey about Av԰ Christi College’s organisational climate and how it can be improved. This survey is an opportunity for parents to tell the College how things are going for you and your children. The College values your feedback and will try and respond to the information you provide.

Similar surveys have been administered to staff last week and students this week to enable us to capture a community snapshot.

Your confidentiality

To protect your confidentiality all surveys are anonymous. All answers go directly to the National School Improvement Partnerships, where the results are analysed for the College. Answers from individual surveys will NOT be reported back to the College. Staff of the National School Improvement Partnerships are bound by a Code of Ethics and follow strict professional conduct.

Use of the data

National School Improvement Partnerships will report the results to the College in an aggregated format so that individuals cannot be identified. To enable drill-down reporting, the information provided to the College will contain data based on background information.

How to complete the survey

You will be asked whether you are completing the survey for an individual child or as a family. If your children’s experiences are similar, then responding once will suffice. However, if your children are experiencing very different learning environments, you might want to answer separately for each child. The survey contains statements about practices which could take place within the College. For each statement, you will be asked to indicate how often the statement takes place. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers. Your opinion is what is wanted.

Please be sure to answer all questions. Some statements may be fairly similar to other statements. Don't worry about this. Simply give your opinion about all statements.

To complete the survey in 2022, parents please go to and enter the access code CCPACS in the Start Questionnaire field.

If you require more information or have any questions, please contact the NSI Team.

Email: NSITeam@NSIpartnerships.com.au

Your time and consideration are much appreciated.

Frank Italiano
Vice Principal


Parent Teacher Student Interviews - Feedback


Review of Children’s Crossing by mainroads/Department of Education

BATEMAN: Murdoch Drive near Somerville Boulevard & Av԰ Christi Carpark Location#: 468 

Please be advised that the above children’s crossing is currently being reviewed by the Children’s Crossings and Road Safety Committee (CC&RSC).

In order to complete the review two sets of surveys (x2 AM and x2 PM) will be conducted at the location along with a site assessment. Please encourage student pedestrians to utilise the facility so that a true picture of the school community’s needs may be gathered.

On completion of the review a report will be forwarded to the Children’s Crossings and Road Safety Committee (CC&RSC) for their consideration and recommendations.


Withdrawing Information

A reminder to parents, if you are withdrawing your child from the College you are required to give a Term's notice in writing. Failure to give adequate notice will result in a Term's fees being charged as per the terms and conditions of enrolment.

If your child will not be returning for Term 3, please email the College as soon as possible to notify us of withdrawal: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au


Sibling Enrolments

We gently remind our community to submit an Application for Enrolment for a new sibling as early as possible.

We encourage applications from birth to avoid disappointment as places cannot be guaranteed, even for siblings, if enrolments are already full.

Please note: a copy of the Birth Certificate is required to accompany the application.

For more information visit:

Student Success

Gisella Colletti (Year 9)

Congratulations to Gisella on her April Elite Eisteddfod results: 

  • 1st place 13-14 years open Musical Theatre vocal solo. 

  • 1st place 13-14 years open pop/ contemporary vocal solo.

  • 2nd place open any Genre J

  • Judges award for vocal technical excellence 

Colin Ross (Year 9)

Colin has been volunteering at Bottle Top Hill sorting bread tags and bottle tops into their colours on a Saturday morning on a regular basis. He recently negotiated with the Superintendent at West Kimberley Prison in Derby to save all used water bottle tops for him to donate to the Bottle Top Hill project. Colin pays for the postage from Derby to Perth from his own pocket money.

He has also recently spent time preparing 'care packages' for various charity organisations at Foodbank.

Well done Colin!

Colin Ross (Year 9) and Makarla Oobagooma (Year 8)

Colin and Makarla, who are both part of the Police Ranger program, spent ANZAC Day at Government House for the ‘Gunfire Breakfast’ and participated in the march. It is wonderful to see these students taking the time to commemorate this significant day.

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:




Mother’s Day Breakfast

We are delighted that restrictions have been lifted so we are able to welcome families on campus and host our first community event for the year.

The College invites students and their Mothers, Grandmothers or a significant lady in their life to a Mother’s Day Breakfast this Friday 6 May, 7.30am to 8.30am at the James Nestor Precinct. 

Tea, coffee, juice and a continental breakfast will be available to guests who RSVP: 

Please RSVP no later than 5.00pm Wednesday 3 May 2022.

Friends of Av԰

We welcome families to attend a planning session scheduled for Wednesday 18 May at 4.30pm in the Sadler Centre located on the Secondary campus (

We will be giving families present the opportunity to provide further strategic input into the Vision and Mission setting process. 

We hope you can join us at our planning session. 

We will send out reminder details closer to the date.



Learn to Swim

The Learn to Swim program has a range of options for all swimming abilities, with bookings now open for Term 2!

Available to primary students, the program will be run on Mondays in Term 2 for an 7-week program.

Be sure to get in quick as spots are limited!

All families who have already booked for this term do not need to re-book, you will receive confirmation of the new lesson time and swimming level via email.

For more information, visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/learn-to-swim

Scholastic Book Club

The Scholastic Book Club is run by volunteer parents and money raised goes to Library and school resources for your children. Scholastic Book Club Issue 3 catalogues have been sent home with the eldest child. Extra forms are available in the Primary office if needed or online.

You can order online through loop (preferred) or the paper form found in the catalogue.


  • Add your child’s name

  • Find Av԰ Christi College K-12 Primary Av԰us Postcode is 6150

  • Search for Year/Class and the teacher’s name

  • Pre Kindy please choose the teachers name linked to Kindy.

  • Any previous Yidarra accounts please change the school name.

Orders are due Tuesday 10 May 2022.


ANZAC Day Primary Service

On Friday 29 April the Av԰ Christi College Primary Assembly held a dedication to ANZAC Day.

Please click the to view the service.


Just Dance Fuse Cup 2022

On Friday 29 April 2022 Hayley Holmes, Harmony Curtis, Alina D’Monte and Taya Limerick from Year 6, competed in a state dance competition. There were two heats, each with 5 songs in a row, until the grand final, were the best from each group competed against each other in the final three songs.

In both rounds the girls competed against three other groups with a variety of ages, from Year 5 to 8. In the first round the girls smashed it and after five songs, were in the lead. Then in the second round, they beat their competitors and achieved their new high scores accomplishing megastar and superstar. They were on a roll!

In the breaks the girls rested and recharged their energy. They learnt taking screen breaks are very important for your mental health. During this time, all the teams discussed how game developers make money off free apps. An example was Fortnite, and how much money they make off people buying skins.

After the break, the girls moved on to the finals against MLC High School. Even though the students were older, the girls were confident about winning. After three songs, the results were in… Av԰ had won the Just Dance Competition! They each won a Fuse Cup Jersey, Logitech Keyboard and Mouse, and one trophy for the school! 

The girls are so proud of themselves and how they danced throughout the competition, and they are now WA Champions for Just Dance 2022! 

Well done!


Secondary All Years (Years 7-12)


Secondary Portrait Day - Wednesday 4 May 2022

Year groups will be escorted by their teacher at their allocated times. All students must bring their smart rider card and present to the photographer during individual photo for quick identification. 

Uniform Requirements

  • All winter uniforms must be correct, jumpers to be removed prior to photo, ties straight, blazers clean and hair neatly presented.

  • Students must not have loose strands of hair over their face, but brushed/styled back neatly. (MSP Staff will advise if a student does not comply with these photo standards on the day and provide grooming options) 

  • Earrings: Only small simple studs/small sleepers are acceptable. (No pearl or sparkly earrings can be worn) 

To order portraits please follow the below instructions or contact MSP Photography for more information.

MSP Photography Online Ordering Instructions

Class Photos/Portraits:

  • Every student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not.

  • Photos are available to purchase via the MSP online ordering system. Your child will be given an online ordering instruction slip in Homeroom and a unique student shootkey.

  • Log onto www.msp.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order.

  • If you lose your shootkey the College Student Services will have a copy to quote back to you.

  • The expiry date for online ordering is the Thursday 19 May 2022. Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee.

  • Spare envelopes (green) are available at school reception should you wish to pay via cash.

Family Photos:

  • Envelopes can be obtained from the Secondary Reception.

  • Family photos are taken from 8.00am-8.40am.

  • Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the Photographers on photo day.

  • If you do not have the correct money, we will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to school.

  • Family photos cannot be ordered online.

  • Once school has received photos, family photos will remain at reception for parents to collect.

Please Note:

  • Individuals and Family Images are not available to view online for Students’ Security

  • If for any reason you need to contact MSP regarding your child’s photos you will be asked to provide your child’s shootkey.


Please contact MSP Photography for any queries about ordering.

08 92408000



Photo Timetable

8.00am - 8.40am Family/Sibling Photos

Period 1 Year 10 Individual photos 

Period 2 Year 9 Individual photos

Period 3 Year 11 Individual photos

Period 4 Year 8 Individual Photos

Period 5 Year 7 Individual Photos

Period 6 Year 12 Individual photos

Senior School (Years 10-12)


Time Organisation 

Many students believe they ‘have their acts together’ and don’t need to organise their time in a structured way using a timetable. The reality for many of them is the exact opposite. Making the choice to create a timetable of their commitments and responsibilities will actually provide them with more time to do what they want to do and sticking to it will also build their resilience to distractions to enable personal and academic growth.

Prioritising is a self-regulation skill which enables them to use their time more effectively by organising what needs to done in order of importance under Musts and Options. Doing this broadens their attention and engagement with what they need to do and ensure that they complete tasks on time.

Musts and Options, Time Understandings and Urgency versus Importance are effective Thinking Tools which provide students with valuable perspectives on the activities they participate in which may include:

  • Sport and other activities practice and part-time jobs

  • Study, reading and deliberate practice to shine up skills

  • Home chores and commitments

  • Social media and gaming

  • Watching TV and playing games

  • Quality time enjoying family and friends

  • Daily exercise and leisure activities

Learning to prioritise and creating a learning/study timetable provides students with the tools to develop growth mindsets to develop their brains’ abilities to overcome setbacks and challenges which inevitably crop up.

In this week’s Senior School Pastoral Sessions, students in Years 10-12 will be focusing on study skills, goal setting and personal well-being which all have an influence on “getting their act together” and should be key components of anyone’s study timetable. These will be of particular importance as we head into the Senior School First Semester Exams. 

Exam Preparation 

Below is a quick checklist for students to use in preparation for these upcoming exams

The key to negotiating exams successfully is to become  

  • “exam smart” and

  • have your preparation routine finely tuned.

Complete the following checklist for each of your subjects

  • Venue, date, time, duration of exam?

  • Format of exam – multiple choice, essays, short answer, etc.

  • Have you allocated time to each section/question according to assigned marks?

  • In most subjects, key areas of study are tested in similar ways each year. Have you assembled a probable/possible layout of questions from past exam papers?

  • Have you a well-defined plan of attack to answer each type of question?

  • Are you well versed in the techniques of analytical, descriptive and expository writing? You will need to know these.

  • Do you have to show your workings, your planning, a flowchart of the processes you followed?

  • What areas of study may be examined by a knowledge of or ability to produce graphs, diagrams, pictures?

  • Is the exam paper divided into specific areas of study? How? Or are the areas of study integrated into the questions?

  • Will you have to interpret, compare, contrast non-text subject materials and then make inferences and conclusions?

  • Many questions will have more than one part; do they follow on sequentially? Are they equal in marks?

  • From your “Exam Terminology: Glossary of Key Words” are you clear on what you may be asked to do in answering the questions? It is important to answer what is being asked, not what you think the question is.

  • Have you planned answers to probable/ possible questions? Be flexible and avoid repeating text verbatim in your answers.

  • Have you assembled a list of dot points to build on for each area of study?

  • Anything else?

  • It all gets down to effort; luck is a result of good planning and the harder you work the more luck you will have

VET and Transition Services

Careers Expo 2022

Everything under one huge roof It’s the only careers event in WA that brings together all of the local universities – and several from the eastern states – plus a huge range of vocational and professional training organisations, industry associations and employers.  For anyone pondering their future, this four-day event is the complete picture, all in one place and entry is free.  

Careers Expo + VET Expo 2022 will be hosted at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) between Thursday 12 May and Sunday 15 May 2022.   

Year 12 – Defence Industries Traineeships 

Have you ever wondered where a career in Defence Industries could take you? This amazing opportunity might be perfect for you!

Programmed, in partnership with the Australian Government and South Metropolitan TAFE in recruiting a large number of trainees to work in the Australian Government's new Defence Industry Pathways Program.

The program is being jointly developed by South Metropolitan TAFE (SMT) and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) as a vocational education and training (VET) pathway program that exposes graduates to a number of fields prior to deciding on a maritime defence pathway for the future.

Learn about this amazing opportunity, as well as other apprenticeship and traineeship job opportunities here: 

North Metropolitan TAFE – Creative Industries

Creative Industries Virtual Open Week launching on May 9th. Future students will be provided with the information on creative courses at the College. Launching on the website on May 9, the platform will provide future students with all the information they need on the education and career pathways that our creative courses offer.

Find out more about the diverse range of creative courses, through student testimonials, student showcases and virtual tours of our campus facilities.

  • Animation and Game Art

  • Art and Design

  • Fashion and Textile Design

  • Film and Television

  • Graphic Design

  • Interior Design

  • Jewellery

  • Music and Sound

  • Photography

  • Product Design

  • Radio Broadcasting

  • Travel and Tourism

  • Visual Arts

If you have any questions regarding the On Demand Open Day or a specific course, our creative industry staff are happy to help via openday@nmtafe.wa.edu.au

Applications for NMTAFE full time study for 2023 will open in September. Details on the website:-  

Career in Traffic Controlling

Airservices Australia are hiring 36 air traffic controllers to manage aircraft in, out and between airports across the nation and the world. While no previous experience or degree is needed to apply, applicants will need to pass rigorous ability tests. Successful applicants will be provided with training for the job. Details contained in the link:- 

University Guides 2023

Online University Guides:




Month of May 

Traditionally in the Catholic Church the month of May is dedicated to Mary. Many families would have prayed the rosary together.  

As a community our devotion to Mary is an important part of Catholic identity. It is Mary’s commitment to saying ‘Yes’ to the will of God that makes her an important person in the Church.  Pope Francis reminds us that: 

‘Mary's response to the invitation of the God who respects human freedom is an invitation to each one of us to explore our own personal histories and to write them anew in Him. We do this by exercising our own freedom. By saying Yes to Jesus. By choosing to live the more excellent way of love. Mary walked this way with extraordinary humility. (1 Cor. 12:31) She shows us the pattern of human love surrendered to Divine Love.’ 

 It is because of this devotion to Mary many people ask for her help in the most difficult moment of their life just like a child does with their mother. 
We will pray the Hail Mary across both campuses as part of this devotion in May. Here is a copy of the Hail Mary if you would like to be a part of praying to Mary this month. 

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. 

Blesses art thou among women, and blessed is 

The fruit of thy womb, Jesus. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God,  

Pray for us sinners now, and at the hour 

Of our death. 


Appeal - Newly Arrived Ukrainians in Perth

The West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office (WACMRO) is assisting the Ukrainian Catholic Community in Perth to settle newly arrived families from Ukraine. WACMRO is seeking financial donations to be used for purchase of vehicles, payment of overseas driver licenses into English, school uniforms, school stationery and textbooks and personal electronic devices. For more information, contact Grace Kurniawan at wacmro@perthcatholic.org.au or 08 9220 5950. 


Faith in Action

A big thank you to all families in the Av԰ Community in particular Year 7 students and the Year 11 and 12 Cadre and Quest Leaders for their support of the Foodbank collection. This was supposed to be completed in Week 2, but due to COVID was postponed. A big thank you for collecting cans in your local neighbourhood.

Have you thought about what opportunities available to you at the College for service?

Below are some opportunities that will be starting Week 3. They range from being creative to being outdoors to fighting for justice in the community. If interested, please come to the Upper Room to sign up for them or speak to the relevant person. Grab a friend or two and have some fun while completing your service. Parents, please have a conversation with your child about what they will be doing for their FIA this year.

FIA hours are by Week 5 Term 3 for Year 11s and Week 2 Term 4 for Year 10s.

If you have completed some hours over the holidays, forms are available for collection from the Upper Room and will need to be returned to the drop box also.


In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:


The next edition of the Av԰ Christi College

e-News will be released on Tuesday 17 May 2022.