Year 8 Language Excursions

On Monday 1 November, all Year 8 students took part in one of the three Language excursions, experiencing unique aspects of Indonesian, Italian and French culture.

The aim of the excursions were to provide deeper insights into the culture behind the languages offered here at the College.

Beginning at Murdoch University, the Indonesian excursion allowed students to learn the traditional Saman dance originating from the island of Sumatra.

They were then taught to play a song together as a Gamelan orchestra (a collection of percussion instruments made from brass and wood – including gongs known as kempul) before coming together for lunch at the Batavia Corner Indonesian restaurant.

The Italian excursion took place in Fremantle, with a walking tour to visit various points of interest relating to Italian influence and contribution to Western Australia.

A walk along the Cappuccino strip showed students the Italian influence in restaurants, cafés and alfresco dining, before learning about Italian migration and contributions in the areas of commerce and finance, politics, fishing, farming, design and architecture at The Welcome Walls, Maritime Museum and Fisherman’s Wharf.

The excursion concluded with a taste of Italy as students enjoyed an authentic gelato and pasta at the Fremantle Italian Club.

The French excursion took students all the way to Caversham for an authentic French food experience at Maison St Honoré, which saw students served sweet and savoury crêpes. 

They were then able to make use of an open, grassed area for some typical outdoor/school yard French games as well as a French version of bingo known as Loto, followed by a visit to the pâtisserie and gift shop for macarons, baguettes and French inspired trinkets.

A big thank you to all the staff who organised and attended to help make the excursions enjoyable and memorable.

We hope these experiences gave students a lasting experience of Indonesian, Italian and French culture!

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