E-News 9 November 2021


Year 11 to 12 Commissioning Mass

We had the opportunity to highlight and celebrate the progression of our current Year 11 students to the commencement of Year 12 courses (ATAR) last week. Thank you again to Fr Phong from St Thomas More Parish, our celebrant for the Mass. He encouraged the students to strive to be like Jesus in their interactions with other member of the community.  

Thank you, Coordinator of Liturgies and Retreats, Mrs Anita Finneran, Head of Year, Mr Ray Andrew, Deputy Principal Ministry, Ms Gemma Wooltorton, Music Teachers, Mr Jonathon Bradley and Mr Charles Pinkham for the overall organisation and music. Well done to the students in the choir.

Congratulations to:

  • the 11 students who were acknowledged as our latest Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They pledged to serve to build up the Church and the College community.

  • the students awarded Certificates of Endeavour for Term Three.


Message from Star of the Sea Catholic Primary Carnarvon

Steve O'Halloran
St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School Carnarvon

Wednesday 3 November:

 It was fantastic to wake up this morning to the fantastic news that Cleo Smith had been found alive and well.  Steve O’Halloran, Principal of St Mary Star of the Sea, sends the following message to all of you.

On behalf of all at St Mary Star of the Sea Carnarvon, thank you to all our schools for the many prayers that have been answered today with the return of Cleo Smith to her family. The whole Carnarvon community is rejoicing today with this fantastic news. The police and volunteers have done an amazing job in locating Cleo. Thank you, and we continue to pray for little Cleo and her family.


We all lead complicated lives with many demands on our time. It is really important that we focus on the positives when we face challenges. This graphic highlighting some Gratitude Questions that you may find useful in assisting us to focus on the positive.

Open Day Success  

This Saturday the College will host an Open Day. Thank you to Mrs Alex Carcione for the overall coordination of the day and to the College staff before, during and after the event. We are expecting over 500 participants. As always, we would not be able to have these days without our wonderful students – the Tour Guides and musicians, they are to be commended for their willingness to serve the College community.  

 Student Opportunities

Year 8

On Monday last week, Year 8 students were involved in two unique curriculum opportunities which promoted connection, creativity, curiosity and challenge.

The Languages Learning Area facilitated Year 8 excursions for French, Indonesian and Italian classes. The exposure to other cultures through food, history and music is always a recipe for success. Thank you to Head of Languages Mrs Linda MacDonald and her team for these opportunities.

Mathematics, Science and the Technology and Enterprise Learning Areas combined to deliver Year 8 STEM for 2021. Thank you to STEM Coordinator Mr Rowan Platel.

Year 9

Head of VET and Careers, Mrs Kath Davey and her Team, Mrs Rachel Burke and Mrs Leana Martin, in consultation with Head of Year Mrs Cheryl-Lynn Mothiram and Deputy Principal Middle School Mr Simon Messer, developed and presented a program for Year 9 students.

The program involved a number of guest speakers and industry representatives:

  • Tourism Hospitality and Events from Future Now

  • Childcare, Education Support and Community Services from Fremantle Education Centre. 

  • Motor Trade Association – Automotive Trades

  • South Metropolitan TAFE Tradition Trades and para-professional. 

The day also included a panel discussion with “Av԰ Champions” (current and former Year 11 and 12 students) who outlined their career journey and demonstrated their keenness to provide inspiration for students and tips on being successful.

Year 12 WACE Examinations 

We continue to pray and think about our Year 12 students who are completing their WACE examinations.


Lord, I pray for our students who are taking their exams at this time of the year. I know that You are with them during this time of loneliness, challenge, anxiety and stress.

Reach out and touch the hearts and minds of our students with a sense that you are with them; with confidence to face the challenge; and with the realisation that their anxiety and stress can be a positive energy in their pursuit of excellence.

Give them insight to understand what they have studied and help them to remember it when the time comes.

Help them to keep in perspective the many gifts and talents you have already given them that they may use them for the greater honour and glory of God.


Thank you

Frank Italiano





In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

Student Success


𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗪𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 (𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝟭𝟮)

Congratulations to Ella who took part in the Apex Australia Teenage Fashion Competition, working with the recently retired Mrs Drygan to enter two dresses into the Evening Wear Category. Judged both on its appearance and flair on the catwalk and on technical sewing and construction, Ella was awarded 1st place in the Evening Wear category for her black and orange dress pictured.

𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗵 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗯𝘆 (𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝟵)

Congratulations to Hannah on being the first Av԰ student to complete their Bronze Duke of Ed Award! Hannah is pictured here from the 'Practice Adventurous Journey' earlier this year.

Founded in the UK in 1956 by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is a leading youth development program aimed at empowering all young Australians aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance.

𝗞𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 (𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝟳)

Well done Keiter on making the State Schoolgirls WA U12 Touch Football team! Last week the team travelled to the Goldfields to compete against the Goldfields Affiliated teams and attended various educational experiences along the way. Congratulations Keiter on your achievement!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:



Drop-off and Pick-up Reminder

The welfare of students is our number one priority at Av԰ Christi College.

Families are encouraged to use the marked 'kiss and drive' bays and not stop near the entrance to the lower staff car park by the oval, this is to ensure a safe and continuous flow of traffic.

We would like to remind families that the Dean Road entry to the College is not to be used as a drop-off or pick-up point for students. We would also like to remind families to pay attention to the existing signage and road rules that exist.

We thank everyone for their co-operation in ensuring the safety of our students.

Years 7-11 Booklists Now Available

Booklists for Years 7 to 11 are now available to be ordered online!

Please note all orders must be completed online by Friday 10 December, or they may incur a late fee.

For more information visit:

2022 Dance Clubs

We'd like to invite expressions of interest for our Dance extra-curricular programs for 2022!

The following groups are open to interested students:

  • Dance Company

  • Dance Collective

  • The Crew

  • Dance Club

  • Dance Collage

Please note expressions of interest for some of these groups close on 14 November 2021 due to auditions commencing in Week 6.

To register your interest and for more information, visit:

Uniform Update

Please note that we now have all sizes in stock for our short sleeve shirts. For more information and opening hours, please visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/uniform-shop


School Sports WA Triathlon

Last Thursday 4 November, 74 Av԰ athletes travelled out to Champion Lakes Regatta Centre for the annual School Sports WA Triathlon.

Av԰ fielded 20 competitors in solo events where individuals completed all three disciplines of swimming, cycling and running, with more than 50 of our students entering the team events where they completed the course in relay fashion.

Congratulations to all who took part, with many of our students achieving top 20 placings within big fields made up of about 40 competing schools.


  • 2nd Max Buiks (Year 7)

  • 20th Eilidh Milne (Year 7)

  • 17th Oisin Deery (Year 9)

  • 10th Ben Robinson (Year 10)

  • 8th Killian Jordan-Keane (Year 11)

  • 12th Brendan Boudville (Year 11)


  • 8th Year 8 Girls 1 Jessica Hartono, Zamia Williams, Amy Passauer

  • 10th Year 8 Girls 2 Emily Boudville, Maya Bleakley, Rafaela Thomson

  • 13th Senior Boys Ryan Chai, Ruari Want, Darren Fernandez

  • 17th Year 8 Boys Samuel Dimov, Hudson Cooper, Talan Shabani

  • 20th Year 9 Boys Michael McFerran, Joshua Diaz, Tyson Enriquez

A big thank you to all involved in the preparation for this event!


Music Tutor Recital Night

We warmly welcome you to join us for our Term 4 Music Tutor Recital Night. The evening provides an opportunity for our Music Tutor students to perform a piece they have been learning during lessons.

Tickets are $5 per person and are available via:



We invite our community to come and rock the night away with performances from all of our College rock bands.

Tickets are $5 per person and are available via:


Year 10 River Cruise

Year 10 students are invited aboard Captain Cook Cruises for the Year 10 River Cruise! This highlight of the Year 10 social calendar takes place on Monday 6 December 6.00-9.00pm, with a 5.45pm boarding time at Barrack Street Jetty.

With tickets including pizza, drinks, DJ and a photo booth - this event is not to be missed! RSVP by 24 November 2021 at


Year 7 Disco

This Thursday 11 November the Year 7s will be celebrating their end of year social event the Year 7 Disco.

Details of the event below:

- Time: 6.00 - 8.00pm

- Theme: 90's theme

- Cost: $5.00 payable to Homeroom teacher this week

- Included: Sausage sizzle, ice cream, drink and a whole lot of fun



Vinnies Christmas Appeal – ALL YEARS

The Ministry Department would like to invite all students to participate in the generous giving of the Christmas season through the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. In Homeroom this week, you will find a coloured tub with a list of required items.

With the help of your Homeroom Teacher you will be asked to choose from the provided list an item or two to bring in. These donations are due to your Homeroom by FRIDAY 19 NOVEMBER (WEEK 6). Please be as generous as you can, there are many people in our community this year who may be in more need than usual. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Year 9 Students and Their Families


Thank you for rising to the challenge to bring in stationery items and toiletry items. Your generosity has been overwhelming, if you have any donations left in Homeroom, please bring to the Upper Room to finalise the donations.

Extended Homeroom Week 2 Activities

 During the Extended Homeroom in Week 2, students in Years 7 to 10 completed a reflection based upon their recent experience of in Faith in Action Program. Why do students need to complete a reflection? It comes to the College from CEWA in the Guidelines and Framework for Christian Service Learning. It states “critical self-evaluation is a crucial component of Christian Service Learning; it is the third element that is essential for CSL”. 

Years 7 to 9 were reflecting upon Selfless September where they were asked to complete a selfless act each day of September. The Year 10s were reflecting upon their whole year program and what they have learnt through this experience.

Students completed these reflections through a platform called “Flipgrid”, where they record a small video, no longer than 2 minutes to the questions posed. Below are some videos to some reflections that the students did.

Challenge: Ask to see your child’s video reflection on their Faith in Action journey in 2021. Thank you for your continued support of the FIA program here at the College.


Thank you from Catholic Mission

Dear students, parents & staff of Av԰ Christi College, 

Please accept my heartfelt thanks on behalf of the Catholic Mission for your tremendous effort that went into supporting the work  of the Catholic Mission, of reaching out and giving life to hundreds of vulnerable and disadvantaged children throughout the developing world this year.  

 It has surely been a very challenging year for everyone, but against all odds your School has yet again taken part of an outstanding work of Mission that will be remembered forever. Your missionary spirit and the great generosity of your school community will make a tremendous impact in the lives of hundreds of vulnerable and disadvantaged children throughout the developing world, especially the children at the Good Shepherd centre in Thailand. 

On behalf of Pope Francis, all our Catholic Missionaries and the Communities they serve, once again thank you for recognising, loving and supporting the “least” of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that God’s love continues to widespread in your school community throughout this year and years to come. 

Judith Nyamuli
Catholic Mission


Reflection: Prefect Av԰

 Thank you to our 2022 Head Boy and Girl Emmanuel Foo and Sabina Vicoli for sharing their reflection of the recent Prefect Av԰.

“The 2022 Prefect team attended ‘Prefect Av԰’ at the Rossmoyne Epiphany Centre. The camp lasted two days and took place on the 27th and 28th of October. After arriving, we discussed Leadership and what it means to be a leader. Further into the day, Mr Jackson lead the group in team building exercises and talked about trust and the importance of having trusting relationships in leadership teams. We then collaborated in a group discussion, brainstorming ideas for a set of values, which we as the Prefect Team, intend to uphold and reflect in all we do. This was an opportunity for all of us to voice our opinions but also the start of our journey of working together as a team. The remainder of the day was spent planning for the future, in particular, meeting with House Co-ordinators and Committee leaders to plan for next year and brainstorm ideas surrounding the upcoming amalgamation.

On Day 2, we were, for the first time, introduced to the Marketing side of being a Prefect, learning the ins and outs of the College image and online reputation, and discovering how we, the Prefects, could then contribute to that online presence. Afterwards, we met Mr Jeff Allen, the new Av԰ Principal, who captivated us with his passion for Servant Leadership. He shared his story, wisdom and vision for the future K-12 College and the part we would play in it.

Each of us learnt many valuable lessons during Prefect Av԰ and now possess a clearer vision for the class of 2022 and the new K-12 Av԰ Christi College.” 


Tips from the Psychologists: How to Deal with Disturbing Content

The Netflix series Squid Game has been really popular with young people recently. It deals with some heavy themes, including suicide, violence, exploitation of vulnerable people and substance abuse. At times, disturbing or controversial content can be hard to avoid. Teens may choose to still watch these shows or hear about them at school.  We thought this article from Reachout may be helpful, so that you can open up conversations about how to cope when seeing distressing or uncomfortable content.


Av԰ Communications