Middle School News - Week 10 Term 3

NAPLAN Results 2018 ā€“ Year 7 and 9

Individual NAPLAN 2018 student reports were distributed to all families. Students will receive a personalised envelope in Homeroom by Friday 21 September. If you have not received your copy, please contact the College.

For your convenience, the College will also add NAPLAN records in SEQTA early Term Four.

NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy. It is important to remember that NAPLAN tests are not pass/fail tests. At the classroom level it is one of a number of important tools used by teachers to measure student progress.

How is NAPLAN performance measured?

NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, and is designed to illustrate the range of student performance across the country.

Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test. The performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia. Information on individual student reports is available in the Student report- information for parents brochure. More detailed information on the reporting of NAPLAN results is available in the Results and reports section.

The following presentation provides further information about how to interpret NAP results: Ā· View a video (5 min 39 s) that explains how NAPLAN results are reported, including the individual student report.

 College Awards

Term 3 Awards (Middle School)

At the first Year assembly for Term Four (Wednesday 10 October, 8.45am), we will acknowledge student performance for Term Three. Certificates of Endeavour will be awarded to students who have demonstrated:

Ā·       outstanding effort over the term

Ā·       consistent application in class

Ā·       positive cooperation and

Ā·       thorough completion of homework and assignment tasks.

 All parents/carers are welcome to attend.


Year 7

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Year 7ā€™s on their approach this term.  Behaviour and attitude to learning has been superb throughout, it is hard to believe that we are moving into the last term as year 7ā€™s. I call on all year 7ā€™s to make the transition of our incoming Year 6ā€™s a smooth and welcoming experience ā€“ they have already set a great example to our new students.

I would also like to thank our Grandparents for attending grandparents mass. The event was a huge success and our students represented the college perfectly. 

ā€œYou are the link to our heritage and family history and the great advice and generosity you give create a special bond.

You are precious and unique and you help us to create fond memories that will comfort us through our lives.ā€

Our pastoral program will continue into next term as we continue to work on ā€œMental Healthā€. The recent sessions have focused on ā€œGrowth Mindsetā€ encouraging our students to have a positive and resilient approach to their learning.

I wish our Year 7 community a restful break.


Year 8 Pastoral Session - eSmart

Tuesday 11 Sept ā€“ Period 3

 In Week 9 of this term, Australian Schools took part in the National eSmart Week, celebrating building cyber safe communities. The aim is create an Australia that is free from cyber bullying, with digital citizens who know how to embrace the best that technology can offer, whilst being smart, safe and responsible online.

 As part of the Year 8 Pastoral Program, our Year 8 students took part in range of activities which enabled them to reflect on their own digital footprint and debated the statement ā€œTechnology brings us together more than it divides usā€. It was interesting to hear the students thoughts and opinions as they rigorously argued in the affirmative or negative.



Year 9 Guest Speaker - Jade Lewis ā€“ Just Say No!

Just Say No is a 40-60 minute drug prevention presentation designed specifically for school students. Jade delivered a responsible and powerful drug and alcohol awareness and prevention presentation to the Year 9 students on Tuesday 11 September. The presentation educates youth about the real dangers and consequences of drug use and then equips them with alternative ways to live a drug free, fulfilled, motivated life in a world full of temptations.

 This is a fresh message of hope to young people who are seeing an increasing rate of drug experimentation, addiction, crime, violence and in some cases death. 

2018 STEM Learning Conference ā€“ Monday 17th September

Year 7 students ā€“ Luka Gvozdin, Elaine James, Jacinta Thamrin


Our STEM group represented the Year 7s from AvŠŌ°® Christi College at the STEM expo today. We had a stall showcasing our work, as well as Year 8 and 9. Some people came up to us and asked questions about what we did and what we enjoyed about it. While others just walked past and had a glance at our posters. It was really fun and an exciting experience.


Today our STEM group was lucky enough to present at the STEM Conference and show others what we did as our STEM project and how we did it. People came around asking questions about how well we worked and what we liked about our project. There were lots of different stalls presenting different things. My favourite stall was the scitech duck stall which represented how everyoneā€™s minds worked in a different way. They asked us to create a duck out of a certain amount of LEGO bricks, and no two ducks were the same.

I really enjoyed attending the STEM conference because it was very interesting to see other peopleā€™s work and it was fun to teach others about what we did as our project.



Year 8 students ā€“ Chloe Duxbury Allen-Galvin, Audrey Ho, Alyssa Salim

Throughout this experience at the STEM exposition at Burswood Crown. Alyssa, Chloe and Audrey have collaborated together to have an amazing time and inform people who are interested with their STEM project. The STEM expedition has given them the opportunity to share and learn from other schoolā€™s ideas. Throughout the day, they have been able inform others about our project and through this we were able to develop their public speaking skills to explain our Will It Fly? Kite STEM project. They have really enjoyed their experience at the Expo, from the food, to the people to the innovative STEM projects, they have expanded their knowledge and mindset, to achieve greater accomplishments in the future.

Year 9 students ā€“ Olivia Dellaca, Alessandra Flexman, Lottie Zollner

On the 17th of September, 3 students from Year seven, eight and nine where selected to attend the STEM Learning Conference accompanied by Miss Coma, Mrs Hall and Mrs Armenti. It was a day full of interesting stalls, interactive activities and friendly teachers and adults. We had many conversations with teachers from other schools that had come to show how their community have made STEM apart of their curriculum and lessons. From seeing different exhibits this influenced us onto making AvŠŌ°®ā€™ STEM program expand and grow. 

Our stall on the day, showed our hard work and effort in the Stem project. Each STEM group displayed their own portfolio to show the public. We taught people about how we constructed our STEM project and how it helped us to grow and develop in our learning, while improving our skills of organisation, cooperation, communication and team work. We displayed photos and portfolios of our STEM progress, through posters and computers. We enjoyed showing others our hard work and learning about how STEM is used in different schools. 

Some schools attending the exhibition where Sacred Heart College, Bold Park Community School, Ashdale Secondary College, singleton primary school and Brookman primary school. The schools displayed how they had incorporated STEM into their curriculum which included the use of drones, 3D printers, laser printers, sphero programming, handmade books, creating handmade art works and stop motions. 

It was a great learning experience and opened our eyes to how STEM has grown and will grow in the future. We encourage students to be a part of this science, technology, engineering and mathematics program. 

Thank you to Mrs Hall, Mrs Armenti and Miss Coma for this great experience.

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