‘AvÐÔ°® Perspectives’

On Friday the 17th of September, the Year 12 ATAR Dance and Drama students performed at ‘AvÐÔ°® Perspectives’. Timed to coincide with the Visual Arts, Technology & Enterprise Exhibition ‘Where the Wild Things Are’, this event showcased the wonderful talents of our students across a range of Arts subjects.

The students performed original solos that they had created themselves based around an idea or concept. The ideas explored through the dance pieces and dramatic monologues ranged from the entertaining and fun, to exploring how our world functions, and serious social issues. Performing a solo in front of a large audience is daunting at the best of times, however performing something of your own creation is especially nerve racking due to the ownership you feel over it and fear of the audience’s judgement. All of the performers took on this challenge and did a wonderful job – the Arts staff could not be prouder of them. We’d also like to thank the audience for the support and encouragement they showed to the students.

 This was a major assessment task for all students involved and they were marked on their performance during the evening. The students will perform these solos again as part of their Practical WACE exams which start in the first week of the September holidays. We wish them luck!

 Year 12 students involved in the performance:

 -       James Dalgleish

-       Riley de Rosario

-       Caitlin Dougall

-       Ayesha D’Souza

-       Breanna Furfaro

-       Isabel Gelfi (Year 10)

-       Sophie Hale

-       Sarah Ho

-       Stephanie Hollins

-       Amelia Kenny

-       Taylia Kenny

-       Will Kloosterman

-       Joshua Lees

-       Evie Meldrum

-       Shannon O’Leary

-       Beth Tavini

-       Isabella Thexeria

-       Amy Waller

Thank yous:

 -       James Dove for helping organise the evening and taking videos and photographs of the performance

-       Michelle Hunt for behind the scenes support

-       Clare Pickersgill and Marcus Passauer for designing the promotional material

-       Evan Georgopoulos for setting up the performance space and running the sound for the Drama students during the performance

-       Kelsi Davis for marking the Drama monologues

-       Jacqui Claus for marking the Dance performances


Caroline Fuhr

Teacher in Charge of Dance

IT Support