Year 7 Reflection Days

Year7Activity1 Year7Activity2The Year 7 students recently participated in a Reflection Day with the theme, the 'Hero Within'.

This program topic is designed to help lower and middle school students recognise the hero within them, and how they can make a contribution to the world.

Many young people have ā€œHeroā€™sā€ that they look up to but fail to recognise that they too have heroic qualities and the ability to make a difference. For males and females these heroā€™s are often very different, so this program will be altered if it is delivered to a single gender group.

To assist in the students understanding of heroā€™s and to add further student appeal, a number of parallels are drawn to ā€˜superherosā€™ as well as real life heroā€™s.

The content of this program is not designed specifically to address the content of any units studied in the religious education curriculum, but is a topic ideal for all lower and middle school students. The sessions comprised of a variety of fun and engaging activities, including a series of presentations and games which promotes group discussion and reflective exercises.

Ultimately, the purpose of the Reflection Day is to not only reflect on heroic role models and how they show their true potential (Including Jesus), but to develop and recognise a healthy self-esteem amongst the students and developing a compassion and concern for others.