Sorry Day

On Tuesday 26 May, the College participated in Sorry Day, the day where we recognise the wrongs that have been done in the past to Aboriginal Australians and our endeavours to move forward with the healing.

From young children we learn the value and strength of being given an apology, whether it is from sibling, friend or stranger who may of made a mistake or done wrong by us. We have all been there and I am sure have all said the words “I didn’t even get an apology”. An apology has strength to help us MOVE FORWARD.

The Day will focus on the healing needed throughout Australian society if we are to achieve reconciliation" (Extract from the National Sorry Day Council Archives: Senator Aden Ridgeway, National Day of Healing Launch, Great Hall Parliament House, Canberra, Wednesday 25 May 2005).

Students participated in an activity whereby they cut out red, black and yellow hands and wrote messages of hope and reconciliation on them. When placed in in the allocated space on the grassy knoll near the Cafeteria, they formed the image of the Aboriginal Flag. It was truly a symbol of unity, reconciliation and community.

Our current Mulan Programme students also held information sessions on the stage area, as well as fundraising for the 2015 programme with the selling of a Sausage sizzle and drinks.

Reconciliation Week commences 27 May – 3 June.

if you would like to donate to the Mulan Immersion 2015, click on the link below and help sustain this rewarding connection for our students.
