Languages Week at Junior School

During Languages Week, Indonesia Dance Studios visited the Junior School for three days to celebrate Indonesian culture through dance and art. Our Pre-Primary, Year One and Year Two students looked amazing in their new traditional costumes from Jakarta worn by the Betawi people. They learnt traditional dance and were taught songs in Indonesian including “The love of Jesus never changes†and “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.â€

With our Year Four and Five students, Indonesia Dance Studios held art workshops, teaching our students how to make batik umbrellas. The students loved it and were so proud of their finished product with some of them being inspired to work on more handicraft ideas at home.

Our Year Five and Six students enjoyed the delicate skill of making and decorating batik fans which looked very impressive. This was the first time a Primary School in Perth has made batik fans/umbrellas through Indonesia Dance Studios and it was a great success. The students are to be congratulated for their excellent manners, enthusiasm and patience when trying something new. Well done everyone!

Nisha Mudaliar