Goal setting for the new school year

The start of a new school year is an ideal time for students in all year levels to consider what they’d like to achieve for the year ahead and how approach it. Setting goals is an important skill that helps academic, physical and spiritual development.

A powerful process for thinking about what your ideal future looks like, goal setting helps to motivate you to turn your vision into reality.

By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you are equipped with the knowledge of where to concentrate your efforts, as well as what distractions might lead you astray.

At AvÐÔ°® Christi, we encourage goal-setting within the iSMART framework. When setting goals, there are some important things to consider: 

Keep it inspiring 

Enthusiasm is key to maintaining the drive to achieve. Perhaps you know of someone who has already succeeded in your field of interest â€“ a ‘hero’/role model.

Having an example to aspire to can help with providing some inspiration and a standard to aim for.

Whether it’s improving a subject grade or achieving a personal best in sport, the goal should feel worth striving for and be something to be proud of.   

Be specific, with measurable progress 

When goals are too general or vague, it can be difficult to get a sense of what to aim for or how you’re progressing. This is why it’s helpful to ‘pin down’ the intended outcome.   

For example, rather than simply ‘become better at maths’, it’s clearer to set a goal to ‘go from a C to a B in maths in Semester 1’.  

A clear plan can now be mapped out and progress tracked in real terms, making it easier to judge if the study plan is working or if adjustments are needed.  

Keep it achievable and realistic 

It’s important not to aim too high, as unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment. Aim for something realistically within reach if you work at it.  

With each step of improvement, you’ll be motivated to continue as you get closer to where you want to be. When you get there, you’ll get the boost of having succeeded and can then go on to set new goals.  

It’s also important not to aim too low, as it’ll be more satisfying and confidence-building for you to develop your God-given talents. For example, compare ‘kick one goal this season’ to ‘make the inter-school football finals with my team!’ 

Be time-bound 

Goals should be bound to a period of time, whether it be a term, a semester, a year, a competition season or other. This will keep you accountable and prevent you from abandoning the goal. Log your own progress along the way and reflect on how things are going. 

It’s also important to remember that we don’t always succeed at achieving our goals. This reality is a life lesson we must all learn. When this happens, we can set new goals and ‘bounce back’.    

By keeping things iSMART, you’ll be on track to make 2022 your year!