eNews #6 Term Two Week 11

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[tab_item active="yes" title="From The Principal" tabs="tabs"]

Dear Parents

Week Eleven has continued to be a busy one with the Music Night, Public Speaking Competition, Grand Finals in the senior girls and junior boysā€™ football, as well as the Parents and Friends meeting on Tuesday night. Large numbers of parents attended these events, which indicates the strength of the spirit of the College.

Notably, last Saturday, Mrs Noreen Stevenson prepared our students for the State Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth. We must acknowledge Rebekah-Anne Craggs, Sam Coten (third overall) and Ikeoluwapo (Ike) Adesanya (runner-up in the Junior Division), who represented AvŠŌ°® Christi College and express our delight with Rebekah-Anne who won the final of the Senior Section, and is now off to Sydney to compete in the National Final, where she will speak at Parliament House in Macquarie Street on Saturday 25 July. As many parents would be aware, it is Noreenā€™s commitment that provides ā€˜a voiceā€™ and opportunity for many of our high achieving and talented students.

Academic Award winners from Years 7 to 12 were acknowledged at the whole school assembly on Wednesday and I take this opportunity to congratulate these dedicated, hardworking students.

Finally, with the vast majority of teachers involved with preparing students for examinations, involving solid weeks of marking papers, finalising reports, and then, coordinating many extra-curricular opportunities whilst embracing ongoing improvement in teaching practices to engage students, and guide them to achieve good results, as we commence the holiday period. I am sure our teaching staff are looking forward to a well-earned rest.

Staff Farewells and Movements

Having been at the College since 2012, Business Manager Mr Vince Ialeggio has resigned after a period of leave, this term. College Accountant Mrs Claire Newsham will continue as the Acting Business Manager until we are able to make an appointment later next term.

History and Humanities teacher Mr James Stapleton has also resigned at the end of this term, after deciding to return to his family and friends in Ireland. Mr Graham Jones has recently resigned from his role as the Design and Technology Technician and will leave early in Term Three.

We wish staff who are on leave from Term Three, all the best: Messrs Peter Hackett and Michael Rathmann are on leave in Semester Two, and in Term Three, Mr Jim Elliott, Mrs Anna Triscari, Mr James Howard, and Miss Donna Chong. I will also be away on leave for the first four weeks, with Mr Ian Hagen appointed as Acting Principal whilst I am overseas.

For all parents, students and staff, please have a wonderful July holiday break and return refreshed and ready for the challenges and opportunities that will form part of Term Three.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Caroline Payne

One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


[tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Australian Curriculum Update (Years 7 -10)" accordion="accordion"]

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority that is in the process of developing and implementing a national curriculum. ACARA is yet to complete the development of the ā€œAustralian Curriculumā€ across ALL learning areas, however, Phase One subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are finalised and ready for reporting. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has mandated that all schools report on student progress in Phase One subjects for students in Years 7 to 10.

AvŠŌ°® Christi College will start to provide this information on the Semester One Report. Students will receive two grades for these subjects, a school based Course grade and an Australian Curriculum (State) grade. With respect to all other subjects (where the Australian Curriculum is yet to be finalised by ACARA) students will only receive a school based Course grade as has always been the case.


[accordion_item title="Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Tuesday 28 July" accordion="accordion"]

Interviews for Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 will be conducted on Tuesday 28 July from 12.30pm to 7.30pm. There will be a thirty minute break from 5pm to 5.30pm.

Each interview time is only seven minutes in duration. Please note that there may be a limited number of timeslots available. To help with this, please ensure you only book ONE timeslot with your childā€™s teacher, even if they teach your child in multiple subjects.

If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of P/T/S interviews, you may contact the relevant teachers directly to arrange a meeting on another date.

If your childā€™s teacher has indicated ā€˜Interview requestedā€™ in his/her Semester One Report, it is highly recommended that you book an interview with the relevant teacher(s), even if the PTO booking system does not specify that an interview is requested. If your child does not have any interview requests, then your discretion should be used as to whether or not you book an interview with their teacher(s).

For information relating to P/T/S Interviews, please check the respective year group portals.

PTO will be made available to parents for bookings on Monday 20 July at 5pm and will close at 8am on the day of the interviews.

Please contact Sara Low at Student Services on 6332 2505 or slow@corpus.wa.edu.au if you need further assistance.


[accordion_item title="The Bishopsā€™ Religious Literacy Assessment 2014 ā€“ Year 9" accordion="accordion"]

At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in The Bishopsā€™ Religious Literacy Assessment (BRLA) on Tuesday 28 July (Term Three, Week Two). The assessment will be accessible to students only online.

Students enrolled in Year 9 who are following a regular classroom program are expected to participate. Students with disability are also entitled to participate in the assessment. Exemptions may apply.


[accordion_item title="The Nature and Role of the BRLA" accordion="accordion"]

The Bishopsā€™ Religious Literacy Assessment is a large-scale, standardised assessment program. The BRLA consists of a series of Religious Education (RE) tests developed and marked by the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia (CEOWA). Formal school and student reports are produced by the CEOWA for students in Year 5 and Year 9.

The BRLA provides a ā€˜point in timeā€™ snapshot of student performance in RE. Studentsā€™ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum is assessed using a combination of multiple choice, short and extended response items. Studentsā€™ faith is not assessed. The use of the BRLA complements the school based assessment programs in RE.

Please contact your childā€™s teacher or myself, if you have any inquiries regarding the administration of The Bishopsā€™ Religious Literacy Assessment 2015.

Silvana Vicoli
Head of Religious Education


[accordion_item title="Academic Excellence Program ā€“ Monitoring student learning" accordion="accordion"]

In Term Two, 70 students from Year 7-9 were identified as being academically able and have been given the opportunity to complete a survey followed by an interview with me.

The interviews have involved:

  • Reviewing the studentā€™s Term One interim reports
  • Reflecting on results and academic progress
  • The setting of short term and long term goals
  • Discussing student interests and strengths
  • Discussing classroom extension and support
  • Identifying their preferred and least preferred learning styles
  • The purpose of the interviews have been to assist the College in catering for student needs in and out of the classroom. In terms of out of the classroom, we can match the student to different learning opportunities based on their interests. In terms of in the classroom, teachers will be provided with information that will assist in extending or supporting the student and their learning.

    In Semester Two, I will follow up with all students so that they can reflect on their Semester One report and once again set themselves goals for Semester Two.

    Filipa Carvalho
    Head of Academic Excellence


    [accordion_item title="Year 9 Personal Project" accordion="accordion"]

    All year 9 students should have met with their staff supervisor twice this term and now be well on their way to completing their personal project. An overview of what has happened to date is detailed below.

    At the beginning of the year, the students submitted their plans to me for approval. After completing the plan, students were then asked to research and gather information about their project. Students were then required to show evidence of their research to their personal project supervisor at their initial meeting (earlier this term).

    All students should now be working on their actual project and will hopefully have this completed early next term, before beginning their report. Information and details on the report will be provided early next term.

    If your child seems unsure/unclear about what is expected of them, please direct them to the year 9 portal (everything they need to know is there).

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Mrs Naomi Larson
    Head of Year 9


    [accordion_item title="Year 9 Pastoral Program ā€“ Online Study Skills" accordion="accordion"]

    This term the year 9 students have been using the ELES Online Study Skills Program and have completed units on Time Management, Developing Motivation and Goal Setting. All students are encouraged to transfer what they have learnt and utilize these essential skills in their everyday learning.

    The ELES Study Skills Program is a great online resource for students and parents to address all their study skills issues and concerns and includes lots of information as well as a large number of interactive activities.

    Please take the time to look at the site so you know what topics are covered and what resources are available. To access the program, please go to:


    Username: corpuschristi
    Password: 33achieve

    Mrs Naomi Larson
    Head of Year 9



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Subject Selection for Year 11 and 12 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    All current Year 10 and 11 students now have access to their Subject Selection Handbook for 2016. At the start of Term Three the students will be provided with their SSO (Subject Selection Online) password and login information to commence the selection process. Probation forms will be available from Student services and the Heads of Year.


    [accordion_item title="Australian Curriculum Update (Years 7 -10)" accordion="accordion"]

    The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority that is in the process of developing and implementing a national curriculum. ACARA is yet to complete the development of the ā€œAustralian Curriculumā€ across ALL learning areas, however, Phase One subjects: English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are finalised and ready for reporting. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has mandated that all schools report on student progress in Phase One subjects for students in Years 7 to 10.

    AvŠŌ°® Christi College will start to provide this information on the Semester One Report. Students will receive two grades for these subjects, a school based Course grade and an Australian Curriculum (State) grade. With respect to all other subjects (where the Australian Curriculum is yet to be finalised by ACARA) students will only receive a school based Course grade as has always been the case.


    [accordion_item title="Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews - Tuesday 28 July" accordion="accordion"]

    Interviews for Years 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 will be conducted on Tuesday 28 July from 12.30pm to 7.30pm. There will be a thirty minute break from 5pm to 5.30pm.

    Each interview time is only seven minutes in duration. Please note that there may be a limited number of timeslots available. To help with this, please ensure you only book ONE timeslot with your childā€™s teacher, even if they teach your child in multiple subjects.

    If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of P/T/S interviews, you may contact the relevant teachers directly to arrange a meeting on another date.

    If your childā€™s teacher has indicated ā€˜Interview requestedā€™ in his/her Semester One Report, it is highly recommended that you book an interview with the relevant teacher(s), even if the PTO booking system does not specify that an interview is requested. If your child does not have any interview requests, then your discretion should be used as to whether or not you book an interview with their teacher(s).

    For information relating to P/T/S Interviews, please check the respective year group portals.

    PTO will be made available to parents for bookings on Monday 20 July at 5pm and will close at 8am on the day of the interviews.

    Please contact Sara Low at Student Services on 6332 2505 or slow@corpus.wa.edu.au if you need further assistance.

    God Bless

    Ian Hagen
    Deputy Principal Senior School



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="AvŠŌ°® General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Ministry News" accordion="accordion"]

    Weekly Homeroom Masses ā€“ Fridays 8.00am in the College Chapel

    Throughout semester 1, all Year 7, all Year 12, most Year 11, and a couple of Year 9 homerooms have congregated in the College Chapel to celebrate the Eucharist. Students are to be commended on their reverence and participation as they have hopefully developed a deeper understanding of their faith through the experience. I would also like to acknowledge Rebecca Machado (12CH) who has carried the music ministry during these celebrations, and also to Angelo Ravina (10ME) who has also commenced playing for our homeroom masses.

    The College extends thanks and appreciation to priests from our local parishes for their spiritual guidance and support during our Eucharistic celebrations.

  • Fr Jeronimo Flamenco (St Thomas More, Bateman)
  • Fr Paul Manickathan (Queen of Apostles, Riverton)
  • Fr John Flynn (Pallottine Centre, Rossmoyne)
  • Fr Ray Hevern (Pallottine Centre, Rossmoyne)
  • Fr Terry Raj (St Judeā€™s, Langford)
  • Fr Jude D'Rozario (Castledare, Wilson)
  • Fr Joe Cardoso (Sts John and Paul, Willetton)
  • Fr Phillip Fleay (St Benedictā€™s, Applecross)
  • Fr Francis Ughanze (Our Lady of Fatima, Palmyra)
  • It has been pleasing to see a number of our parents in attendance. We remind all members of the community that they are invited to celebrate the Eucharist at 8.00am on Fridays in the College chapel.

    Week 1 (24 July) 11 Salvado
    Week 2 (31 July) 11 Xavier
    Week 3 (7 August) 10 Chisholm
    Week 4 (14 August) 10 de Vialar
    Week 5 (21 August) No Mass ā€“ Pupil Free Day
    Week 6 (28 August) 10 MacKillop
    Week 7 (4 September) 10 Merici
    Week 8 (11 September) 10 Pallotti
    Week 9 (18 September) 10 Romero
    Week 10 (25 September) No Mass ā€“ Term concluded

    Ministry staff news

    I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Mr Michael Rathmann, who has who has fulfilled the role of Student Ministry Coordinator during Term 2. He has demonstrated his passion for student ministry through the various retreats, reflection days, masses and liturgies that he has coordinated. His enthusiasm and proficiency has been much appreciated by not only his colleagues but also the many students he has been involved with. We wish Mr Rathmann safe travels as he takes leave during Semester 2. Mr Keane returns to the role after his Long Service Leave this term.

    We also wish Miss Donna Chong a safe and restful break as she takes leave during Term 3. Mr Isaac Ramshaw will step into the role of Service Learning Coordinator.

    I would also like to welcome Mrs Silvana Vicoli to position of Deputy Principal Ministry for Term 3, as she joins the Collegeā€™s Leadership Team.

    Mr Peter Sackett
    Acting Deputy Principal Ministry


    [accordion_item title="Inspirational Students win over the audience" accordion="accordion"]

    There was a buzz in the air of the Sadler Centre on Wednesday evening, July 1st as the seventh AvŠŌ°® Christi College Public Speaking Competition took place. Students had mixed emotions of nervousness and excited anticipation. There were 62 competitors in 8 separate heats, which ran concurrently, followed by 11 students participating in the impromptu speech competition. The evening was a great success providing the audience with entertaining and inspiring speeches. I would like to commend all these speakers who took up the challenge to speak publicly. They can be very proud of their achievements. The skills of public speaking acquired over Terms 1 and 2 will stand them in good stead in the years to come.

    An evening such as this would not be possible without the support of so many people. Thank you to the parents and families of the students for their ongoing support and for being such an enthusiastic audience. Thanks to all the adjudicators on the evening; Ms Rae Cook, Mr Michael Rathmann, Miss Sally Farrington, Mr Adrian Richmond, Mrs Colleen Litchfield, Miss Renee Ardon, Mrs Lorraine Carpenter, Mr Jarryd Allen and past students Sean Yoong, Mallorie Gan, Daniel Thomas, Wai Sin Wan and Tiarna Petterson. The task was daunting, with many adjudicators commenting on the high standard of the competition. In addition, I would like to thank our student leaders Sam LaMacchia and Ben Ring who were the Masters of Ceremony for the evening, as well as Jason Martins, Rebecca Machado, Jen Gresham, Coralie de Robillard, Rhys Jones, Shannon Kelly, Rebecca Lu, Tareq Majrouh and Monica Italiano who carried out so many roles on the evening including chairing, setting up and time keeping.

    In other news in Public Speaking, Rebekah Craggs, Sam Coten and Ike Adesanya represented AvŠŌ°® at the State Final of the Rostrum Voice of Youth on Saturday June 27th. All were exceptional in the delivery of their speeches. I am delighted to announce that Rebekah won the final of the Senior Section and is off to Sydney to compete in the National Final. She will speak at Parliament House in Macquarie Street on Saturday July 25th. It will be a wonderful experience for her I am quite sure. I would like to wish Rebekah well for the competition in Sydney.

    Ike was the Runner-Up in the Junior Section, which was quite a feat as she was competing against some students who are in Year 10. It was a fantastic effort. Sam was unlucky not to be placed with his speech challenging the myth surrounding the folk hero Ned Kelly. Without a doubt, all students represented the College admirably. It was a proud moment for me and the family members present.

    I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the following students for their efforts in coaching the Year 7 students: Aveen Yoong and Rebekah Craggs with the assistance of Karen Escobar Bitar and Sam Coten. These students gave generously of their time and expertise, which enabled this extra curricular activity to take place.

    I am also very grateful to Mrs Lorraine Carpenter, Miss Tamar Caro and Miss Renee Ardon for their support and assistance in coaching students this year. The time and energy they devoted to this after school activity cannot be underestimated. Without the help of these wonderful people, the opportunity for so many students to be involved in public speaking would not have been possible. My sincere thanks are extended to all.

    Public Speaking will be available again next year in Semester One. I look forward to seeing all the students back again for another exciting year.

    Mrs Noreen Stevenson


    Excellence in Public Speaking Perpetual Trophy 2015
    Rebekah-Anne Craggs

    Sam Coten (Winner), Rebekah-Anne Craggs (Runner-Up)

    Ike Adesanya (Winner), Elizabeth Phua (Runner-Up)

    Rachael Dellaca (Winner), Kaitlyn Munkelt (Runner-Up)

    Emma Shine (Winner), Adriana Gough (Runner-Up)

    Olivia Fuderer (Winner), Emily McCarthy (Runner-Up)

    YEAR 7 - Heat 1
    Alisha Van Zon (Winner), Dieter Cadzow (Runner-Up)

    YEAR 7 - Heat 2
    Kade Gizzarone (Winner), Brooke Waghorn (Runner-Up)

    YEAR 7 - Heat 3
    Mosaia McDonald (Winner), Jordan Passauer (Runner-Up)


    Aveen Yoong (Winner), Rebekah-Anne Craggs (Runner-Up)

    Rachel Dellaca (Winner), Ike Adesanya (Runner-Up)


    [accordion_item title="Aurecon Bridge Building Competition" accordion="accordion"]

    For the past five weeks, students from Years 8 and 9 have been applying their science and engineering skills, by taking part in bridge building. Students have been preparing for the Aurecon Bridge Building competition under the direction and supervision of Mrs Karen Rourke.

    Two teams have been selected to represent the College at Scitech on 5 August 2015. Congratulations to ā€˜Ye Olde Jaffaā€™ Team which includes Joseph Cadzow, Finnian Arrigan and Ashil Royal and to ā€˜The Spunky Turtlesā€™ which include Lara Moylan, Abbey Rock and Joshua Thomas.



    [accordion_item title="Last Day of Term Early Closure" accordion="accordion"]

    Content Here



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The AvŠŌ°® Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the AvŠŌ°® Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news