e-News #14 Week 6

[tab style="horizontal"] [tab_item icon="" title="Middle School" tabs="tabs"]


[accordion_item title="Year 6 Fun Day" accordion="accordion"]

It was wonderful to have over 200 students who will join us in Year 7 2016 participate in the Fun Arts Day.

Students were given the opportunity to be involved in the Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Music.




[accordion_item title="Australian Mathematics Competition 2015" accordion="accordion"]

The annual Australian Mathematics Competition has half a million students from Australia and itsā€™ surrounding islands take part. This year saw 334 AvŠŌ°® students from Years 7 ā€“ 12 complete the 75 minute, 25 question paper. We always manage to achieve some excellent results and this year was no exception. The following students are to be congratulated on achieving High Distinction (Top 2%) or Distinction (Top 15%) Certificates:

Year 7 Distinction
Pheonix Casey, Michael Albertini, Deetya Charles, Thomas Nicholls, Kalea Gowland, Max Covella and Tyler Savy.

Year 8 High Distinction
Brett Nigli

Matthew Rossi, Oscar Wehr (Oscar also won the Prudence award for the most consecutive correct answers in the school ā€“ 18), Brodie Parsons, Marcus Oudin, Thomas Howard, George Kenny and Lara Moylan.

Year 9 High Distinction
Jodi Gagner

Benadette Siah, Corran Oā€™Brien, Dwight Rowland, Jackson Edgar, Kayla Weekes, Rohan Bay and Bethany Fimmel.


[accordion_item title="ICT Guardians" accordion="accordion"]

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 12.29.19 pmCongratulations to Raymond Viti and Alex Marchese on their appointment to the position of ICT Guardians for the 2016 Team. Both boys are to be commended for their commitment to service and ICT.


[accordion_item title="United Nations Conference Day" accordion="accordion"]

On Friday November 20th, all Year 8 students participated in the annual United Nations Conference from Period 1-4.

Students were asked to provide food (from their selected country) for a randomly chosen partner to enjoy on the day. Students were required to conduct some research on their partners country, find a connection and include a brief note addressed to their partner that discusses the significance of the lunch, for example ā€“ This lunch represents a peace offering or this lunch is to apologise for my countrys past treatment of your country.

It was great to see students get into the spirit of the day by dressing up as the delegate from a country that they are representing.


[accordion_item title="Year 9 Personal Project" accordion="accordion"]

Students are required to bring their Personal Projects into school during week 7, starting Monday 23 November.

  • All Projects will be stored in M01 prior to the Personal Project Exhibition.
  • Please label your Project clearly with your name and homeroom.
  • Please see Ms Larsen if you require assistance.
  • Personal-Project-2014_Invite-e



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="Senior School" tabs="tabs"]


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Examinations" accordion="accordion"]

    Personalised timetables for the Year 10 Examiantions have been distributed to all Year 10 students last week. During the Year 10 Examinations students will only be required to attend the College for their scheduled examinations. On the days/times when students do not have examinations they will be permitted to stay at home and study. Should a student have a morning examination and wish to remain at school for the remainder of the day to study then a venue will be made available to the students for these purposes. Likewise, should a student wish to come into the College to study before an afternoon examination.

    Below a few key reminders regarding the College Examination Policy and Practice.

    • Students should ensure they are at the examination venue 20 minutes before the start of reading time as they will be directed into the examination room at least 10-15 minutes before it commences. No extra time is given for lateness. No allowance will be made to students who miss an examination through misreading the timetable.
    • The AvŠŌ°® Christi College Examination Policy applies in full at all times.
    • Students studying modules which do not have an examination component, will only be required to attend the College during this period if they need to complete outstanding tasks or assessment work.
    • Students are not permitted to leave early from an examination.
    • If you are unable to sit for an examination due to extenuating circumstances please ensure you follow the procedures outlined in the Assessment Policy

    If you have any questions or queries regarding the Year 10 Examinations then please do not hesitate to contact Ms Jen Overend (Head of Year 10) or Mr Sackett at the College.


    [accordion_item title="Year 10 Students ā€“ Subjects for Year 11 2016" accordion="accordion"]

    This week students received notification of the subjects they are enrolled in for Year 11 2016. If any student would like to make changes to these selections they are asked to contact Miss Sara Low in student services to arrange an appointment with either Mr Hagen or Mr Sackett during week 9 (Tue 8 Dec ā€“ Thu 10 Dec) or just prior to the commencement of next year (Tue 19 Jan ā€“ Wed 20 Jan)


    [accordion_item title="Year 7 to 11 Awards Presentation 4 December Periods 1 and 2" accordion="accordion"]

    Year 7 to 11 Awards Presentation will take place on Friday 4 December in the David Heath Centre at the College. This day is a normal school day for Year 7 to 11 students and as such they wil be expected to remain at school for the whole day. Any Year 10 student who does not attend the Awards Presentation day or the Year 10 Final Day on Monday 7 December may forfeit the privilege of attending the Year 10 River Cruise.


    [accordion_item title="Celebrating Success" accordion="accordion"]

    Callum-MacDonaldAs our Year 12 students have now completed their WACE examination, the focus becomes ā€œwhere to nextā€. While many will wait for the results to arrive before knowing exactly where they will be in 2016, Year 12 student Callum McDonald has received a wonderful, and well deserved, opportunity Callum has been offered a place at Australian Defence Force Australia, studying aeronautical engineering in Canberra, This is a wonderful achievement for Callum as the ADFA only take a small number of each year. The 18 month application process included 3 sets of panel interviews, as well as physical, psychological and academic testing. Callum travelled to Canberra earlier this year for further testing and a 3 hour interview. There were 3 candidates selected from Western Australia, with the other two reciopients from schools with Auronautic programs. We are very proud of Callumā€™s selection and we wish him all the best for his future studies in the Defence Force.



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="ICT News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) - iPads" accordion="accordion"]

    In 2016, parents of students in Years 7 and 10 will be required to provide an iPad for their son/daughter. There are a number of significant reasons why the College is moving towards the use of iPads. These include:

  • iPads have the capability to transform learning
  • iPads facilitate changes in teaching/pedagogy
  • A focus on inquiry, self-direction and collaborative learning on what a student needs to do.

  • Preparation for 2016

    • Parents will be required to provide an iPad for their son/daughter
    • The iPad must have 64Gb minimum storage
    • The College recommends an iPad Air 2 with the capabilities of enhanced processing and network connectivity to take full advantage of the Collegeā€™s network infrastructure and future developments
    • A good protective cover is essential eg Griffin Survivor
    • Cellular enabled ā€“ provides added flexibility for travelling and use of internet services outside of school (optional). Keyboards are considered optional (before dismissing the humble stylus as not useful to you, consider how it may improve your overall iPad experience)
    • A number of Apps will be required at the start of the year
    • The College recommends that ALL students purchase $100 worth of iTunes gift cards. (Keep an eye out for discount sales of 20%).


    The College has partnerships with JB HiFi and Winthrop Australia both of whom have online portals which are active for parents to purchase an iPad and accessories of their choice.

    1. JB Hi-Fi - (Password: ccc2016)

    2. Winthrop Australia -

    These links are available off the College Web Page: /ict-byod

    Students may already have an appropriate device, an iPad with 64Gb of memory/storage or more.

    Parents/students are welcome to purchase the iPad from their own sources (suggest you compare prices)

    For all enquiries, please contact the ICT Helpdesk on 6332 2574.

    APPS on iPADS

    The College will recommend a number of Apps, many of which will be free.

    • Students are expected to purchase a standard set of Apps from the iTunes store. (A list of these Apps will be provided in the near future)
    • $100.00 of discounted iTunes Cards will suffice over the three years of the programme
    • Once a family member purchases a paid App, it can be used on five different family devices
    • The College suggest families purchase iTunes gift cards when they are on special so the necessary Apps can be purchased. (A number of opportunities exist at the moment at several retail stores). Check out discount iTunes gift cards at: http://www.giftcardsonsale.com.au


    iPads fitted with a recommended protective case will survive three years if treated responsibly.

    Parents who do not have appropriate insurance or warranty cover may incur significant costs. Repairs can be expensive and often result in students requiring a new device.

    • Third-party screen repairs are not Apple approved and will not be covered by iPad AppleCare, and possibly other insurance policies
    • Protecsure Insurance (available through Winthrop Australia), does not cover breakage/damage of an iPad. It only covers lost or stolen devices
    • JB HiFi has several insurance options ā€“ some cover theft and damage, whilst others cover damage only
    • The College recommends parents ensure that their insurance policies suit their personal needs. It is also strongly recommended that families repair/replace iPad screens quickly in the event of breakage to avoid injury due to broken glass.


  • Cost approximately $129 (check Model for costs)
  • 2 Year warranty
  • Accidental damage coverage (2)
  • Broken Screen iPad replacement
  • $65 Service Fee.


    Students are expected to register their iPads at the ICT Office prior to the commencement of the school year. Part of the induction process is to assist students in setting up an Apple ID, should they not already have one. ICT staff will guide students through a comprehensive course on using their iPad at our College. Years 7 and 10 students are required to attend ONE induction session to set up their iPads for College connectivity (wireless), printing, email and downloading Apps.

    Sessions will be held in the Library and will run for approximately one hour. Dates and times of sessions will be communicated in the near future. Parents are welcome to attend sessions. Should a family be away on holiday when the sessions are held, students will be accommodated when school commences.

    • Students are encouraged to make use of other technologies (besides their iPad) that complement their learning style. The College supports all students, provided the device is registered on the College network and the device assists with their education. The expectation is that students have an iPad available for every lesson.

    For further information, please contact:

    Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 9.38.00 am



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.


    [tab_item icon="" title="AvŠŌ°® General News" tabs="tabs"]

    [accordion_item title="Science News" accordion="accordion"]

    Year 7 Science

    Students were treated to a reptile incursion this week with time to observe native skinks and dragons and the opportunity to handle some of our native pythons.


    Year 11/12 Biology

    Students have started the Y12 course concentrating on DNA, protein synthesis and biotechnology. They were treated with some hands on experience with expensive electrophoresis equipment borrowed from Murdoch University for a class practical. Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA into bands according to fragment size.


    Brian Hurn
    Head of Science


    [accordion_item title="Student Success" accordion="accordion"]

    Maya-FrayneMaya Frayne (Year 8 ) has been selected to represent WA in the Basic Novice Synchronised Ice Skating Team in 2015, competing at the Australian Figure Skating Championships in Sydney from 25 November to 3 December. Congratulations Maya and good luck!

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    Amy-WandCongratulations to Year 8 student, Amy Wand who is representing WA at the national skating competition in Sydney this year. Good luck!


    [accordion_item title="An Evening with Rotarians" accordion="accordion"]

    On Tuesday evening 17th November, the Rotary Club of Booragoon hosted the first of the heats in the 4 - Way Test Public Speaking for 2015. AvŠŌ°® Christi College entered three students in the competition this year: Olivia Fuderer, Jack Maguire and Lila Rodari. This Competition brings together Year 10 students to speak on a topic of their choice, which they need to relate to Rotaryā€™s 4-Way Test.

    Rotarians use the 4-Way Test as a guide for their dealings in business. The questions they ask themselves are:

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
  • This competition aims to promote to young people the ideals and ethical values of Rotary by drawing attention to the wide applications and implications of the 4 - Way Test.

    After a lovely dinner, the students held their audience spellbound with the delivery of persuasive speeches. Lila presented her ideas about the need to continue to fight for gender equality in the 21st century; Jack spoke about the hidden dangers of sugar in processed foods, whilst Olivia convinced the audience that there is a need for genetically modified food in developing countries.

    All three students incorporated the 4 ā€“ Way Test into their speeches superbly. The adjudicator commented, ā€œThe speeches we have heard this evening were not only outstanding in their delivery, but the topics were significant and clearly show that these young people are aware of issues in society.ā€

    Congratulations to Jack Mcguire who won the eveningā€™s competition. This was the club final and there will be further competitions in the lead up to the state final to be held in May next year.

    All students can be very proud of the way in which they participated and represented the College. Thank you to parents for their ongoing support of their children in this activity. Thanks are also extended the Rotary Club of Booragoon for their generous sponsorship of our students.

    Noreen Stevenson



    [accordion_item title="Carols in the Quad" accordion="accordion"]


    We will be hosting CAROLS IN THE QUAD on Wednesday Evening, 9 December. (Time TBC) The central precinct leading up to the AvŠŌ°® Cafeteria stage will be a sea of deck chairs, picnics and families!

    6.45pm Gates Open (Bring along a picnic dinner)
    7.00pm-8.30pm Community Carols

    This is a Parents and Friends community-building event and we will be asking families to donate any items for children in our donation Gift Box on the evening. (Look for the Christmas Tree!) Whether it be clothing for kids, teddy bears, toys, books etc, all items will be passed on to children in need this Christmas.

    Please RSVP your intention to:


    AvŠŌ°® Communications
    (On behalf of the Parents and Friends)


    [accordion_item title="Community News" accordion="accordion"]

    SC Holiday Program (commencing 7 December)

    Safe, Fun, Community based Indoor and Outdoor Sport Based Activities!

    The SC Holiday Program has been created to primarily increase and promote the healthy lifestyle within our local and wider communityā€™s children and adolescents in a safe and fun environment. SC Holiday Program will be running from Southern Cricket and the Leeming Recreation Centre.

    Our staff are experienced Southern Cricket Professional Coaches, so your child will receive the best guidance to also help improve their sporting skills and help develop body movement patterns and muscle imbalances.

    All Day Multi-Activity (6-12 yrs):
    ā€¢ Full Day: 9am ā€“ 4pm
    o May include ball sports such as Basketball, Handball, Dodgeball, Softball, Netball, Soccer, Football and Touch Rugby

    Cricket Skills (6-12 yrs):
    ā€¢ Session runs 9am ā€“ 12pm

    Advanced Hitting (12-17 yrs):
    ā€¢ 2 Hour session starting at 2pm

    Call 9310 26709 or Visit our website for more information http://southerncricket.net/classes/school-holiday-program/



    One sentence / line here describing this section, can be static, like what is from the principal? it's a message from the principal. It's silly, but it needs to fill up one full line.



    The AvŠŌ°® Christi College e-News is a fortnightly newsletter showcasing all of the latest activities, events and achievements at the College. The e-News is distributed to the AvŠŌ°® Christi College community and made available on the public website. For more information, please contact communications@corpus.wa.edu.au Tags:eNews, news