Canteen to Cafeteria


The old canteen was built in 1987. In it’s time, this canteen (as it was called) was classed as very modern, being fitted out with a six burner cooktop, large oven, two tall upright pie warmers, a coolroom, large walk-in pantry, two refridgerators and two freezers. Students and staff were served via an external servery. The canteen operated under a canteen manager and parent volunteers.



The new, state-of-the-art Cafeteria, housed on the ground floor within the Mater Christi Centre was completed in Term Two 2014. The Cafeteria is a 21st century facility which provides modern healthy meals and beverages for students and staff. It has two entry points, one for Years 7 to 9 students and the other for our senior students. This makes for a quicker self-serve style for purchase/s which may be made with the use of the student’s SmartRider card. The Precinct provides for outdoor eating and the adjacent lawn an ideal space for audiences to enjoy performances held on the staged area. The Cafeteria operates under the management of a Canteen Manager, a number of employees and parent volunteers.
