E-News 23 July


Term 3

Welcome to Week 2

Living Our Mission

College staff had the opportunity to gather on Monday last week as a professional learning community to explore how we can live out our Mission in a genuine way across the College.

Our Mission is our purpose. It is to make Christā€™s presence felt in all that we are, and all that we do. If we are to understand ourselves as the ā€˜Body of Christā€™, then we must see ourselves as aspiring to be the real presence of Jesus to each other.

Jesus sees the good in all and loves us for who we are. He celebrates peopleā€™s individuality and recognises their personal gifts. As the AvŠŌ°® Christi, our aim is therefore to follow the example of Jesus and be genuinely present for all of those around us.

During the Professional Learning Day, staff explored the use of stories to reflect on our Mission and how we, as the current custodians of the AvŠŌ°® culture, have an important stewardship role in continuing to ā€˜Ignite the Spiritā€™ in our students. That is, to ensure we strive to consistently provide the best possible holistic learning environment for each of our students.

The day started with a wonderful Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony in the Junior School led by Aboriginal Elder Barry Winmar, followed by reflection on our own personal story.

We then looked back to look forward, reflecting on the rich histories of Yidarra Catholic Primary School and AvŠŌ°® Christi College over the past 40 years. We learned about the dedication and commitment of past generations who gave of themselves tirelessly and generously to ensure the growth and development of the two schools.

We learned about the joyful and inclusive culture present at each school that promoted a sense of belonging and connection, empowering students and encouraging them to become their best selves. We learned about the importance of our Catholic values as underpinning core elements which guided the communityā€™s growth across the decades.

The storytellers were members of staff who are College alumni, along with current and past students. The discussion was chaired by Mr Damian Chandler (Class of 1999) who invited panellists to share the experience of their Yidarra and AvŠŌ°® journeys. Common themes emerging from each of the reflections included the warmth, care and support experienced at school, the rich and trusting working relationships established with staff and the strengths of friendships with peers which have stood the test of time with many still existing today.

Our panellists spoke of a culture that encouraged them to be themselves, that celebrated who they were as individuals and instilled in them a confidence to explore new and different learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom.

As current day members of this special and recently amalgamated K-12 College community, we recognise our role in maintaining our significant combined legacy and, importantly, living our Mission each and every day.

The excellent Professional Learning Day then concluded in the St Thomas More Church where we explored Christā€™s story though a teaching liturgy, culminating in the presentation of an image of Jesus made up of each one of our staff. The image represents the important role we all play when we commit to the College in making Christā€™s message real.

This concept of Missiology, or ā€˜educating through a mission lensā€™ is drawn from a program we are co-piloting with Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) which promotes the role each of us has at AvŠŌ°® in ensuring the flourishing of every individual so they can ā€˜live life to the fullā€™. The program is led by a group of dedicated staff who are working closely with the CEWA Catholic Identity and Mission Team to shape up professional learning opportunities over the next few years to allow us to weave our Mission into the very fabric of the school.

As a contemporary Catholic College, we aim to continue to innovate to ensure quality and engaging growth opportunities for our students and therefore prioritise ongoing professional learning for staff. This is very much a part of our Mission. I often comment on how we are most fortunate to have such a dedicated and committed staff who consistently create engaging, personalised pathways for students. We thank our broader community for affording us the opportunity to gather as a whole staff at various times throughout the year and look forward to the positive impact that our learnings will have on student educational outcomes.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen



College Family Mass at St Thomas More Bateman Parish

We are delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation to each and every one of you for our upcoming College Family Mass at the St Thomas More Bateman Parish. This special gathering is scheduled for Sunday, 28 July at 10:00 am.

This Mass is not just a spiritual milestone for our Year 6 students, who will be making their Confirmation Commitment, but also a celebration of our vibrant college-parish community spirit that embraces all families and staff from Kindergarten through to Year 12. 

Your presence will add to the warmth and unity of our parish-college community as we witness our students take on meaningful roles such as Choir members, Readers, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, and the Offertory Procession.

Let us come together in faith and fellowship to make this Mass a memorable occasion for our confirmants and the entire AvŠŌ°® Christi College and Saint Thomas More Parish family. Your participation is what makes these events truly special.

Religious Literacy Assessment

In Catholic schools across Western Australia, students enrolled in Years 3, 5 and 9 participate in a system-wide, online assessment in Religious Education. The administration of the assessment in 2024 commences Monday 29 July. A letter detailing this was communicated to families of Years 3,5 and 9 students on the 21 June and can be accessed here.

Best wishes,

Damian Ramos

Deputy Catholic Identity and Mission


Enrolments Update

Sibling Applications

If you have a child enrolled at another school and you would like for the child to join their siblings at the College, (regardless of the academic year), please lodge an enrolment application at your earliest convenience. The College continues to receive an unprecedented amount of enrolment applications so to avoid disappointment in missing out on a place, please ensure you have lodged an enrolment application for your child to join their siblings at AvŠŌ°® Christi College! Enrolment applications may be lodged online:  

Currently Accepting Kindergarten 2027 and Year 7 2027 ā€“ Apply now!

If you have a child born between 1 July 2022 ā€“ 30 June 2023, please apply now for 4 Year Old Kindergarten commencing in 2027. To avoid missing out on a place, we encourage enrolment applications to be lodged in advance as places are limited. 

Contact Us

The Enrolments Team welcomes you to contact us should you have any enrolment questions: Call: 6332 2566, Email: enrolments@corpus.wa.edu.au or Visit: Senior School Administration Office, off Murdoch Drive. 


Cafeteria Update - Lunch Orders for Friday 9 August

Due to the Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival, the cafeteria orders on Friday 9 August will be a bit different, requiring families to plan ahead. While Junior School ice creams and drinks will be available for sale as usual during lunch, please note that flexischool orders for Friday 9 August will close at 12.30pm on Thursday, 8 August to allow time to manage orders for the carnival day.

Menu Items for Friday 9 August will include:

  • Sushi: Tuna (GF) or Teriyaki Chicken

  • Salad Roll: Ham, Chicken, or Cheese

  • Ham and Cheese Roll

  • Pie

  • Sausage Roll

  • Spinach and Ricotta Roll

  • Party Pies

  • Juice Box: Apple or Tropical

Thank you for your cooperation and support!



Dear Families,

This week we are thrilled to celebrate Pallotti and Romero House Week. While students from these Houses will be engaging in special activities, we are pleased to invite all of our Pre-Primary to Year 12 students from all Houses to participate in a Sausage Sizzle. This gathering is an opportunity for all Houses to unite in the celebration, with all proceeds going towards the Pallotti and Romero House charities.

For those eager to have their children join in, please take note of the following details:

Junior School:

  • Sausage Sizzle and Juice Box Combo

  • When: Recess, Friday, 26 July

  • Where: Junior School Undercover Area

  • How: Pre-order via Flexischools by 4.00 pm Tuesday 23 July or purchase with $5 cash on the day

  • Please note: Pre-Primary families ā€“ students who wish to participate will be escorted to and from the Undercover area.

Senior School:

  • Sausage Sizzle and Soft Drink Combo

  • When: Lunch, Friday, 26 July

  • Where: Mater Christi

  • How: Pre-order via Flexischools or purchase with $5 cash on the day

We look forward to celebrating!

Warm regards

Patrick Woolley

Deputy of Community


Wellbeing Blog: Supporting Your Teen with Anxiety: A Guide for Parents

Navigating the teenage years can be challenging, especially when your child is dealing with anxiety. As parents, we strive to be their safe harbor, balancing empathy with empowerment. Our latest blog, ā€œSupporting Your Teen with Anxiety: A Guide for Parents,ā€ offers practical strategies to help you through this journey. From understanding anxiety to creating a supportive environment, this guide is packed with insights to help you and your teen thrive. Dive in to learn more and support your teen with confidence and care.


Co-curricular Activities in Term 3!

Registration for co-curricular activities occured in Week 1 of Term 3. You can explore the offerings available here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Cocurricular Team here.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Term 3! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable break with your loved ones. As we step into this new term, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the wonderful experiences and opportunities that lie ahead.

We are delighted to introduce a new member to our school community. Mrs Sumi Quinn, who will be teaching Year 5 Blue, will join our dedicated team this term. She brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm, and I am confident she will make a positive impact on our students. We also welcome back Mrs Jocelyn Gallimore who is returning from Long Service Leave.

This term promises to be filled with significant events and celebrations. We are thrilled to kick off with our first-ever Junior Olympic Day for the PP to Year 6 students. An email regarding this event was communicated on Thursday 18 July and we encourage students who wish to have Subway on the day to return their envelopes with $7.50 by Wednesday 31 July.

Our school's Junior Olympic Day is a celebration of team spirit and unity, where students come together to participate in various activities that emphasise camaraderie over competition. This event embodies our three core college values: courage, commitment, and compassion. Students show courage by stepping out of their comfort zones to try new challenges, demonstrate commitment by supporting their teammates and striving for collective success, and exhibit compassion by encouraging and uplifting one another throughout the day. Junior Olympic Day is not just about athletic prowess but about fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

Our kindergarten students will also have the opportunity to host their own mini-Olympic day celebrations, which will be communicated by the classroom teachers.

Families are encouraged to check the College calendar for upcoming events and information regularly.  Here are a few of our exciting community events occurring this term:

As we conclude this edition of E-news, we celebrate the remarkable ways our students embody the College values of courage, commitment, and compassion each day. Courage empowers our young learners to face new challenges and give their best efforts, even in difficult times. Commitment drives them to consistently strive for excellence and embrace every opportunity. Compassion enables them to be kind and supportive friends, fostering a warm and caring school community. By living these values, our students shine brightly and inspire everyone around them. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students grow into confident, dedicated, and kind individuals.

Warm regards,

Katya Anderson

Head of Junior School

Exciting News for Junior School Aspiring Musicians

We are thrilled to announce that music tutoring is now available for the following instruments:

  • Drums/Percussion ā€“ Year 6 (previously senior school only).

  • French Horn ā€“ Year 5/6 (previously senior school only).

  • Guitar ā€“ Year 4 (previously available for Years 5-12).

We have 2 places per instrument, which will be first come, first served. Donā€™t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enhance your musical skills!

Sign up now,

If you have any questions, please contact our Arts Administrative Officer here.

Coffee Van Tuesdays

A coffee van will be available every Tuesday morning throughout Term 3 at the Junior School! This is a fantastic opportunity for parents, guardians, and staff to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while catching up with friends and the school community. The coffee van will be stationed outside the Junior School Reception from 8.00am to 9.00am, offering a variety of hot beverages. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing a warm, welcoming start to our Tuesday mornings together.

Junior School Library Update

Welcome to Term 3.  Parents are reminded students need a library bag for borrowing from our Primary Library. Keeping books in a bag protects our books and is a helpful tool in returning them for book exchange each week. Scholastic Book Club Issue 5 is now available. Parents are encouraged to order via LOOP.


Maximise Your Engagement with the College Calendar!

Did you know our College Calendar offers dual access? Itā€™s publicly available online for general viewing, but signing in reveals a richer, more detailed schedule.

We understand the importance of keeping up with your childā€™s school activities. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the College Calendar effectively. Follow our easy step-by-step instructions to make the most of the calendar and support your child every step of the way here:

Below are some downloadable graphics to help you remember whatā€™s coming next, but please refer to the College calendar for more details.


Graphics above are correct at time of publication.

Please refer to the College Calendar for the most up-to-date event dates and information, as it serves as the definitive source.

Ticketed Events

Interhouse Play 21 August 6.30pm

AvŠŌ°® Christi College is delighted to announce the performance of the Inter-House Play Competition. Students from Years 7-12 work together within their house teams to compete for house points by preparing their own interpretation of their hat selected, Roald Dahl Revolting Rhymes. The students have been working very hard on this performance and are excited to show you their work!


Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival

The Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 9 August.

Access to the pre-carnival event information and program for the day is available here.


VET Newsletter

Have you ever wondered what Vocational Education Training ā€˜VETā€™ is about? How you can be paid while still at school if you undertake a school-based traineeship or wanted to start on your apprentice via a pre-apprentice while still at school? Or would you like to complete a VET certificate in Years 11 or 12 and gain work-ready skills along with a pathway into further tertiary training post-school? Our first-ever VET Newsletter has all the information you are looking for.



Amelie Rossi

Our Year 10 students recently participated in the annual Just Start It program, designed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We are thrilled to announce that Amelie Rossi has been selected to compete in the grand finale against eight other schools this August!  This prestigious achievement is a testament to Amelieā€™s hard work and dedication.

Amelie has developed an innovative online platform called Infora, which provides students with pathways and career advice to help navigate the complex process of subject selection and career planning. One of Inforaā€™s unique features is a section with statements and testimonials from professionals outlining their educational and career journeys.

To enhance this valuable resource, we are reaching out to our wonderful College Alumni for support. Amelie is seeking Alumni who are willing to share their experiences. This would involve providing written consent, a professional photo, and your professional title. Amelie will then arrange a convenient time to interview you on camera, either at AvŠŌ°® Christi or your workplace, with a member of the College teaching team present.

If you wish to support, please register your interest here by joining our Alumni Network: 

We look forward to hearing from you and supporting Amelie in this fantastic endeavour. Letā€™s come together to help Amelie succeed in the upcoming finale ā€“ we have no doubt she will be outstanding!

Cayden Whangapirita

Congratulations to Cayden who has shown exceptional talent and dedication in rugby, achieving remarkable. Recently, he played a pivotal role in the Central Teamā€™s victory at the Regional U15 Rugby WA Championship on July 13, 2024.

Caydenā€™s impressive achievements include:

  • Gold Medal at the Southern Lion Cup (October 2023)

  • Silver Medal at the Albany 7s with the Nedlands Rugby Team (September 2023)

  • Runner-Up at the U15 Regional Championship (September 2023)

Notably, Cayden was one of the younger players selected for the U15 team while he was just 14 years old. His dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and he was even featured in the Albany newspaper for his outstanding performance.

Congratulations, Cayden! We look forward to seeing more of your achievements in the future.


Annabelle Brady

We are delighted to share the exciting news about Annabelle Bradyā€™s recent trip to Queensland with the state gymnastics team. The Western Australia team delivered an outstanding performance, securing a bronze medal.

Annabelle, in particular, had a remarkable competition. On the second day of the individual events, she achieved a personal best on the bars, showcasing her dedication and skill.

Looking ahead, Annabelle has set her sights on an even bigger goal: making the national team next year. We are incredibly proud of her achievements and canā€™t wait to see what she accomplishes next.

Congratulations to Annabelle and the entire team for their hard work and success!


AvŠŌ°® Christi Flute Ensemble

We are delighted to feature the AvŠŌ°® Christi Flute Ensemble in this monthā€™s newsletter! On Sunday, June 23, at 2:30 PM, our talented students had the honour of performing as guest artists at the Suzuki Flute Ensemble Concert held at St Maryā€™s Church, South Perth.

The AvŠŌ°® Christi Flute Ensemble was the final group to perform, showcasing their skills with two beautiful pieces:

  • Dona Dona from the Jewish Folk Song Suite by Michael Isaacson

  • A Celtic Celebration arranged by Ricky Lombardo

Their performance was truly captivating, earning them an invitation to return and perform again next year. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and musical excellence. Congratulations to the AvŠŌ°® Christi Flute Ensemble for their outstanding performance and continued success!


ā­ Share Your Story ā­

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to: enews@corpus.wa.edu.au


Learn to Swim at AvŠŌ°®

AvŠŌ°® Christi College offers a Learn to Swim Program onsite at the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre. The aquatic centre features a covered and heated 25 metre, eight-lane indoor lap and water polo pool, a separate 12 metre learn-to-swim pool and terrace seating for 180 people.

Our Learn to Swim Program is facilitated by Speed With Style, a company who provide a unique approach to swim teaching called Individualised Custom Teaching, which was developed by Dr Nigel Williams in collaboration with head coach and Speed with Style Founder - John Williams.

The Learn to Swim program is available to both AvŠŌ°® Christi College students and those external to the College.

You can register and find more information about Speed with Style here:


Bateman Junior Cricket Club registrations are now open for this summer.

Blasters Program for girls and boys from pre-primary to year 2 only $80 (this price increases for those who register after 31st August 2024) for 12 weeks, which is under $7 per week. Those who register before 31st August 2024 will go into a draw to win a $150 Westfield voucher.

For junior cricket an early-bird (before 31st August, 2024) $50 deposit is all that is needed to secure your spot.  Securing your spot will ensure your child has a place in a team as well as our early-bird discount registration fee of $200 for the season for players in school year 6 and below (in 2024) and $220 for players in school year 7 and above (in 2024).  The balance of the registration fee is not payable until September 2024.  Those who register before 31st August 2024 also go into a draw to win a $150 Westfield voucher.

For the 2024/25 season, Bateman have partnerships with established, local cricket training facilities for those who want specialised coaching at a discounted rate to fast-track their skills.  BJCC will also look to develop its coaches with additional support from these specialised training providers.  Bateman JCC will also match players to the year team, which reflects their skill level including the opportunity to play up.

For more details and to register please go to www.batemanjcc.com.au.



In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest updates below:


The next edition of the AvŠŌ°® Christi College e-News will be released on 6 August 2024.