Xavier & Salvado Week

Last week we celebrated Xavier and Salvado week!

Students from both Houses came together for an amazing week filled with exciting activities and plenty of food. To kick off the celebrations, our House Coordinators from Xavier and Salvado hosted a belonging breakfast. Students had the opportunity to take photos with their friends, enjoy the food and sunshine and get their House photo taken on the Junior School oval.

The week was filled with bonding activities, games and students coming together in faith and service. With the Salvado motto, 'Perseverance and Stewardship', and Xavier’s 'Empowered to Achieve', our students and staff truly embodied these ideals and what the Houses represent.

To conclude the weeks activities, a beautiful liturgy was held on Friday, where our students came together to give thanks and learn more about Saint Francis Xavier and Patron Bishop Rosendo Salvado. Representatives from all of the 8 Houses then gathered to partake in a tree planting ceremony, where together, students planted a tree to symbolise growth and our College values of Community and Stewardship. This activity is a reflection of the strength, unity and spirit of our community.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made Xavier and Salvado week so special. Thanks to your positive contributions, we have successfully raised funds for our House charities. Together, we continue to be Outstanding for Others.