Year 6 AvÐÔ°® Gallery

AvÐÔ°® Recount

By Zaiyrah Renji Mathew

The day finally came! It was a rainy Wednesday morning, as I packed the car with all my luggage for the much-awaited year 6 camp at Forest Edge Recreational AvÐÔ°® located in Waroona. The year 6's are heading to this 2 night camp to go out of their comfort zone and try new things that might give them some suspense. This also includes talking to new people that you usually don't talk to on a daily basis. This camp also helped many children with their independence and self management skills since your parents are home and you have no access to them for the next 2 days! I gripped on to my sleeping bag and pillow, while strolling my small suitcase with me.

As I got to the canteen area, where we were told to wait by Miss Mont and Mrs Dalley, I started to observe more and more people coming. We were told Mr Cunningham, Mr Antoluv and Mrs Anderson will tag along with us for camp aswell, therefore I also saw them. My friends! I finally find my friends in the busy crowd. All my friends gathered up and started talking about how excited they were for all the activities coming up. At around 8:45, the bus came. I hopped onto the bus and sat next to Aleah. The bus ride was good fun (and a little loud). But after what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached Forest Edge! Once we got there, everyone started unloading the bus and putting the luggage in a row on the main floor. After that we all sat down on the tables with our friends and an instructor named Nic went through everything with us. There was also 8 other instructors but Nic gave us the orientation. Nic explained that at breakfast, lunch and dinner, everyone would have to sit with their group number and all the groups would have a different song so when a song plays the group who is assigned with that song will go and get their meal. Each group also had different times where they have to serve the food and clean up. My group was Mrs Dalley's so me and some other people in my group served for lunch on day 2 and the rest who didn't get a turn before served breakfast on day 3. Anyway, after Nic gave us the orientation, Miss Mont told everyone their dorms. One by one, everyone started going upstairs to their dorms. As I hear my name, a cheer of excitement shows upon my face. I'm in a dorm of 8 fun girls!!! My level of excitement for camp just went on another level!

Alexandra Carcione