Head Boy and Head Girl Welcome Address

Hello, we are Stephanie and Isaac, your Head Girl and Head Boy for 2023.

We would like to welcome everyone back to the College as we launch into a brand new year at AvÐÔ°® Christi.

We would like to acknowledge the success of the College’s first step in its journey as a K to 12 College in 2022. We are excited to further support this initiative and continue to strive for success throughout 2023.

To begin this address, we would like to welcome all new students, staff and families to AvÐÔ°® Christi; we look forward to having you join our school community.

We would especially like to welcome the new Kindy cohort in the Primary School, and the new Year 7 cohort commencing their Senior School journey. We both know that starting something new and different can be challenging, but we encourage you to put your best foot forward and to do everything with a positive attitude.

As for everyone else, please look out for our new students; help them out where you can and treat them with kindness and respect that is so much a part of our school culture.

To the Class of 2023, this is the final chapter of our schooling story. This year will certainly be filled with highs and lows as well as challenges and triumphs, so it is important that we all maintain a balanced life, set ourselves achievable goals and look out for one another. We encourage you all to stay motivated and learn from all of the experiences coming our way.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2022. Your hard work and determination has certainly paid off. For whatever lies ahead for you, we wish you all the very best.

AvÐÔ°® Christi thrives on the values of courage, compassion and commitment. Ask yourselves how can you promote these values in every aspect of College life?

How can you be courageous in 2023?
• Step out of your comfort zone, take on new challenges and join extra-curricular clubs or teams.

How can you be compassionate in 2023?
• Serve others, lift up those in need and accept others for who they are.

How can you be committed in 2023?
• Be determined to achieve your goals, try your best in everything you and be witness to your


To be ‘Outstanding for Others’ is AvÐÔ°® Christi’s central vision; this vision guides us as we strive to achieve success in all aspects of our College life, both individually and as a community. As student leaders of the College, we endeavour to lead by example and support our community by promoting these values and visions and we most certainly encourage others to do the same.

One of the many ways that we can all model our vision and values at the College is by getting involved in the wide range of extra-curricular activities offered at AvÐÔ°® Christi. Whether it be joining the choir or a sporting team, these groups are a brilliant way to meet new people, learn new skills and find something that you enjoy. We challenge everyone to have a go and try something new this year!

We would also like to acknowledge the Student Leadership Team for 2023. We look forward to working with you all and witnessing all of the amazing things you undertake at the College this year. Leadership provides an invaluable opportunity to serve the community and set good examples for those around you. The 2023 Prefect Team strive to create a safe, inclusive and enjoyable school environment for all and advocate for new initiatives that promote these aspects of our College life.

Finally, to quote J.K. Rowling, “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.†With these words we are reminded to support one another and to work together to achieve our personal and collective goals. Unity throughout our K to 12 College is so important as we navigate this new journey in 2023, so we encourage you all to show kindness and be considerate of others. We all experience tough times and you never know what someone might be going through, so try your best to be compassionate toward everyone you meet. Whether it’s smiling or offering a helping hand, it’s the little things that can make someone’s day!

We have a very exciting year ahead and we hope to continue to build connections across our whole College community.

Thank you for your time and we wish you the best of luck in 2023!

Stephanie and Isaac

Alexandra Carcione