E-News 16 August 2022


Welcome to Week 5

Inter-House Athletics Carnival

The College ran its Secondary School Inter-House Athletics Carnival on Friday last week. This special event brings our community together to celebrate our unique school spirit and to allow students to represent their House in a range of different carnival events.

Of course, the event also provides a competitive environment for our athletes to strive for their personal best. The College has a rich athletics history, so it was wonderful to see students out on track and in the field giving their all to challenge themselves and to also raise points for their House.  

A genuine sense of inclusion and connection pervaded the day with students committing themselves to their events and participating fully in the spirit of the day. In providing events such as our Inter-House Athletics Carnival we are encouraging our students to step up to get involved. We want them to adopt a growth mindset in exploring the many different learning opportunities on offer at the College.

In developing the whole person, we strive to provide a multitude of growth and development options for students both inside and outside of the classroom. We encourage our students, just like they did last Friday, to confidently involve themselves in the many pathways on offer and to utilise their gifts and talents to the full.

Well done to all students for their commitment to their House and for their positive participation in the myriad of pre-carnival and carnival events. Congratulations to Merici House for taking out the honours on the day.

The final results were as follows:


We also acknowledge those students who achieved Champion Athlete for their year group along with those students who achieved their personal best in their particular event. Our Champions and Runners Up will be recognised later in the term. Special recognition must go to those students who broke existing College athletics records including:


We would like to thank our very dedicated staff for ensuring the success of the day. Led by Head of Sport Mr James Howard and supported by a team of staff including the House Coordinators, Health and Physical Education Team, Grounds and IT teams, teachers and administration staff, the event epitomised a culture of support and service. 

We also acknowledge our outstanding student leaders who worked tirelessly in the lead up to and during the Carnival to encourage student involvement and participation. They showed excellent dedication to the College and a commitment to their leadership role.

We also thank our parents and friends who attended to add to the atmosphere of the day. It was terrific also to have different year levels from the primary school attend at various times of the day in support of the students.

In looking ahead, we are excited for the Primary School athletic carnival scheduled in Week 2 of Term 4 on Friday 21 October 2022.


College Tour - Primary

On Tuesday this week, we welcomed prospective families to the College for a Primary School tour. We are very proud of our College and were delighted to share our story with incoming parents and caregivers. Families had the opportunity to hear from key College personnel and to see classes in action.

Thanks to our Primary staff and our Marketing and Enrolments team for facilitating the tour. Given the considerable demand for places at the College, we would continue to encourage prospective families to ensure that they submit applications as early as practicable.

The Arts

The Arts continue to flourish at Av԰ Christi College. Following our hugely successful Grease the Musical, students are now heavily involved in Catholic Arts ‘The Spirit of the Arts’ Festival.

As part of the Festival many Av԰ Christi students been involved in a range of different dance, drama and musical performances. We commend them on their excellent performances and their wonderful representation of the College.

A number of our Visual Arts students have also been involved in the Festival with selected art works submitted to the Angelico Exhibition. This Exhibition for Catholic Students is a prestigious annual event on the Catholic school art calendar. The Angelico Exhibition is named after Blessed Fra Angelico, Patron before God of Artists. We wish nominated students all of the best for tonight’s award ceremony.

Further information about the Festival is available at

 Friends of Av԰

Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have been attending the weekly Primary Assemblies. We appreciate your engagement in our community. As previously mentioned, we invite parents and caregivers of the assigned year level to remain behind for morning tea. This will allow you to connect with your child’s teachers and also meet with other parents.  

Last week we were delighted that parents and caregivers from Year 1 attended the College. On Friday 2 September, we look forward to meeting those parents and caregivers with children in Year 2.

The assembly schedule for the remainder of the term is as follows: 

16 September Assembly – Confirmation Certificates and Year 6 Parent Morning Tea

23 September Assembly – Year 4 Cohort Assembly and Year 3 Parent Morning Tea

Friends of Av԰ Meeting

As mentioned in the previous edition of eNews, we are pleased to launch our newly designed Friends of Av԰ strategy on Wednesday this week commencing at 7.00pm in the Sadler Centre. All parents and caregivers are invited.

We are aiming to establish a parent consultation group that will meet once a term to provide strategic input into these key domains. Initially this will take the form of a ‘sprint process’ which will coincide with a similar strategy we are running with staff and students. This will enable us to develop our philosophy for each domain and establish key actions that we would like to implement in both the short and long term to bring them to life.

We will also be seeking parent input into the K-12 College Uniform refresh process and the development of the College Master Plan.

We invite interested parents and caregivers to register .

Upcoming Dates

As per the calendar we look forward to celebrating Av԰ Christi Day on Thursday 18 August.

Please also note that the College is closed on Friday 19 August due to our Catholic Day.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen


News (all years)


Languages Week

Bonjour! Buongiorno! Selamat Pagi!

Over the past two weeks the College has been celebrating Languages Week at the Primary and Secondary campuses!

Our Pre-Primary – Year 6 students were visited by the Indonesian Dance Studio for three days of dancing, singing, dressing in traditional costume and playing the angklung; an Indonesian instrument made from bamboo. The Year 8 students were invited to the Primary campus and joined our Year 6 students in an angklung workshop.

Our Pre-Primary - Year 2 students learnt new songs including "The love of Jesus is Sweet and Beautiful", the Year 3 students learnt an intricate Balinese Dance, our Year 4 and 5 students learnt the Tor Tor Dance from North Sumatera (Batak) and the Year 6 students (joined with Year 8 students) to play angklung to songs including “All My Loving" and "You Raise Me Up."

Our students are to be congratulated for their fantastic skills in working as a team, their excellent behaviour and concentration in learning new steps to the dances or songs taught by the dance instructors.

At the Secondary Av԰us students participated in a number of French, Italian and Indonesian themed activities including included a Photo Booth, French and Italian games and puzzles in the library and international foods served at the Cafeteria.

Some special class activities included our Year 7s participating in the annual Languages Week Tri Language Soccer Tournament for 2022. We congratulate the Year 7 French students on their win! In Year 8 our Italian students participated in Commedia Dell’Arte theatre workshops and French students shared a traditional French morning tea. 

We hope everyone enjoyed Languages Week!


Enrolments Update

Kindergarten 2025 – Apply now

If you have a child born between 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021, please apply now for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten commencing in 2025. 

While we will not be interviewing for this cohort until a few years’ time, to avoid missing out on a place, applications are encouraged well in advance as places are limited. You can apply online, here:  

Year 7 2025 – Sibling Applications 

If your child is currently in Year 4 and is not already attending Av԰ Christi College Primary and you have not submitted an application, we encourage you to apply for Year 7 2025 as soon as possible. 

To be eligible for enrolment, all applicants must have submitted an application per child. If you are yet to do so, please apply online: 

Year 7 2023 – Orientation & Transition Information 

All students who are joining the College for Year 7 2023 have been sent a communication regarding the transition and orientation information.

If you have a child enrolled for Year 7 2023 and have not received the correspondence, please email: eso@corpus.wa.edu.au

Children’s Crossing Update

Review of a Type A Children’s crossing

BATEMAN: Murdoch Drive near Somerville Boulevard & Av԰ Christi Carpark Location#: 468

On 12 July 2022 the Children’s Crossings & Road Safety Committee (CC&RSC) met and discussed the warrant for the children’s crossing at the above location.  

Based on the data gathered the CC&RSC has determined that the student pedestrian needs in this instance will be most appropriately addressed by the retention of a Type A children’s crossing.  

For details from the meeting please click here and to view the letter please click here.



The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events


Av԰ Christi Day

This week on Thursday 18 August 2022, we will be celebrating our first Av԰ Christi Day as a K-12 College!

The day will start with a Mass for all students and staff. Morning tea will follow at the respective campuses, before the Year 4-12 students gather together again for the annual Talent Show! While the Talent Show is happening, our K-3 students will be participating in other fun activities.

Lunch and festival stalls (Secondary) and carnival activities (Primary) will round out what is sure to be a fabulous day!

We remind all students to wear their House (Secondary) or Sport (Primary) Uniforms on the day and for our Secondary students to bring coins for the stalls. Primary students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to participate in the day. Proceeds from the day will go to LifeLink.

Please note that there will be no parent attendance, as the day is catered for students.

Primary Meet the Teacher Morning Tea

Following assembly on a Friday, from approximately 9.15am – 10.00am, parents and guardians will be invited to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ morning tea for their child’s year group.

Term 3 year groups dates are as follows:

Year 2: Friday 2 September 2022

Year 6: Friday 16 September 2022 

Year 3: Friday 23 September 2022

Term 4 year group dates to be announced at a later date.

Paul Litherland Talk

Tuesday 23 August 2022, 6.00pm-7.00pm

Who: We strongly recommend that Years 5-12 Parents and Guardians attend. All other year levels are also welcomed to this event, as well as our wider community and prospective families.

Where: Av԰ Christi College, Caroline Payne Theatre

Topic: Internet Awareness - Shifting the Culture with Paul Litherland
Paul’s parent awareness presentations are very informative, covering subjects such as;

  • Digital Citizenship – Where our kids are going online, the Apps they are using and the information they are sharing.

  • Online Footprint – How easy it is to find kids online and what they can do to minimise their risk.

  • Social Networking & Networking in general – How the systems work and how to overcome their reach.

  • Online Gaming and Website Use - Risks and uses.

  • Image sharing – Trends, risks and up to date stats in regard to this issue.

  • Tips & Tricks – How to keep an eye on your kids through software and hardware. Easy instructions on what we can do to keep them safe.

Bookings: Reserve your free spot by Thursday 18 August 2022:

Book Week

In Week 6 the College will be celebrating Book Week!

In 2022 the Book Week theme is 'Dreaming With Eyes Open'.

𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀

On Wednesday 24 August 2022 Primary students and staff are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character. There will be a parade at 8.50am at the undercover area for Primary parents and guardians to see all of the wonderful outfits!

𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀

On Friday 26 August 2022 Secondary students and staff are encouraged to bring in a gold coin donation to participate in dressing up on this day. Donations from the day will go to Communicare Gosnells and their literacy program. Be sure to check the SEQTA Notices for other activities that will be available on this day!

Primary Spelling Bee

Av԰ Christi College Competition (Years 3-6): Tuesday 30 August 2022

Event times will be communicated closer to the competition date.

This year, Year 3 students are encouraged to participate at the Av԰ Christi College competition level.  Although Year 3 are not included in the Inter-school competition, it is a wonderful way for students to become involved and begin to develop the skills needed for a successful representation at future inter-school competitions. 

The Av԰ Christi College Spelling Bee will determine our representatives at this year’s Regional Inter-school Competition.

Inter-school Competition (selected representatives): Tuesday 6 September 2022

Event times will be communicated closer to the competition date.

The 2022 Inter-school Spelling Bee will take place this year at Av԰ Christi College. All inter-school representatives will attend two 1 hour workshops with Mrs Paparella to enhance their spelling prowess and skills prior to the September competition.

Paul Dillon Talk

Monday 5 September 2022, 6.00pm–8.00pm

Who: We strongly recommend that Years 6-12 Parents and Guardians attend. All other year levels are also welcomed to this event, as well as our wider community and prospective families.

Where: Av԰ Christi College, Caroline Payne Theatre

Topic: Vaping – ‘short and sweet’: What do parents need to know?

Vaping (the use of electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes or ‘vapes’) has become a growing issue for many parents across the country. This session will provide up-to-date and accurate information on the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, including the potential harms associated with the use of these devices, particularly young people. Practical advice will also be provided on how to talk to young people about vaping, as well as some possible responses that parents can use should their child attempt to challenge them in this complex area.

Bookings: Reserve your free spot by Friday 2 September 2022:

Please note that Paul will also present to our Senior School Students (Years 10–12) during the day.

Special Focus Weeks

Please note the upcoming special focus weeks taking place this term. Students and families will be provided further updates, where necessary.

  • Science Week (Week 5)

  • Book Week (Week 6)

  • LifeLink and Year 7 STEM Week (Week 7)



Book Week

During Week 6 Av԰ Christi College will be celebrating Book Week.

At the Primary Av԰us there will be a range of activities in the library at lunchtimes. On Wednesday, 24 August, we will celebrate with a Book Parade in the undercover area. Students are encouraged to dress up as a book character.

We are also excited to welcome a group of Secondary Students who will read a selection of short-listed books to our Primary students.

Our staff look forward to celebrating and promoting a love of reading during this week.



All Years (7-12)

Girls Uniform Options

At Av԰, we believe our students should be able to choose uniform options that they feel comfortable in. Our female students have the choice of wearing shorts and trousers instead of dresses and skirts if they prefer.

Visit the Uniform Shop to try on size options and to pre-order. 

MacKillop Day

On Wednesday 10 August 2022 our Secondary students celebrated MacKillop Patron Day. MacKillop students wore their House shirt on this day in honour of their Patron, Saint Mary MacKillop.

During recess and lunch there were food stalls and activities with all proceeds going to the MacKillop House charity, Mary MacKillop Today.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the day!

Da Vinci Decathlon 

In Week 3, four teams comprised of Year 7-10 students competed in the highly anticipated Da Vinci Decathlon at Winthrop Hall (UWA). This competition is designed to challenge and stimulate intellect by promoting ingenuity, creativity, higher-order problem solving skills, teamwork, adaptability, and resilience, through the following ten disciplines:

Cartography, creative producers (acting), ideation (communicating ideas), code breaking, engineering, poetry and art, mathematics, English, legacy (general knowledge), science.  

Competing against some of the top young minds in the state, the razor-sharp minds of the Av԰ students were put to the test. They conducted themselves with elegance and maturity while at the same time, embracing the spirit of team cohesion. Most importantly, they exuded joie de vivre which was evident in their enthusiasm and exuberance. 

While our teams did not place on the podium in the final standings, the Year 10 team deserves a special mention. They came second in Art and Poetry, and third in Creative Producers and Ideation. This is an outstanding achievement given the calibre of the competition.

Well done to the following students competed in the Decathlon: 

Year 7 

Annika Isabella Abecia, Ethan Chin, Oscar Cordina, Charlotte Dempsey, Jacob Foo, Haydn Gibbens, Guarav Godara, David Stafford. 

 Year 8 

Lachlan Angelatos, Amelie Braine, Oscar du Toit, Benjamin Gvozdin, Varad Kurkute, Matthew Rapanaro, Olivia Vahala, Leo Webb.

Year 9 

Amelie Butler, Chris Dass, Aldrich Kartadinata, Dorothy Lai, Ramielle Lazar, Dylan Romeo, Maureen Sherry, Rafaela Thomson. 

Year 10 

Alexander Dempsey, Joshua Diaz, Christopher Ng, Hannah Oversby, Diya Tiwari, Veronica Vincent, Mia Watanabe, Isaac Wong.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with the Da Vinci Decathlon teams, and I am very much looking forward to their continued participation in 2023.  

Adrian Richmond 
Coordinator of Academic Excellence

Cancellation of Athletics PB Meet: Wednesday 17 August 2022

Attention to Athletes and their Parents/Guardians 

Due to the forecast of thunderstorms all day tomorrow, we have decided in the interest of student safety to cancel this excursion/PB Meet. We know from experience that participations rates rates drop when conditions are poor and that the rate of injury also increases. We are also conscious of the number of students suffering or recovering from illness at present and we do not want to compromise the health and wellbeing of this cohort further.

Students must attend school as per normal in full correct uniform. 

Athletics training will go ahead this afternoon for all events - it will be modified and held in the gym if too wet outside.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation of this event.

Any questions or concerns please contact me.

James Howard
Head of Sport


Middle School (Years 7-9)

Year 7 STEM Week

In Week 7, our Year 7 students will participate in a STEM challenge, during their Science, Mathematics and Technologies classes for the week. Students will be assigned to small groups to collaborate on a problem, in which they will investigate the problem and possible solutions, then design and produce their unique solution, before evaluating and testing the product.

The week gives students a terrific opportunity to challenge themselves with new thinking and commit to collaborate with others to develop the best solution in a fun environment. Prizes will be on offer for the best solutions, as well as the groups that show outstanding commitment to the week.


Senior School (Years 10-12)


Connected, Protected and Respected 

The single biggest influence in students having a healthy state of wellbeing is to experience positive emotions through having strong feelings of social connectedness; they feel that they belong. Character Strengths weeks every term, provide students, parents and teachers with opportunities to use specific strengths to share and care with each other.

Key ingredients for respectful relationships are:

  • Connected by sharing and communicating equally and openly to experience positive emotions and oxytocin.

  • Protected by having optimism and hope that your relationship will protect you physically and emotionally.

  • Respected by thinking others value all of you including your strengths, shortcomings and feelings, to experience serotonin.

Building wellbeing through frequent little positive actions is the key to the school community looking to the future with hope. These could include: welcoming gestures, smiles, hellos, pats on the back, friendly texts, saying thank you and sorry, asking how they are feeling, giving compliments, doing five minute mindfulness activities, using positive self-talk, doing selfless acts of kindness, sharing their strengths to help someone overcome a challenge, choosing two positive personal descriptors to live by each week, spotting different ways of thinking in themselves and others, monitoring their and others’ emotions, using assertive language when they need to and recognising when they need to seek help.

Page 92 and 93 of the Secondary Student Diary addresses this concept of being connected, protected and respected.

Read Connected, Protected and Respected with your child. Discuss that when they enjoy respectful relationships, they will experience a deep sense of belonging and social connectedness, which in turn, will grow their resilience and wellbeing. Share with them that feeling they are connected and respected by others, brings serotonin and oxytocin alive in their brains, generating the natural highs of being valued and cared about. Add that feeling that they are protected, means that both emotionally and physically they will be comfortable in themselves and raise their willingness to involve themselves in the range of activities their school has to offer.

Discuss the following questions with your child.

  1. When is a time you connected, protected and respected in your relationships? What is something that you could do to ensure you feel connected, protected and respected in your relationships?

  2. What are the possible consequences for those who choose to nurture their relationships by living by other people matter, and then those who take things as they come in their relationships?

  3. What resilience skill could help you with Connected, Protected and Respected.


 (Acknowledgement: Diener, Biswas-Diener & Dutto)

Damian Scali
Deputy Principal Senior School



Year 11 Catalyst Retreat

Catalyst: 'A substance that increases a rate of a chemical reaction or a person or thing that precipitates an event.'

The Year 11 Catalyst Retreat is an open door to a moment of reflection, self-awareness and perhaps epiphany.

On Tuesday 2 August, two of our six Catalyst Retreats set off on the Camino trail. Four other expeditions set off on Wednesday 3 August, to Fairbridge Village in Pinjarra, Serpentine Av԰ in Jarrahdale, Kerem Adventure Av԰ in Bullsbrook and Manjedal Activity Centre in Karrakup. 

The six different retreat experiences offered our students the opportunity to try their hand at a range of different activities, from bush walks to adventure activities, team-building, kung fu, tai chi, pilates and yoga. 

Our core purpose, however, was to retreat; to ensconce ourselves in nature and to reflect on who we are as people, our relationships with others and our relationship with our Creator God.

The picturesque scenes afforded many quiet moments for our students to pause and reflect on their lives at this precise moment, on the cusp of adulthood.


Gilbert’s Support Our Schools Program

The Gilbert’s Fresh, Willetton and Hilton, Support Our Schools Program supports local schools by donating 1% of money spent by a customer to their chosen school.

As of 8 August 2022, Av԰ Christi College has had 118 customers support our school at both of the stores.

Council for Catholic Women Event

Thursday 8 September 5.30-8.30pm - Post Plenary Perceptions

The Council for Catholic Women Perth warmly invites you to hear Perth's women members share their experience of the second assembly of the Plenary Council.

There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion. All welcome.

Venue : James Nestor Hall, Catholic Education Office 50 Ruislip St West Leederville

When: Thursday 8 September, 5.30pm - 8.30pm (Light refreshments served 5.30pm - 6pm)

RSVP by Tuesday 6 September to kerrymacfarlane2@gmail.com or mob 0400 886 835


Av԰ Australia Upcoming Activity

Circus Challenge – Monday 29 August 2022

Register free and book via


Student Success

Ava and Vanessa (Year 1)

Ava in Year One Blue, Vanessa in Year One Green, and their brothers joined Murdoch University to clean the beach at Woodman Point last weekend. They learnt about different kinds of rubbish and worked really hard to pick up the rubbish along the beach and in the bush. 

This meaningful activity reminded them what they learnt in Pre-primary last year, called ‘three for the sea’. It is so wonderful to see our students being outstanding for others, in serving the community from such a young age!

Eva M (Year 4)

Eva competed at the StarStruck Dance Challenge over the weekend of 6 & 7 August 2022.  Eva competed her Jazz Solo (2nd Place), Lyrical Solo (1st Place) and her Contemporary Solo (1st Place).  Her contemporary solo awarded her with the highest scoring solo over the competition for Intermediate Division with a score of 97/100!

Eva received her First Tiara, Sash, Highest Scoring Plaque, andPrize Money. Well done Eva!

Isla Emmerson (Year 8)

Year 8 Sport Leader Isla has been selected to represent Western Australia Lacrosse at the upcoming National U15s Girls Championship. The tournament will be held in Western Australia this year at HBF stadium at the end of September.
Isla only starting playing lacrosse in April this year for East Fremantle where she plays for both the U14s and U17s and has found her sport. Her training, practice and tenacity has paid off especially in the State trials. She is super excited to be representing her State in September! Ultimately Isla wants to play lacrosse at college in the USA and compete for Australia.

Well done Isla and all the best for the championship!

Seraphina Andrew (Year 11)

Seraphina recently competed at the Under 16 School Sport Hockey Championships in Hobart. She came home with a bronze medal, scoring two goals in the tournament. Seraphina was also selected to be part of the School Sport All Australian squad, made up of the top 16 players of the tournament.

What a fantastic achievement, Seraphina!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:



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The next edition of the Av԰ Christi College

e-News will be released on 30 August 2022.

Av԰ Communications