E-News 28 June 2022


Welcome to Week 10

Thank you

I would like to thank our K-12 community for their excellent support and understanding as we navigated the challenges associated with a COVID impacted semester. Circumstances forced us to put many planned events and activities on hold which meant we could not celebrate and grow our newly amalgamated College as planned.

We therefore look forward to Semester 2 with great anticipation as we reengage with plans to connect with our community and seek input into future plans. We are excited to be launching our new K-12 Friends of AvŠŌ°® strategy toward the start of next term following our recent consultation session with interested parents. This will be a true K-12 initiative which will allow parents to provide strong voice into the strategic direction of the school, including the development of a new Masterplan for the College that connects the campuses and allows for the development of contemporary learning spaces that meet the current and future dynamic educational needs of our students.

We also look forward to seeking your input into the development of our K-12 College uniform along with ideas around short-term building works that we can address whilst we develop our Masterplan.

During Semester 2, we will be inviting parents and guardians to input into the development of our core strategic drivers of Community, Learning, Stewardship and Ministry. These key domains will assist us in fulfilling our daily mission as a Catholic school and striving toward our vision of being outstanding for others.

We will commence a similar process with our staff and students that will allow us to collectively shape up the future strategic direction of the school. As a high performing organisation, we understand the importance of adopting a regular and ongoing improvement strategy. In seeking input and feedback from all of our key stakeholders we collectively adopt a growth mindset and build a positive and inclusive culture with a core focus on learning.

We are very keen to have our families involved in the life of the school and will continue to shape up strategies that facilitate this process over the course of next semester and beyond.

Year 12 Retreat 

We were thrilled to be able to run our Year 12 Retreat experience for students last week as planned. Entitled ā€œCrossroadsā€, the Retreat allowed students to reflect on their journey of life and to consider their exciting road ahead.

We acknowledge our terrific Year 12 students who have demonstrated great courage, commitment and compassion in navigating the challenges of this semester. They have grown as young people through this experience and have developed a great sense of resilience, perseverance and agility in focussing on the task at hand. They are to be commended for the way that they have supported one another this semester and remained consistently buoyant despite the difficulties.

The timing of the Retreat was therefore perfect for our senior students as they took time away from school to reconnect with themselves, their friends and their faith. We all live very busy lives and it is often not until we stop and pause that we realise the wonders of each day and the important connection we have with those people special to us. We tend to take a lot for granted and race through each day ā€“ retreating away from their regular routines allowed time for our students to genuinely reflect on their lives and to return refreshed and inspired to celebrate each moment of their journey ahead.

I was very privileged to attend each of the four retreat sites and was humbled by the sense of openness and welcome by each of the groups. This speaks volumes for our students and staff who very quickly established a culture of trust and inclusiveness where each person was recognised and celebrated. Our students lived out the Mission of our College as the AvŠŌ°® Christi ā€“ that is, we are one community made up of many parts, each unique and special, with their own important role to play.

We acknowledge the open manner in which our students approached their Retreat. We also thank our very dedicated College staff for giving so generously of their time and talents to ensure the success of the Retreat.

First Holy Communion Celebration

Last weekend a large group of our students celebrated their First Holy Communion in the St Thomas More Parish Church.

Students are to be commended for the reverent and respectful way that they participated in the Mass. Receiving the Eucharist for the first time is a very special occasion in their lives as they are welcomed into the community of the Church.

Pope Francis says that ā€œwhen receiving the body and blood of Christ, Christians receive the assurance of the presence of Jesus, who makes himself our traveling companionā€.

Giving himself in the Eucharist, Pope Francis also says that ā€œthe Lord gives meaning to our lives, our obscurities, our doubts. This gives us that ā€˜moreā€™ that everyone is looking for, which is namely the presence of the Lord.ā€ 

We would like to thank the St Thomas More Parish for their wonderful support of our students in receiving their First Holy Communion. Special thanks to Fr Phong Nguyen and Fr Simeon San for celebrating the Masses. We also acknowledge Judy Machado, Beverly Bucat, the Bateman Parish Music Ministry, Catechists and College staff for their considerable efforts in organising this very special celebration of the Eucharist. We also thank our families for their excellent support of their children.


I would like to wish you all well for the upcoming holiday break. I hope that you take the opportunity to spend some quality time together as a family after what has been a very busy and eventful semester.

We look forward to all of our students returning to us safe and well on Wednesday 20 July to commence Term 3.

Best wishes and every blessing.

Jeff Allen


News (all years)


Years 3, 5, and 9 Bishopā€™s Religious Literacy Assessment 2022

At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in The Bishops' Religious Literacy Assessment (BRLA) from the week commencing Monday 25 July in Term Three. The assessment will be accessible to students only online. 

Please click the link here, or the image of the letter to read the further information provided by Principal Jeff Allen.

Lost Property

With the end of term fast approaching, we encourage anyone who has lost an item this term to come and visit the Lost Property at your respective campus, as outlined below.

There are many items in the Lost Property that have no label, so we remind students and families of the importance of labelling ALL student property.


To view or drop off lost property please visit the blue box located outside the primary administration. Parents can also email to make any lost property enquiries: primary@corpus.wa.edu.au


To view or drop off lost property please visit Student Services. Parents can also email to make any lost property enquiries: StudentServices@corpus.wa.edu.au

We encourage all students to bring any items they find, that don't belong to them, to their respective lost property areas.

Uniform Shop School Holiday Opening Hours

As there is no uniform change over the Uniform Shop will not be open during the July school holidays.

Last day of trading will be Friday 1 July 12.30pm - 4.00pm, with the Uniform Shop re-opening on Monday 18 July from 8.00am - 11.00am.

Ordering online can still be done on Flexischools during this time, however any orders placed after Friday 1 July cannot be collected until Term 3 starts.

Save the Date

The K-12 Awards Assembly will be held Friday of Week 1.

Please arrive by 8.50am for a 9.00am start.

Latest Covid-19 Update

Please click the link here to view.

We remind families that all updates can be found via www.corpus.wa.edu.au/covid-19



The latest events can also be found by visiting: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/events


Secondary Music Tutor Recital Night

We warmly welcome our community to attend the 2022 AvŠŌ°® Christi College Secondary Music Tutor Recital Night. The evening exhibits the diverse talents of some of our fantastic musicians who are tutored here at the College.

Tickets available via:

Kindy Parents and Guardians Morning Tea

Come and join us for tea or coffee and a few sweets - but mostly to get together and celebrate a community of friendship!

Date: Wednesday 29 June 2022

Time: 9.00am - 10.00am.

Location: AvŠŌ°® Christi College Primary Library

Please RSVP via: /events/morning-tea

Xavier Day

On Wednesday Secondary students will be celebrating Xavier Patron Day.

Xavier students are encouraged to wear their House shirt on this day in honour of their House Patron, St Francis Xavier.

Xavier students will start the day with a House liturgy before hosting food stalls during recess and lunch, with all proceeds going to the Xavier House charity 'Edmund Rice Foundation'.

To learn more about Xavier House visit: 

Public Speaking Night

We invite you to join us for the annual AvŠŌ°® Christi College Public Speaking Competition, to be held in Week 10 on Wednesday 29 June 2022.

This evening is an opportunity for our Secondary Public Speakers to showcase their skills in an atmosphere of friendly competition.

For more information and to RSVP to the event, please visit:

Dance Gala

We are excited to share that ticket sales are open for the 2022 Dance Gala! The performance features the dancers of AvŠŌ°® Christi College Secondary Curriculum Dance and Extra Curriculum programs.

Taking place over two nights in the Caroline Payne Theatre, this yearā€™s theme is:
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To book tickets please visit the below links:

Night One: Thursday 30 June 2022, 6.30-8.00pm

Night Two: Friday 1 July 2022, 6.30-8.00pm


Grease: School Edition

Here is Rydell Highā€™s senior class of 1959: duck-tailed, hot-rodding ā€œT-Birdsā€ and their gum-snapping, hip-shaking ā€œPink Ladiesā€ in bobby sox and pedal pushers, evoking the look and sound of the 1950ā€™s in this rollicking musical.

To book tickets to the shows, visit: www.corpus.wa.edu.au/grease



Holiday and Term 3 Swim Programs

Registrations are open for both of our upcoming swim programs.

From learning to float, submerge and start developing breathing skills at beginner level, to developing sound technique across all four swim strokes and honing skills like tumble turns and dives at Advanced and Dolphin Squad level, there is something for everyone.

Holiday Swim Program

Running from Monday 4 July to Friday 8 July 2022, the daily classes cater to different swimming ability levels in our undercover, heated pools.

To find out more about the Holiday Swim Program and to sign up, head to

Term 3 Swim Program

The Learn to Swim program has a range of options for all swimming abilities, with bookings now open for Term 3!

Lessons start Monday 25 July 2022 for a 9 week program. For more information, visit:

Inter-school Cross Country

Today the Primary Inter-school Cross Country carnival was held at Manning Park. Team AvŠŌ°® did well with 4 x first places and 1 x second place in the individual placings.

Year 3 boys and Year 5 girls won the teams events and for the first time in many years, we won the overall shield!

Well done to the two sports captains Will and Grace for warming up the teams and leading the school to victory.

Individual top placings below:

  • 1st Year 3 boys Hayden

  • 1st Year 4 girls Amelia

  • 1st Year 4 boys Alex

  • 2nd Year 5 girls Macie

  • 1st Year 6 girls Grace

Mario Kart eSports WA event

Last week, our Year 5 and 6 Mario Kart eSports team represented AvŠŌ°® Christi College in the Regional FUSE Cup event at the Methodist Ladies College. Lachlan, William, Isaac, Luka, Massimo and Allegra have been giving up their free time for the last few weeks, to train together and practice their track knowledge and mechanical skills. 

Our students competed against the other schools in the Year 5 to 8 WA league, including Methodist Ladies College, North Harrisdale and St Emilieā€™s Catholic Primary.

Our team performed amazingly, with all of our racers winning their first round divisions and moving on to the second round knockouts. Lachlan, William and Isaac managed to outplay their opponents and moved into the grand final race, representing AvŠŌ°® Christi as 3 of the top 4 finalists.

With our team in high spirits, the finals race looked more like a training session, with the racers chatting and cheering each other on as they battled through the last 4 races of the day.

Lachlan once again showed his prowess and won the day. He was very humble in his victory and was truly deserving of his trophy and prize pack. William took out 2nd place, with Isaac taking 4th. What a fantastic result for our school!

We wish Lachlan all the best as he begins training for the National event later this year!


Inclusive Plus Program

This term, we have had the pleasure of working on a primary campus initiative. The Inclusive Plus Program offers the students the opportunity to participate in engaging, fun activities that are designed to adapt to all ability levels across the primary school. The activities include cooking, art, dancing, music, literacy, and maths.

We look forward to keep working on this fantastic program next term and bringing you an update on all the great activities we will participate in.


Years 7-12


ACC Hockey

On Monday 13 June a dedicated bunch of hockey players headed off to Perth Hockey Stadium to be part of the ACC Division 2 Hockey Tournament for 2022. The students achieved the best results for AvŠŌ°® Hockey in a decade by advancing to the Grand Final and achieved a second place to Mazenod in a 3 nil loss. The mixed boys and girls team from Year 7 - to 12 played with excellent spirit, sportsmanship and reflected the College values of Courage, Compassion and Commitment. 

The first game of the day was 1 Mazenod 0 AvŠŌ°®, Second game was AvŠŌ°® 6 (Seraphina Andrews 3, Alex Neives 2, Rafaela Thomson 1) Ellenbrook Christian College 0, Semi Final AvŠŌ°® 2 (Alex Nieves 1, Lucas Cunningham 1) Saint Stevens 0. 

A true team effort from all students contributed to the result but a special mention to Seraphina Andrews & Alex Nieves for their skill, passion and  drive during all the games.

A special thank you to Christina Spry (Class of 2021) for her advice and coaching. As always is was so pleasing to have strong family support in the stands during the tournament.

Middle School (Years 7-9)


Year 7 AFL

On Tuesday 21 June our Year 7 Boys and Girls Australian Rules Footy Teams competed in the ACC Eagles Cup and Dockers Cup Carnivals respectively.

Despite slippery conditions early, most of the day was sunny and the students enjoyed a great day of competitive footy down at Ferndale Reserve.

The girls played against Emmanuel Catholic College, Tranby College and St. Norbert College. The boys played against Emmanuel Catholic College. CBC Fremantle and St Norbert College. Both teams won their first two rounds and needed to win the third round to advance to the Finals Carnival scheduled for Week 10.

The boys came up against a very strong CBC team and battled hard but were no match for the faster, stronger and highly skilled opposition. The girls third game was a genuine arm wrestle against an experienced Emmanuel side. The lead changed multiple times throughout and the AvŠŌ°® girls showed tremendous courage and terrific tackling skills. The game went right down to the wire and with seconds remaining Emmanuel scored a final goal. Our proud AvŠŌ°® girls went down by a mere three points.

All students are to be congratulated for their positive spirit and support for one another throughout the day.

Thank you to senior students Taj Forrest, Zac Ravlich and Jayde Musika who provided great support for players and staff on the day. Our thanks also to the many AvŠŌ°® parents who came along to support.

Senior School (Years 10-12)


Year 11 2023

Year 10 students have already been through an extensive process during Semester One with our VET and Transitional team exploring personal skills and career pathways, hopefully allowing them to gain some insight into their goals and dreams for the future.

The process of selecting pathways and subjects for Year 11 and 12 is exciting, but can also be quite overwhelming, so please be assured that we are here to help the students and yourselves make the best choices suitable to them. We have put in place a structure for our Year 10s that enables them to investigate their own personal traits and skills, reflect on their progress academically, discover possible future careers and then select pathways and subjects that align all of these together.

On the College Website, there is a page dedicated to the subject selection process where you can access all the relevant resources and information you and your child needs during this time of selecting subjects. This page will be updated as outlined in the timeline below.

Please find the link here -

Please see below for a timeline and relevant information for the process.


During this whole process, please do not hesitate to contact any of the staff below if you have any questions or would like further information on any of the documents, videos or processes outlined above. 
Mrs Lee-Anne Marroccoli - Head of Year 10

Mr Damian Scali ā€“ Deputy Principal Senior School

Mrs Rachel Burke - Careers Coordinator

Miss Amanda Fernihough ā€“ Director of Learning Support

Mrs Kath Davey ā€“ Head of VET and Transition Services

Ms Sally Farrington - AvŠŌ°®us Dean


Growth Mindset

There are two extremes to mindsets. Fixed, this is the way I am, and nothing can change my abilities, they are permanent. Growth, I can grow my brainā€™s abilities by learning new more difficult approaches.

Neuroplasticity has proven that we can build new neural pathways through trying things just beyond our current capabilities. Most of our mindsets are somewhere in between these two extremes. Moving them towards growth is the way to achieve enhanced personal and academic outcomes.

When students understand and believe that they can stretch their brainsā€™ abilities by making private efforts to practise more intelligent processes, they are empowered to fail well. That is, making mistakes by trying more difficult things and then correcting them by learning new more intelligent things.

There are two types of student goals:

  • process ā€“ setting incremental things to achieve regularly to accomplish their goals, growth mindsets.

  • performance ā€“ focusing on maintaining the status quo of the end result, not the process; fixed mindsets.

Teaching students to set process, not performance goals, encourages them to use their top strengths to continually lift their efforts to explore new ways to approach their learning which builds their attention and broadens their engagement. As Michael Jordan once said, to achieve something, you must have expectations of yourself.

Page 60 of the College Secondary Diary is where students can complete their LEARNING GOALS AND SUBJECT TERM TWO REFLECTION.

This enables students to reflect on their progress towards achieving their three goals, the effort they put in and how they developed in each of their subjects.

The process of setting goals, then reflecting on what they learned by moving towards achieving them, and then assessing what they need to learn to progress further and who can help them is a tried and proven way to continue to challenge their best selves. Also, building the 3Fā€™s process to achieving mastery, Focus, Feedback and Fix it, into their goal setting process will multiply their development.

Ask your child to read and discuss the following questions for each of their three goals

1.     What went well for this goal?

2.     What did I learn for my skills, connecting with others and of my choice goals?

3.     Mark where you felt you reached towards achieving these goals: 1 2 3 4 5.

4.     What resilience skill could help you with Learning Goals and Subject Reflections (see pages 6&7)?

Damian Scali
Deputy Principal Senior School   


Religious Education Incursion

On Monday Week 9 the Year 11 and 12 Religious Education classes were lucky enough to take part in an incursion from Christian not for profit organisation Destiny Rescue, conducted by Darren Reynolds. Throughout the day the Year 11s and 12s were fortunate to learn about the good work that Destiny Rescue has done around the world as well as how the not for profit organisation was created. We heard real stories and experiences of human trafficking and modern-day child slavery as well as statistics relating to this issue occurring around the world, which fits in with the content we are learning at the moment in Year 11 about how we can make moral choices.

The incursion was an experience that we wonā€™t soon forget and demonstrated to many of us just how frequently this issue is happening around the world, but more importantly, it showed us how we can make little changes in our lives to fight social justice issues.

Written by Year 11 Religion and Life General students.

VET and Transition Services Update

  • Year 12 TISC & Direct University Application Support - appointments available now on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays with College Careers Coordinator, Mrs Rachel Burke, email rachel.burke@cewa.edu.au

  • Year 10 and 11 VET in Schools Applications open Term 3 - Lunch time meetings in M02 - Monday Tuesday and Wednesday with College Head of VET and Transitions, Mrs Kath Davey, email kath.davey@cewa.edu.au

  • In Focus Careers News July 2022



Vinnies Winter Appeal ā€“ K to 12 students 

All students are asked to participate in the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Each year group has an allocated focus and will work towards their Term 2 Faith in Action.

Our primary students are participating in their annual the blanket appeal. Please support this appeal generously as there are people in our community who are suffering.

Donations are due Friday 22 July (Week 1).


AvŠŌ°® Australia Holiday Program


Sports, not screens: the key to happier, healthier children

A new study by the University of South Australia has found that childrenā€™s wellbeing is heightened when they participate in extra-curricular activities, such as sport, and lowered when they spent time on social media or playing video games.

The research also highlighted distinct differences between children who came from low and high socio-economic backgrounds. Students in lower socio-economic backgrounds who frequently played sport were 15 per cent more likely to be optimistic, 14 per cent more likely to be happy and satisfied with their life and 10 per cent more likely to be able to regulate their emotions.

Conversely, children who played video games and used social media almost always had lower levels of wellbeing, up to nine per cent less likely to be happy, up to eight per cent to be less optimism and 11 per cent to be more likely to give up on things.

ā€œAll in all, the message is clear ā€“ gaming, watching TV, playing on computers and scrolling through social media are not helping build or sustain positive wellbeing in children." 


Tuning in to Kids

Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: An interactive six-session parenting program for parents and carers of children aged 3 ā€“ 10 

Would you like to learn how to:

  • be better at talking with your child?

  • be better at understanding your child?

  • help your child learn to manage their emotions?

  • help to prevent behaviour problems in your child?

  • teach your child to deal with conflict?

Tuning in to Kids shows you how to help your child develop emotional intelligence. Children with higher emotional intelligence:

  • have greater success with making and keeping friends

  • have better concentration at school

  • are more able to calm down when upset or angry

  • tend to have fewer childhood illnesses

Emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!

Facilitators: Psychologists Luisa Rossi and Jo Wiese

Where: Online via Zoom

When: Tuesday 7pm ā€“ 9pm, 16th August ā€“ 20th September 2022

Cost: $275 per individual or $500 per couple (includes manual)

To register, contact: jo@flourishingschoolsandfamilies.com.au

Limited to 12 participants ā€“ please register early to avoid disappointment.

A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of the program.


Student Success

Matilda Engler (Year 7)

Soccer superstar Matilda has been selected to represent School Sport WA as goal keeper this year! Well done Matilda and all the best for the competition.

Natalia Grima (Year 7)

Congratulations to Natalia who represented the SDNA Association in u/12s in the Fuel to Go and Play Champions on the June long weekend, where she won the Most Valuable Player award for her team! 

Amanda Gan (Year 11)

We are pleased to share the below results from Amandaā€™s golfing achievements so far this year:

  • Nedlands Junior Masters (Mar 2022) ā€“ 1st place

  • Western Australia State Amateur Championships (Mar 2022) ā€“ Semi-Finalist

  • Hartfield Junior Open (Apr 2022) ā€“ 1st place

  • Singapore Junior Championships (Jun 2022) ā€“ 3rd place in age category

Amanda has also been selected by Golf WA and Golf Australia to represent Australia at the Maple Leaf National Teams Invitational in September 2022. Well done Amanda and all the best for your future golfing endeavours!

Year 12 Chemistry Students

On Tuesday 21 June six eager Year 12 Chemistry students ventured to the Resources and Chemistry Precinct at Curtin University of Technology to compete in WA Titration Competition.

The competition is designed to encourage students who enjoy Chemistry, particularly the practical side, to develop their skills and to reward those who attain a high level of proficiency. Every secondary school in the metropolitan area plus interested country schools was invited to enter two teams consisting of three members each.

Our two teams comprised of: 

  • Audrey Ho, Erika Machado and Sinead Rego

  • Emmanuel Foo, Jennifer Tassone and Cameron Holloway

Each team had two hours to complete all titrations, carry out all calculations and hand in result sheets. Both of our teams performed enthusiastically, completed the competition successfully with a high degree of accuracy and we now await the final results.

Atwell Youth Awards Winners

We are thrilled to announce that three of our Senior School Visual Art students were winners at the recent Atwell Youth Awards!

The annual awards are an opportunity for Western Australian secondary school artists to exhibit their work in the Atwell Gallery and go in the running to win prizes and recognition for their art.

Congratulations to the following students:

  • Claudia Werch (Year 12), Special Award Reflection

  • Ava Komnick (Year 10), Year 10 Category

  • Tiff Sapri (Year 11), Curators Award

We also extend our congratulations to all students who exhibited at Atwell this year!

Luke Chapman and Sophie Kostkova (Class of 2021)

Luke and Sophieā€™s artworks were selected to be on display at the Art Gallery of Western Australia as part of the Pulse Perspectives exhibition. WA's talented young artists are celebrated in this yearly showcase, which features 49 works by 2021 Year 12 Visual Arts graduates from 32 schools across WA.

Sophieā€™s artwork was chosen as the image used to advertise the exhibition. You may recognise her work from the inside cover of our secondary diary, a result of her winning the Principalā€™s Award at the 2021 Visual Arts Expo.

We highly recommend checking out this free exhibition is the school holidays and voting in the Peopleā€™s Choice Award for our grads!

Well done Luke and Sophie on this tremendous achievement.

ā­ Share Your Story ā­

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details and a photo to:



In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:



The next edition of the AvŠŌ°® Christi College

e-News will be released in Term 3.