E-News 31 August 2021


College Assembly

The College Assembly today was firstly, a reminder to us all, of the wonderful opportunities that are available at AvÐÔ°® for any student and secondly, a reminder of the willingness of our students to try lots of new things and succeed.  

OUR College VALUES are guided by our Christian beliefs, our values focus on:

  • Nurturing a living faith

  • Promoting justice and service to others

  • Striving for excellence in all that we do

  • Fostering joy in learning

  • Respecting the dignity of each person

  • Creating and maintaining a caring and inclusive College community.

It was important to acknowledge the students selected to compete in the Associated Catholic Colleges Athletics Team. On our behalf, they will be representing AvÐÔ°® at the A Division Carnival in Week 9.  These students under the tutelage of our staff, have been willing over many months to prepare, performed really well at our Inter-house Carnival and were selected for the Team. We wish them every success.

Today we were entertained by some of the students in the Arts, and I think it was easy to agree that our assemblies are much richer, when we can see the sharing of student talent.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Mothiram for the organisation of the Year 9 Personal Project. Students and families have worked over most of the year to have their projects exhibited next week, on 7 September. This is always a fabulous evening because it highlights student curiosity and creativity.

Today I would also like to focus on our students and student voice. I acknowledge the College Prefects Team for 2021. I thank them for a fabulous year, they have set the bar very high and their efforts have been very much noticed and appreciated.

I used the opportunity today at the Assembly to address some areas and actions which are of concern to me, where things are not going so well. College staff (and I would imagine many students) have been disappointed with behaviours that pay little attention to one of our key College Values - creating and maintaining a caring and inclusive College community.  These actions can create an unsafe environment and are not in keeping with our College values. These behaviours weaken our AvÐÔ°® community. I addressed these actions with all students which really is focused on respect, and I believe a reminder is very important and timely.

AvÐÔ°® Christi, the body of Christ, Sequere Dominum, ‘Follow the Lord’. This is what we are about – this demands we care for one another, that we are not on our own, but that we are trying to be better human beings.

The vast majority of students are doing the right thing, however, I presented these concerns today because we are not tolerant as a community of this misbehaviour and disrespect, because it impacts on the learning effectiveness for other students. It is important that we all respect the rights of others always, whether it be inside or outside of the classroom. I provided some examples of what I wanted the students to think about.

Firstly, I focused on bullying behaviour at AvÐÔ°®. My message to students:

If you know another student is being bullied, whether you exclude them, or say terrible things to them personally, or if you say something mean online, then I say to you ‘STOP’; and if you know someone is being bullied, I say to you, you need to DO SOMETHING to make it STOP. If you know something is happening, you need to tell a staff member.

I reminded everyone of AvÐÔ°®â€™ online method on the front page of SEQTA – AvÐÔ°® Concern, to let us know something is wrong. This is being used a lot and I encouraged students to make use of this easy way to communicate.

Picture 1.png

My second area of focus today was Vaping. Some students are behaving in a way that does not adhere to College expectations. Vaping or using an E- cigarette, is the act of inhaling and exhaling aerosols produced by an e-cigarette or similar battery-powered device. These may not have nicotine but have many other unknown chemicals that can impact health. It is important that everyone understands about these illegal products and to be aware of the risks.

Deciding to vape is a BAD choice. We will not tolerate vaping or having vaping devices at AvÐÔ°®. This behaviour has a risk to student health and students risk losing their place at the College.


House Days

To Ms Tessa Johnson, Pallotti House Coordinator and Mr Matt Jackson, Chisholm House Coordinator and everyone involved, congratulations on celebrating and highlighting the life and good works of St Vincent Pallotti and Caroline Chisholm at the recent House Patron Days. I think the faces in the photos attest to the sincerity of purpose by all concerned – thank you.


Sustainability Club - planting morning

Each week, the College Sustainability Club has a meeting. Ella Waddy in Year 12 is a driving force, assisted by Chris Cakir, Molly Dawkins and Honey Matson.  This Club is trying to make a difference with taking action a key imperative.

Recently the Sustainability Club coordinated with our Grounds Team to plant and weed a garden bed near the Uniform Shop. Thank you to Ella for her write up of the event:

On Thursday the 19th August, The Sustainability Club had their inaugural event - a planting morning.

Open to all members of the student body, and the Sustainability Club, this was an amazing event which saw 22 students and numerous staff members come together to plant over 100 native seedlings in the school grounds. The morning was a huge success, as the area was transformed by the actions of these dedicated students who cleared, weeded, planted, and watered the area.

Fantastically, many stayed back to pick up rubbish afterwards, collecting almost 6kg of litter from around the school grounds. The dedication and involvement of these students is to be commended, so a huge thank you goes to everyone who supported the event.

This morning was but a taste of what Sustainability Club has to offer. So, with many more exciting opportunities planned, the Club encourages anyone interested to come down, bring a friend and get involved!


Duke of Edinburgh AvÐÔ°®

Last Friday and Saturday, Mr Noel Patterson, Ms Jacqui Johnson and Ms Amanda Fernihough embarked on a camping experience with 21 students to the Manjedal Activity Centre. This was the final qualifying Adventurous Journey for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze students. The Journey took take place at the Manjedel Activity Centre and surrounds. Students participated in bushwalking, navigating, camping and camp cooking. Congratulations to everyone that was involved.


LifeLink Week

This week is LifeLink Week. You can find out more about this Catholic agency

Thank you to Ms Katrina Thomas for providing opportunities to learn about the work of this agency and raise funds to benefit the community.

Let Us Pray

A Prayer for Charity

God of mercy and compassion,

We praise you for your goodness.

May your will be done on earth

As it is in heaven.

Fill us with the spirit of loving service

As we recognise in those we meet

The face of Jesus your Son.

Through the generous work of

our LifeLink welfare agencies,

May burdens be lifted from the

shoulders of your people,

And may they feel the warmth of

your kindness and love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Social Justice Statement – Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference has echoed the call by Pope Francis in his encyclical, Laudato Si, to reject the ‘technocratic paradigm, with its ideology of the domination of nature,’ with the release of the Social Justice Statement 2021-2022: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor.


Father’s Day Breakfast

On Friday morning this week (3 September), the College is hosting a Father’s Day Breakfast at the Mater Christi Centre. This, along with Mother’s Day, is a premier event and opportunity to invite, connect and celebrate the AvÐÔ°® community. Parents and Friends funding will allow the chance for lucky dads to win some wonderful prizes. I look forward to seeing you there.


Student Success – The Arts

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

AvÐÔ°® students continue their involvement in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. We received acknowledgement and congratulations from the Performing Arts Festival Committee to the students listed below on achieving the following Award(s). Other students continue to be involved.

F17 – Concert Band (Secondary) (YRS 7-12)
AvÐÔ°® Christi College Concert Band

F18 – Concert Band (Symphonic Orchestra)
AvÐÔ°® Christi College Symphony Orchestra

J15 - Instrumental Strings including Harp (Secondary Solo)
Hannah Oversby

Clara Blet

J16 - Instrumental Strings including Harp (Secondary Duet)
Hannah Oversby & Mia Watanabe

J19 - Instrumental Electric Guitar (Solo)
Xavier Petta

J3 - Instrumental Woodwind (Secondary Solo)
Arabella Edgar

Killian Jordan-Keane
Emily Boudville
Amelie Braine
Emily Holloway
Jasmyn Maney

Amy Hitie
Veronica Ruth Vincent
Shirin Fozdar
Rafaela Thomson

J4 - Instrumental Woodwind (Secondary Duet)
Anna Thomson & Megan Schutte

Brianna Mo & Stella Van Der Lee

Junellea Tham & Naomi Lee

J7 - Instrumental Brass (Secondary Solo)
Oliver George 

Outstanding Award recipients may be recommended by the Adjudicator to be considered for possible inclusion at the concluding Festival Concert.


Policy Update 

You may have noticed a change to our website with our policy page (/policies) now referring to Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA) Policies. The embedded CEWA policy hub is a comprehensive ‘one stop shop’ for all community members regardless of which Catholic school(s) they are affiliated with – ensuring clear, consistent messaging on one platform.

The policy page will continue to contain the most up-to-date CEWA policies and executive directives for your easy reference. Should you need to refer to AvÐÔ°® Christi College procedures which will no longer be referred to as Polices (including Uniform & Grooming, Attendance, and Codes of Conduct), you’ll now find them on the newly created procedures page: /procedures


QCE People’s Choice

 We are delighted to share that AvÐÔ°® Christi College has three entries in the 2021 QCE Awards! 

The People’s Choice Award is open for voting now and gives us a chance to showcase three wonderful initiatives we have at the College. 

To read our entry and to vote for one of the three entries, please visit: 

 Every vote counts and we appreciate your support.

Thank you

Frank Italiano






In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

Sibling/Family Photo Collection

For any families that ordered sibling/family photos, these are to be collected from the College Reception, between the hours of 8.00am-4.00pm.


College Grand Piano

We are pleased to announce that our beautiful College Grand Piano recently arrived after many months of restoration work in Albany!

The purchase and restoration work was funded by the 2020 Parents & Friends (P&F) Levy. We thank the P&F and College community for their continued support of the College and the Arts as our music program continues to go from strength to strength.

Our Director of Music, Jonathan Bradley can be seen testing it out ahead of the upcoming Music Night on Wednesday evening.

To learn more about this instrument and to view the restoration photos please visit:


Inter-house Play Competition Results

The competition saw students across all year levels working together within their house teams to compete for house points by preparing their own interpretation of their selected scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream.

It was wonderful to welcome back our Arts Alumni, Scott McArdle (Class of 2010), Annabel Biscotto (Class of 2019) and Noah Gilmore (Class of 2019) as judges. They had a tough job on the night, with many wonderful individuals and group performances.

We extend our congratulations to the following winners:

- ð—•ð—²ð˜€ð˜ ð—£ð—¹ð—®ð˜†: Xavier

- ð—•ð—²ð˜€ð˜ ð—”ð—°ð˜ð—¼ð—¿/ð—”ð—°ð˜ð—¿ð—²ð˜€ð˜€: Alice Herbert (Year

- ð—•ð—²ð˜€ð˜ ð—¦ð˜‚ð—½ð—½ð—¼ð—¿ð˜ð—¶ð—»ð—´ ð—”ð—°ð˜ð—¼ð—¿/ð—”ð—°ð˜ð—¿ð—²ð˜€ð˜€: Declan Cooper (Year 11)

- ð—•ð—²ð˜€ð˜ ð——ð—¶ð—¿ð—²ð—°ð˜ð—¼ð—¿ð˜€: Salvado (Piers Motherway, Liam Nieves, Kathryn Tan) and de Vialar (Keely Williams)

- ð—•ð—²ð˜€ð˜ ð—¦ð—²ð˜ ð——ð—²ð˜€ð—¶ð—´ð—»: Salvado


Student Success

Amanda Gan (Year 10)

Amanda represented the College in the School Sport WA Golf Championship on Monday 16 August. At this event she won the girls overall gross title and was the Year 10 winner for the best score. Amanda also got selected into the School Sports Girls State Golf Team for 2021. Congratulations Amanda on an outstanding result. Thank you to GolfWA for the photos.

Michela De Boni (Year 10) and Samantha Lings (Year 12)

Tuesday 17 August was the opening of the Angelico Catholic Arts Exhibition at the Forrest Centre in Perth. The exhibition is named after Fra Angelico a 15th Dominican Friar and artist, who is known as the Patron of Artists.

We congratulate two of our senior art students who took out awards at this prestigious event:

- Year 10 student Michela De Boni’s oil painting ‘Study of Timothy’ won the Forrest Centre’s Tenants choice award. This painting was a study in the Anders Zorn technique, where only four colours are used to make the flesh tones.

- Year 12 student Samantha Lings won 2nd Prize overall, Years 11 and 12 for her oil painting ‘My Great Grandmother Stella’. This artwork explores the memories and nostalgia of a much beloved family member.

The exhibition can be viewed Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm until 27 August. A virtual tour of the exhibition will be available on the Catholic Arts website at the completion of the exhibition.

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:


Amanda Gan

Amanda Gan

Julie Pannel (Head of Arts), Samantha Lings, Michela De Boni, Gaby Fabris (Teacher in Charge, Visual Art).

Julie Pannel (Head of Arts), Samantha Lings, Michela De Boni, Gaby Fabris (Teacher in Charge, Visual Art).


Music Night - Tomorrow!

Join us for an evening of music to exhibit the talents of some of our fantastic College ensembles.


Wednesday 1 September, 6.30pm


Caroline Payne Theatre


$5pp from


Father’s Day Breakfast - This Friday!

The College invites students and their Fathers, Grandfathers or Father-figures to a Father's Day Breakfast on Friday 3 September 2021.

Bookings are essential for all guests, including students, to ensure that you are catered for.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Friday 3 September 2021, 7.15am - 8.30am


Mater Christi Centre


$5pp, via


Monday 30 August 2021


Personal Project

Please join us in celebrating the creativity and innovation of our Year 9 students at the 2021 Personal Project Exhibition.

The exhibition will be held in the James Nestor Centre and will be open from 6.00-8.30pm. All are welcome and no bookings are required for this event.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Romero Day

Next Wednesday 8 September we will be celebrating Romero House Day.

Romero students are encouraged to wear their House shirt on this day in honour of their House Patron, Saint Oscar Romero.

During recess and lunch there will be food stalls and activities outside the Cafeteria, with all proceeds going to the Romero House charity ‘Hogar Padre Vito Guarato’ in El Salvador.

To learn more about Romero House visit:


Arts Festival

AvÐÔ°® Christi College warmly invites you to the 2021 Arts Festival. 

Our annual exhibition draws focus to our Year 12 Arts students across Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art.

Bookings Essential:

Dance Perspectives

Thursday 9 September  | Caroline Payne Theatre


Art Exhibition

Wednesday 15 September - Friday 17 September  | James Nestor Centre


Music Perspectives

Thursday 17 September  | Caroline Payne Theatre


Drama Perspectives

Friday 18 September  | Caroline Payne Theatre



Year 7 Grandparents Mass & Morning Tea

We cordially invite all Grandparents to join our Year 7 students in celebrating this wonderful family bond with our annual gathering of grandparents.
Please arrive at 8.45 for a 9.00am start.
Following the celebration of the Eucharist, we invite visitors and students to join us for a College tour and morning tea, provided by the College from 10.00 - 10.30am.

RSVPs essential via:



Faith in Action Update 

Week 7 is LifeLink

The LifeLink organisation was established by the Archdiocese of Perth in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Church.

LifeLink’s agencies deliver professional services & caring support to thousands of people in need throughout Western Australia each year.

The work of LifeLink is indeed a positive demonstration of: Faith in Action.

Last year, LifeLink funded agencies reached out to help over 37,000 Western Australian families & individuals in need, delivering more than $60 million in caring services and professional programmes throughout WA.

So, what is happening at AvÐÔ°® for LifeLink?? Each Homeroom this week is being challenged to create a short (30-60 second) video to promote social justice using a social justice themed song from popular culture. This will go towards HOUSE POINTS and points will be awarded for:

  • Enthusiasm

  • Choice of song

  • Relevant mention or use of LifeLink in video

We will also be having a Kahoot Quiz during Wednesday Extended Homeroom. And having a bake sale at Recess in the Cafeteria and a sausage sizzle for $3 and a can of soft drink for $2 or a combo for $4. Live music will also be having on Wednesday at Recess, some staff may also be singing/playing. All monies will be given directly to LifeLink to support the 11 Agencies of LifeLink in the Archdiocese of Perth. Come on down and support! 

Middle School – Selfless September

This September there will be a focus for our Middle School students called “Selfless September†focussing on the following quote: “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness†Seneca (Roman Philosopher).

This quote reminds us that we are all in this together, and over the past year or two anything can happen in life, so let us help those in our community by showing a little bit of kindness to someone. So, we are challenging students to put others needs before their own, by completing one simple task per day for the whole month of September. Students will be given out a sheet with a grid with tasks to complete (see below) and some reflection on the back at the end of August. Students will be given to Monday 6th of November to complete the grid and the reflection questions. Please hand to your Homeroom Teacher on the Monday. In doing so, you are committing to the Vision for Learning of the College.

Middle School – Year 9 only

A new opportunity for our Year 9 students to take part in, is the AvÐÔ°® Good Night In. This will be happening at the beginning of Term 4, so please keep an eye out in the next e-News and Seqta Notices for more details. The opportunity will give you an idea of what the Vinnies Sleep Out will be like next year when you start your FIA Senior School Program.

CORE Hours Opportunity – NATSICC Palliative Care Program 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ATSI) suffer from the worst health outcomes of any group in Australia. Hospital visits are more frequent and life expectancy is much lower than the Australian average. Many Aboriginal people travel from country regions to access health care services that are provided in Perth.

In many cases, simply staying warm in a location that is very different from their community can be achieved through the provision of a warm blanket. That blanket could also provide emotional comfort through the incorporation of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islands colours.

NATSICC has developed the Palliative Care Packages to ensure comfort, both physically and spiritually.

How can I help?

We need knitted squares (must be 20cm x 20cm), MUST be 8 ply acrylic wool. These then need to be made into blankets (must be 125cm x 112cm).

This is what you will need:

  • Size 4mm needles

  • 8 ply acrylic yarn

 Instructions on how to knit the squares:

  • Cast on 42 stitches

  • Knit plain stitch until your square measures 20cm x 20cm

  • Use earthy or Red, Black and yellow coloured wool

When completed please bring to the Upper Room and see Ms Thomas or Mrs Taylor.

Link to The Record

To view the latest edition of The Record please

Link to the Archdiocese of Perth Communication

To view the latest communication please


Click to enlarge

NATSICC Palliative Care Program Knitting

NATSICC Palliative Care Program Knitting


Skills and Careers Expo

On Thursday 26 August 58 Year 10 students attended the Skills and Careers Exhibition at the Perth Convention Centre. Over 100 Industries were displayed with engaging information and workshops for the students to partake in. The students could discover an array of interactive events and activities aimed at pathway directions for the future both in vocational and University pathways. The day was extremely important for the students, who thoroughly enjoyed the presentations provided.

Lee-Anne Marroccoli
Head of Year 10

Careers Update

A Day in the Life of a Uni Student: Notre Dame

Find out more information


Please keep an eye on the SEQTA Notices and Careers Portal for future updates and opportunities.


Year 12 Information Handbook Part Two 

The Year 12 Information Handbook Part Two is now available to download from the following website  

The Handbook contains information about upcoming ATAR External Examinations. 

Year 12’s have been encouraged to read the Handbook in Homeroom this week.

Year 12 Semester Two Examinations 

The schedule for Year 12 Semester Two examinations are now on the Year 12 portal. Examinations run from Monday 4th October to Tuesday 12th October. 

Year 12 ATAR Course Examination - COVID-19 Contingency Plan

Please read the below letters from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority:


Paul Dillon Presentation 

On Monday 6th September, Paul Dillon will be presenting his drug and alcohol education sessions online in the form of a live webinar to Year 10-12 students. 

Senior school students will attend the Caroline Payne Theatre at the following times:

  • Year 10: Period One & Two

  • Year 11: Period Three & Four

  • Year 12: Period Five & Six

The webinar for each year group will be 75 minutes in duration. After each webinar there will be a 20-25 minute year assembly.


James Ramsey
Deputy Principal Senior School



Year 7 Vaccinations

The first round of vaccinations for Year 7’s will be held on Wednesday 8th of September and Thursday 9th of September. This will see all consent giving students vaccinated for HPV (human papillomavirus) and diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough.

·      Students are to wear their house uniform on both days

Please remind them to bring a water bottle to the vaccination room to keep hydrated.

All students are required to go to the vaccination room/area however students from families that have NOT given consent or NO consent on the form that has been received by the Health Department, will be ushered to the recovery area and NOT receive this injection. This is in order for the College to account for the movements of every child and provide adequate supervision.

Further information about the vaccinations can be found at the following websites:

Department of Health 

Immunise Australia Program 

Alternatively, parents/guardians can ring the Immunisation Information Hotline on 1800 671 811. 


Preliminary NAPLAN results 2021 

The 2021 Preliminary NAPLAN results have been released.

The graphs below demonstrate that AvÐÔ°® Christi College students achieved above other CEWA schools and the State and National averages for Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Numeracy in both Year 7 and Year 9. This is a very positive result. 


Further information and individual results will be made available to parents and students through SETQA when all results are finalised. 

Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School


Year 8 Character Retreat

In conjunction with the Religious Education curriculum in Year 8, the students attended a retreat experience last Thursday run by the 24:7 Middle School Ministry group titled 'Masterpiece of Creation'.

This theme works towards building a Christian character that acknowledges the uniqueness of self and all of creation and lives in a way that appreciates this understanding.

The retreat day comprised of a series of interactive sessions including group discussions, games, video clips, reflection and prayer that brought to light God's wonderful creation.

Thank you to our Year 8s for their enthusiastic participation and to all of those that made the day possible.


Year 7 Quest Catch-up

On Thursday 17 August our Year 7s caught up with their Quest leaders at Recess. They shared a morning tea before participating in an activity of their choice - dodgeball, a AvÐÔ°® themed Kahoot or board games.


Stewardship Extended Lunch - Promotional Opportunity for Businesses

We would like to extend a warm invitation to our inaugural Stewardship event! The Stewardship committee is running a Stewardship (Sustainability and wellbeing) themed extended lunch on Tuesday the 21st September. This will be an exciting event for students, lasting one hour in length, during which students will visit stalls, participate in activities, learn more about our environment, and look after their wellbeing. 

We are searching for businesses who might be interested to come in and run a stall, or give a presentation on the day to promote the work you do. 

For the most part, the arrangements are flexible for what you would like to present, however, if you decide to accept the offer, it will need to fit into the one hour time frame and be targeted at high school students from Years 7-12. 

We would be thrilled for you to accept this offer, and become a part of this fantastic event - helping to raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and encourage behavioural change.

If you would like any more information, and want to get involved, please don’t hesitate to contact our Stewardship prefects Ella Waddy at ewaddy@student.cewa.edu.au or Chris Cakir at ccakir@student.cewa.edu.au


Unveil what you inhale: Vaping

Vaping is on the rise in Australia and has become popular amongst teenagers and young adults. Very little is understood about the long-term health impacts of vaping, but research has revealed the products contain a cocktail of toxic chemicals, including the highly addictive chemical nicotine. It can be challenging to know how to talk with teenagers about the dangers of vaping. This information is designed to empower you with the latest research and information to engage in meaningful conversation:

Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 9.10.05 am.png

Body Kind Families

Helping parents connect with their teen on body image and being body kind.


Better Health Program

The Better Health Program is a free, healthy lifestyle program for families. The program is evidence-based and is developed and delivered by qualified health professionals to support families with making sustainable health changes. Children (and their families) are eligible to participate in the program if they are:

  • Aged 7-13 years

  • Above a healthy weight

To learn more visit:

Better Health.png