WISE Women Showcase

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On Thursday 27 May, a group of Year 10 girls attended the WISE Women Showcase at Murdoch University, accompanied by Miss Coma and Mrs Hall.

The day started with a Keynote presentation from a Year 11 student who has taken advantage of STEM opportunities, including taking part in school clubs, competitions and seeking support of a mentor. This was followed by two hands-on workshops.

In the first workshop students were shown how maths is used to solve crimes and they were tasked with proving the innocence of an accused murderer! In the second workshop students considered food webs and how direct human impact is affecting our local environment.

The day ended with a Q&A panel with a diverse range of females whose jobs rely on STEM.

We hope that the students were inspired to continue their study of STEM subjects and consider successful related careers.

Thank you to one of our attendees, Stephanie De Luca, who has provided a review of the day:

“It was such a great opportunity to be apart of Murdoch’s Wise Women Showcase for 2021! We got to take part in many exciting activities that gave us a fascinating insight to the careers available in STEM. We got a great feel for the many opportunities offered at Murdoch University and it was so encouraging to hear the inspiring stories of successful women in STEM. I would definitely recommend this experience for all girls, whether or not they are interested in a career in this type of industry.â€
— Stephanie De Luca 10PA