E-News 7 December 2021


As we move to 2022

The College recently hosted the incoming Year 7 cohort for 2022 and began their transition to the College. This is a well-planned and successful formula that ensures the new students make a smooth entry to secondary schooling. I thank Mr Simon Messer, Mr Patrick Woolley, Science staff, Health and Physical Education staff and staff allocated to Year 7 Homerooms for 2022 for the implementation of the Orientation Program. Thank you to Mrs Alex Carcione, Manager of Marketing and Enrolments for the logistics of the enrolment process over the past two years for the incoming cohort.

Last Friday we held the Years 7-11 Awards Assembly, the final opportunity this year to celebrate excellence. I thank the many parents, extended family members and friends who were able to attend this major event on the College calendar.

This Assembly also involved honouring the AvŠŌ°® Christi College past, with former College Principals involved in the proceedings. I acknowledged former Principals Mr Tony Curtis, Mr David Heath and Mr Vaughan Sadler who contributed to developing AvŠŌ°® Christi College as a Catholic secondary school of choice. The College was founded back in 1983 by the Catholic Education Commission of WA (CECWA) on a plot of land with very little surrounding it ā€“ in the early years there was no Piney Lakes parkland, just a large pine forest, and the surrounding suburbs were not established as we know them today.  

The College was officially opened on 17 April 1983 by the Archbishop of Perth, Sir Launcelot Goody, and the Commonwealth Minster for Finance, Mr John Dawkins. This was seen as a landmark for Catholic education in Western Australia as AvŠŌ°® Christi College was the first non-Order owned co-educational Catholic secondary college in the Archdiocese of Perth.

The College opened its doors with 128 Year 8 students and seven teaching staff.ā€ÆThe College has grown in size and reputation under the stewardship of Principals Father Robert McCormack, Sister Leonie Mayne, Mr Tony Curtis, Mr David Heath, Mr Vaughan Sadler and Mrs Caroline Payne. 

I acknowledge the past and ongoing support from the St Thomas More Parish. Father Peter Whitely, Monsignor Michael Keating, Fr Phillip Perreau and now Fr Phong Nuygen.

Year 7 students entered secondary schooling at the College in 2009. Now in 2021 the College has 1240 students and 150 staff.  There are several long serving staff members who have or will retire or change the way they work this year. The College acknowledges the enormous contribution they have made and thanks each of them for their stellar service. 

Deborah Santaromita 
1988 ā€“ 2021

Simon Keane
1993 ā€“ 2021

Marie Drygan
1997 ā€“ 2021

Rae Cook 
2004 ā€“ 2021

Philip Price


Let us Pray - A Prayer of Thanks

Father, may I be one who notices a servant today

and stops to genuinely thank them.

May they sense Your love

through my simple gesture.

In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.



I would like to acknowledge and congratulation many members of the College staff who participated and also to everyone who generously contributed to the raising of funds (close to $7000) for the Christi Crustaches Movember Team.


Gratitude and farewells to our staff 

On behalf of our community, I give thanks to our staff, many of whom have shown dedication and commitment above and beyond the call of duty, outstanding teachers who provided additional tutorials after school to extend those students who excel to achieve their very best and supported students who are struggling, who coordinated countless extra-curricular activities in order to provide students with a balanced education. Whether in Student Services, the front Reception Desk, our administrative, ICT, maintenance and gardening staff, I believe they all go that ā€˜extra mileā€™ to support students at the College.

Staff Farewells 

On behalf of the College, I am grateful for the service provided by the staff who are leaving us at the end of the year.

Mrs Deborah Santaromita commenced at AvŠŌ°® Christi College 33 years ago, predominately in the Health and Physical Education Learning Area and more recently, Technology and Enterprise.  She has been passionate and tireless in her devotion to Sport, and in particular, netball.  She has coached athletics, swimming, touch football, basketball, water polo and netball. She has been the Sports Coordinator and has also run the Year 9 Netball Smarts elective, along with swim camps and outdoor education expeditions. She has been integral to the sporting fabric of AvŠŌ°® Christi.

Mr Simon Keane commenced at the College in 1993 and has been a cornerstone of the teaching of Religious Education and faith development. He has contributed to not just the academic and cultural life of the College but also as a leader. Mr Keane has served the community by leading the Religious Education department and more recently the Retreat Programs and Liturgy at the College, roles which impacted on all students and staff.  

Mrs Rae Cook commenced her connection with the College in 2004. She has been a part of the Religious Education and Science Learning Areas. She has also demonstrated her professionalism and passion for catering for the needs of learners in her role as Deputy Principal. The AvŠŌ°® community has been blessed by her service.

Mr Phil Price is a wise man with a huge heart, very devoted to the well-being of his students, something you have epitomised in your classes and in support of the many College Retreat programs that you have led.  We thank you, and I am sure we will see you next year.

Mrs Anna Triscari has made an outstanding contribution to the Languages Team and the broader life of the College.  Mrs Triscari is a talented and inspiring teacher and leader who recognised the importance of building and maintaining strong connections with students and staff. She is to be commended for her commitment to her students and the way that she has championed languageā€™s education in Western Australia. Ciao, Adieu, Selamat tinggal.

Mr Gerry Schirinzi has been a member of the Technology and Enterprise Learning Area.  As an educator he has been totally committed to ensuring the highest standards of practice, something that he passionately promotes with his classes.

Ms Daisy Coma is moving to Lumen Christi College. I thank Daisy for her outstanding leadership of the Mathematics Learning Area. She has been totally committed to catering for individual student needs and promoting best practice in all aspects of the curriculum. She has initiated and developed numerous programs to provide challenging opportunities for our students.

Dr Annette Pedersen has led and developed the Library and Information Services, as well as teaching Religious Education and English. Dr Pedersen is a talented and inspiring teacher who recognises the importance of building and maintaining strong connections with students. She had a demonstrated talent to support students to achieve their best ā€“ it has been about guiding students to learn how to learn.

Mr Jonathon Bradley, Director of Music is moving to St Maryā€™s. We thank him for the way he has promoted and contributed to the Arts at AvŠŌ°®. It is wonderful that the College orchestra has been nurtured during your time here.

Mrs Leana Martin, is moving to Santa Maria College and will be the Head of Careers.  Leana has been a valued member of the Careers/VET Team.

Mrs Anita Finneran has accepted a Religious Education position at Iona Presentation College. We thank Anita for her contribution to making life at AvŠŌ°® so positive. She has demonstrated passion in the way she has promoted the journey of faith development as Coordinator of Liturgies and Retreats. 

Ms Melinda Grummet has been a valued member of the Languages Learning Area. She has inspired and encouraged students and staff, Igniting the Spirit. Most recently, she has shown us what is possible in the area of using digital devices to enhance the learning experience. 

Ms Maighread Nidhesuna has accepted a position at Sacred Heart College. We thank her for her commitment and promotion of Science, especially Physics to her students.

Ms Phoebe Berndt will be moving to the Catholic Education Office in 2022, continuing her passion for Psychology. Phoebe is well loved by her students, provided highly motivational learning experiences.

Ms Christine Mackintosh is moving to Mother Teresa College. She has made an outstanding contribution to the ICT Team and the Library. I thank her for sharing her expertise and her commitment to the community.  

Mr Timothy Martino has been with us in Semester Two. We wish him every success at Sacred Heart College in Sorrento.

We give thanks to a number of staff covering teachers on leave or have been with us in the past year, including:

  • English Teacher, Casey Morrison

  • Languages Teacher, Francesca Gabby

  • Education Support Assistant, Kieran Broadbent

  • AFL Trainee, Kara Turley

We wish Mrs Donna Chong who will be on leave in Term One, 2021, as well as Ms Gaby Fabris and Mrs Rachel Goodchild who will be on leave for 2022, a great extended break.

 Ms Ellie Patterson will be working at Ngalangangpum School (Warmun Community) in the Kimberley next year, returning to us in 2023.

On behalf of the College, we thank the staff leaving us and wish them all the best for the future. In Pope Francisā€™ words, ā€˜their love has been shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home. Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love. That is why our families, our homes, our schools, can be true domestic churches.ā€™


The Parents and Friends Levy Spending in 2021

I would like to provide an update to the community regarding the funds collected from the Parents and Friends Levy to the end of 2021.

The contribution made by the Levy is allocated across all aspects of the College life, both in the classroom and outside for the benefit of all of our students and the community.

The funds for 2021 have been distributed in the following ways:

  • Furniture for the Caroline Payne Theatre foyer for the comfort of our guests

  • Two new bandsaws for our Design and Technology area

  • Treadmill for David Heath Gymnasium

  • Automatic doors for our Student Services area

  • New carpet in our Education Support Centre

  • Shade sail for our Mayne Block area

  • Ten new water coolers situated around the College

  • Additional change rooms for the Jennifer Reilly Aquatic Centre

  • Additional Library shelving

  • Lego for our Lego club. 


School commencesā€¦

Please note Year 7 and Year 11 and 12 students will commence on Monday 31 January, whilst all other students will commence on Tuesday 1 February 2022.

The first K-12 College Assembly will be held at 9.35am (to be confirmed) on the Tuesday 1 February. We begin our first year as a K-12 College and this will be the first opportunity to come together as one community. This assembly will also recognise the 2021 WACE high achievers from our current Year 12 cohort of students.  All parents are very welcome to attend (specific details about this Assembly will be confirmed early in 2022).


Save the Date

The K-12 AvŠŌ°® Christi College Community Mass will be held on the Primary Oval on Friday 4 February 2022, commencing at 6.00pm.  Please note that this a K-12 College event and all students are expected to attend.  All families are invited to attend to celebrate the new academic year.

Please advise any external groups where your children are involved, such as dancing organisations, sporting associations and work commitments that this event will be taking place and all students are expected to attend.

Please RSVP your attendance via the below button. Students do not need to be included in the RSVP.

Speaking Out Survey

The Western Australian published his second Speaking Out Survey. It contains children and young people's experiences and views on safety, mental health, engagement in education, connection to community and how they access sources of support. The Commissioner surveyed over 16,000 students, of which about 20% were from Catholic schools.

This is an excellent source of Student Voice data to inform our decision making. Some of the findings include:

  • 30% said they don't feel listened to if they have something to say.

  • Half of Year 7 to 12 students worry that someone in their family will be fighting, with one in ten worrying a lot.

  • Among Year 7 students, more than one-third of female students say they do not like learning or do not feel like they belong at school. Nearly a third say they don't like school.

  • Only two thirds of high school students feel teachers care, believe and listen to them.

  • 75% of high school students agree they are involved in decisions affecting them.

You can read the highlights, or download the full Report .

Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia ā€“ Message to Parents 

Dear colleagues, parents and friends of Catholic education

The end of the school year is a time to reflect as well as to celebrate. For each of us, 2021 has had different challenges and different highlights, but all of us involved in Catholic education can be grateful for the learning, achievement and community that have been fostered in our schools throughout the year.

I extend my gratitude to all who work in Catholic schools and offices across Western Australia for your dedication and commitment to this ever-important mission of education.  It is in our safe, progressive classrooms and learning environments that more than 78,000 students are inspired to engage in their learning and strive towards their potential.  It is in our welcoming and inclusive schools where healthy and respectful relationships are modelled and nurtured.  And it is in our Christ-centred communities where Gospel values shape our understanding of the dignity and value of each individual and the importance of service and community.  

2021 marked  for CEWA as one state-wide system, and 200 years since the first Catholic school opened in Australia. Throughout the year we celebrated the unique histories, charisms and stories of individual school communities, as well as the shared identity and values that unite us. The bicentenary theme of 'Faith in the Future' helped us to reflect on how Catholic education has grown and developed, as well as demonstrating the importance of the enriched, Christ-centred education that has contributed to the rich tapestry of communities across Australia.  This theme tied in with what will possibly be remembered as the most significant event for the Catholic church in Australia this year ā€“ the first assembly of the Plenary Council. While Catholic school communities considered their role in nurturing Faith in the Future, the whole of the Church in Australia was invited to ā€˜listen to what the Spirit is sayingā€™ to us collectively at this time. 

At the beginning of Term Four the  recognised outstanding and innovative projects and initiatives developed by our schools in the categories of Catholic Identity, Education, Community, Stewardship and Faith in the Future. The latest CEWA STEM Showcase (and the second regional showcase this year) was held at St Patrickā€™s School in Katanning with students from schools across the Great Southern and Wheatbelt participating. This Term two Perth schools collaborated on a project to create a bilingual ebook, telling the Nativity story in English and Noongar, which will be available as a resource to other schools across the Archdiocese of Perth. These are just a few noteworthy collaborative initiatives from the past term, in a year that has been full of wonderful stories of learning, growth and faith formation across the system.

Of course, one important collective milestone of the year is the completion of Year 12 by thousands of CEWA students.  Amidst the disruption and uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it, these students have demonstrated outstanding resilience, as have their teachers, families and support networks. I congratulate and bid farewell to our graduating students and wish them every blessing as they embark on new beginnings, equipped with the gifts of their Christ-centred education and confident in knowing that they will continue to be part of the Catholic education community well beyond their school days. 

While we can be thankful that our schools and students in WA have not been challenged by the same level of lockdowns, remote learning, or risks of transmission that others around the country and world have navigated, we are all too aware that our lives will continue to be affected by COVID-19 into 2022 and beyond.  

In this season of Advent and Christmas, that would traditionally be a time of gathering and celebration with family and loved ones from far and wide, let us keep in our prayers all in our communities who may have been affected personally by the pandemic.  Let us remember that as communities of faith, we are called to offer kindness and love to those in need; and those who are affected by illness, poverty, injustice or violence.  

In his prayer intention for December, Pope Francis invites us to pray for those whose mission it is to share the faith and help others grow in their own faith journey. Pope Francis, speaking about catechists, extends a challenge that all of us can take up, saying that the Church needs ā€œcreative people who proclaim the Gospel, but who proclaim it neither with a mute nor with a loudspeaker, but rather with their life, with gentleness, with a new language, and opening new waysā€.

During this season of Advent, let us consider how we can creatively proclaim the Gospel in our deeds, not words, in our Catholic school communities and beyond. This might include offering solidarity to those in need, personally and through supporting Catholic charities and agencies; it could include sharing hope with family, friends and loved ones over the holidays; and, for all of us in some capacity, it will include looking forward with hope to the impact we can have on the learning and growth of our students in 2022.

I wish you a blessed Christmas, and I look forward to working with you in the new year to strengthen our Christ-centred, child-focused Catholic education system.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Debra Sayce
Executive Director
Catholic Education Western Australia

Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia ā€“ School Vaccination Advice and Update

The Department of Health has called for school Principals to share the following details with their school communities in support of the State Governmentā€™s vaccination drive. The information provided by the Department of Health is italicised below:

Parent/Guardians can visit to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for their child if they:

  • havenā€™t yet received a COVID-19 vaccination; or

  • were unable to receive their second dose COVID-19 vaccination.

Please note that a second dose Pfizer vaccine should be delivered 3 to 6 weeks after the first dose. For further information on COVID-19 vaccination, visit

Mrs Kath Davey has recently provided information which discusses the requirement of all students from Years 10-12 undertaking a VET Work Placement in a Group 1 or Group 2 Category to be fully vaccinated in accordance with the State Government mandate.

Based on the latest health advice, a mandatory vaccination policy for specified occupations and workforces within Western Australia (WA) is being introduced by the WA State Government. As a result, students who are undertaking work placement in specified occupations, inclusive of those undertaking periods of work experience, will be required to be fully vaccinated by 31 January 2022, if undertaking work in a Group 1 or Group 2 category.


Christmas Blessings 

As this is the final eNews of the year, I would like to wish our families all Godā€™s blessings as we proceed through Advent in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

 Pope Francis has noted that the ongoing pandemic shouldn't be used as an excuse to not prepare for Christmas. Instead, he suggests living out Advent with intensity during such an extraordinary moment.  On the path of preparation for Christmas, Pope Francis has also emphasised the need for personal conversion and underscored the importance of demonstrating with actions what is preached during the Advent season, Pope Francis has given a few tips to make the season of Advent more special as we prepare for Christmas. He suggests preparing for Christmas with faith.

ā€œIt is true that Christmas, as we all know, is also celebrated in a worldly or pagan way, but the Lord asks us to celebrate it with faith. I believe, Lord, but help my little faith. Defend my faith from 'worldliness,' from superstition.ā€ 

ā€œLet us try to bring out the good even from the difficult situation that the pandemic imposes upon us: greater sobriety, discreet and respectful attention to others who may be in need, some prayer also within the family, with simplicity. These three things will help us greatly.ā€ 

ā€œWe must overcome much harshness caused by pride and arrogance. How many people, perhaps not realising it, are arrogant, are rough, do not have cordial relationships with others. This must be overcome by carrying out concrete gestures of reconciliation with our brothers and requesting forgiveness for our faults.ā€ 

ā€œSpeaking is a way of believing, but it's very superficial, it's a halfway journey. I say that I am a Christian, but I donā€™t act like a Christian. To put it simply, itā€™s a little bit like dressing up as a Christian: only saying the words is a kind of deception; speaking without doing.ā€

Thank you and God Bless.

Frank Italiano






In case you missed it...

Keep up to date with news as it happens by following our social media accounts and by checking out our latest posts, blogs and podcasts below:

AvŠŌ°®ArtCast: Season 2 - Episode 3: Interview with Head of Arts Mrs Julie Pannell on the inspiration gained from this years Visual Art Tour through the Wheatbelt by 2022 Arts Prefect Declan Cooper. Listen: |

Blog: The Advent Season

Student Success


Colin Ross (Year 8) and Makarla Oobagooma (Year 7)

Congratulations to Colin and Makarla who both graduated from Probationary Ranger to Police Ranger on Wednesday 1 December at the awards ceremony of the Subiaco Police Ranger Unit. Colin was recognised for his commitment and dedication and was awarded the most improved for 2021.

Well done Colin and Makarla!

Share Your Story

We love celebrating student success, so if you have a story to share please send details to:



Academic Excellence

Science Olympiad

Earlier in the year, a number of highly motivated and capable budding young scientists took part in the 2020 Science Olympiad run by Australian Science Innovations, Australiaā€™s premier provider of innovative and challenging science programs.

The Olympiad, which involves a rigorous online, multiple-choice two-hour exam, is one of Australiaā€™s most highly regarded secondary school science competitions and Iā€™m very proud to say that the following students received an award for their achievement in the competition for which I congratulate them. 

Junior Science Olympiad

The following students all received Credits:

Diya Tiwari, Samuel Dimov, Ramielle Lazar, Joshua Zhou, Varad Kurkute.

Hannah Oversby received a Distinction.

Physics Olympiad

Emmanuel Foo and Juan Selvan both received a Credit.

A special hats-off to Varad Kurkute in Year 7 and Hannah Oversby in Year 9 who, despite being judged against students with a Year 10 level of the sciences, managed to show their metal when it comes to scientific knowledge.

Adrian Richmond, Coordinator of Academic Excellence

School Holiday Uniform Shop Operating Hours - Middle and Senior School

The last day of trading for the Uniform Shop for 2021 will be on Wednesday 8 December 2021.

General Opening in January

A General Opening for all students (no bookings required) will be available on Friday 28 January 2022 from 9.00am - 3.30pm.

Any online orders placed via Flexischools during the holidays will be ready for pick up on Friday 28 January 2022.

2021 Yearbook Collection

College Yearbooks are handed out to the youngest child in each family. On the last day of the school year, our Middle School students will be given their copy to take home.

We welcome any Senior School students, who were the youngest in their family in 2021, to come and collect their copy from the College reception from Monday 13 December to Thursday 16 December 2021, between the hours of 10.00am and 3.30pm.

Updated Office Hours and Closure

Please note our updated office hours for the week commencing Monday 13 December 2021:

The College Reception and Student Services will be open Monday 13 December to Thursday 16 December 2021 from 10.00am to 3.30pm, before closing for the holidays.

The College Reception will re-open from 8.00am on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Library Book Returns

Please return your library books to the library before the end of term.

Overdue notices are going out daily. Please check your bags, lockers and at home for books that need to be returned.

If you have lost a book, please see library staff to organise payment for a replacement.

Withdrawing from AvŠŌ°® Christi College 

If your child will not be attending AvŠŌ°® Christi College in 2022, please notify the College as soon as possible. 

Notice can be given via the following webpage: 



Year 9 Social

The Year 9 students will be celebrating their end of year social this Thursday 9 December, 6.30-9.30pm.

The night will include an outdoor movie and sausage sizzle dinner. The evening is a chance for our Year 9 students to come together to celebrate the year gone by.

Please ensure you RSVP by 9.00am Monday 6 December 2021 via:


2022 Year 12 Ball

It's that time again! With great joy we warmly invite our Class of 2022 to the AvŠŌ°® Christi College Year 12 Ball, to be held at Optus Stadium on Friday 28 January.

We hope our Class of 2022 is excited for what promises to be a great night and a fantastic way for our Year 12 students to kick the year off!

RSVP by 4.00pm, Wednesday 8 December 2021 at



2022 Year 12 Ball and Leavers Jackets

Bookings close by 4.00pm, Wednesday 8 December 2021

Year 12 Ball:

Leavers Jackets:


Notre Dame Twilight Tours

Thursday 9 December and Tuesday 14 December.

Are you considering your university options? Are you thinking about starting study in 2022? Do you still have questions about your offer?

Whatever stage you are at, Notre Dameā€™s Twilight Tours are a perfect opportunity to chat to current students and staff, and enjoy an evening in Fremantleā€™s beautiful West End Take a tour of their unique town campus and ask questions

Murdoch University Horizons Plus

For students who have finished Year 12 in 2021 and are still looking for a pathway into Murdoch University.

This Summer school is run in January and is an entry pathway to Murdoch University courses. It can strengthen your academic skills and kick- start your university degree.

UWA Application Help Day

Sunday 19 December for current Year 12 students.

If your results are higher or lower than expected, if youā€™re still deciding which course to pick, or just want to discuss your options ā€“ weā€™re here to help. Come along to the UWA Future Students Centre from 8.30am ā€“ 4.30pm, and get all your questions answered on your application (direct or through TISC), our courses and more. Weā€™ll be on hand to offer advice and support, to help you figure out which path is right for you. We will continue to be available on phones and live-chat from 4.30 ā€“ 7.30pm on this day.

Murdoch University Horizons Summer School 

For Year 11 students entering Year 12 in 2022.

Get a head start in your studies and join one of Murdochā€™s Summer Schools. Run in January, this program can strengthen your academic skills and knowledge to help you maximise your Year 12 results and kick- start your university degree.

Micro- credentials: Curtin University EdX

Free online Curtin University micro-credential courses are offered in a range of subjects through EdX. Many of these courses are introductory and based on gaining foundational knowledge. Students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small. Browse available courses  

Micro-credentials: UWA Plus

These professional micro credentials are offered with a cost and more suited to current professionals and university students. It may be helpful to browse and see options available in the future 

Upskill at School

You donā€™t need to wait until youā€™re finished school to get a head-start on your skill building. There are many courses and qualifications out there you can do alongside your school work. Having some skills and qualifications under your belt before you leave school can help you get a foot in the door for jobs. Here are some you might find useful:

  • (note in some States you will need to be 18 to do this course)

Career Conversations with your young child: Little Ripples

Turing little ripples into big waves for our childrenā€™s future

The Morrison Government has launched a new resource ā€˜Little Ripplesā€™ to make it easier for parents and carers to start positive conversations with their children that help raise career aspirations, address biases and contribute to childrenā€™s development.


The Duke of Edinburghā€™s International Award

After a first successful year, registration for the Duke of Ed Bronze Award are now open for students who will be in Year 9 in 2022!

Students who decide to take on the challenge of the Bronze Award will experience many new opportunities in the areas of Skill, Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service, as well as undertaking two 'Adventurous Journeys' with their peers.

For further details and to apply, please visit:

Registrations close Friday 10 December 2021.

2022 Year 7 Orientation and Parent Information Evening

In Week 7 the College welcomed a ā€œnew cropā€ of Year 7 2022 students for a day of fun team building and get to know you activities.

The excited and slightly anxious Year 6ā€™s spent time acclimatising themselves to their new surroundings and began to develop new friendships with members of their Homeroom.

Our new students were led by current Head of Year 7 ā€“ Mr Patrick Woolley as students took part in practical activities led by our Science Department, HPE Department and our new Year 7 Homeroom Teachers.

The following evening Patrick briefed our new families, providing them with practical information in preparation for day one on 31 January 2022.

Thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to the ā€œnew cropā€ doing us proud in 2022.

Simon Messer
Deputy Principal Middle School



Sacramental dates for 2022: St Thomas More, Bateman

First Eucharist: 25/26 June 2022

Confirmation: 10/11 September  2022

Reconciliation: 22 October 2022

Enrolment Day: Wednesday 27 January  2022 4.00pm-5.00pm (Church hall)

All children (from pre-school age on) who attend Government schools are warmly welcomed to attend the Religious Education after school program which commences on February 02nd , 2022. Special arrangements can be made for High School children (high school class commences 27 April 2022) and Catholic School children who may not have celebrated their age relevant Sacrament.

Please note that Confirmation is a 2 year program.

St Thomas More Parish Religious Education Program - Catechists Needed for 2022

The St Thomas More Parish Afterschool Religious Education (R.E.) program are in need of Catechists for 2022.  If you are studying education at university and doing Religious Accreditation, this will be a great opportunity to enhance to your Religious Education experience and add to your Resume. Or if you wish to simply give back to the community,  It is the most rewarding experience,  teaching and imparting our faith and knowledge to the children of the parish thus enabling them to make their sacraments. 

The R.E.  program operates on  Wednesdays,  afterschool from 4.00pm ā€“ 5.00pm. From Term 1- Term 3.  We have the school holidays off.

R.E. will commence on 2 February 2022. 


Mrs Judy Machado

9310 1747 on (Tuesday at 8.00am- 3.30pm or Wednesday 8.00am ā€“ 3.30pm) or email catechist.bateman@perthcatholic.org.au


Summer Swim Program

The Learn to Swim 'Summer Swim Program' is now open for registration!

Running from Monday 17 January to Friday 21 January 2022, the daily classes cater to different swimming ability levels.

From learning to float, submerge and start developing breathing skills at beginner level, to developing sound technique across all 4 swim strokes and honing skills like tumble turns and dives at Advanced and Dolphin Squad level, there is something for everyone.

To find out more about the Summer Swim Program and to sign up, head to

CSPWA Newsletter Christmas Edition 2021

The eRecord - 02 December 2021 (Edition #361)


Disability Gateway


AvŠŌ°® Communications