Visual Art Virtual Exhibition

This semester Year 11 Visual Art students were tasked with exploring alternative ways to view portraiture and identity.

The Creative Process

Drawing initial inspiration from Basquiat and 1980’s post pop movement, the class sought to build narratives within their work using colour, shape and composition.

Three stages of research development were adhered to:

  • Stage 1 - preliminary sketches

  • Stage 2 - re-purposing and deconstructing recycled material

  • Stage 3 - creating a design using mosaic glass fragments

Strong Male Student Contributions

What is special about this class is not the theme nor the materials but the high number of boys attending General Art. Traditionally most adolescent boys would gravitate towards sports and trade-based subjects, but the almost evenly split Year 11 class has resulted in a great mixture of approaches, visual styles and narratives.

Engaging the Wider Community

Another significance of note is this virtual exhibition is a first for the AvÐÔ°® Christi Visual Art Department. Having to navigate the new way of ‘social interaction’ the College is embracing a more online approach to promoting and showcasing the talent. With that considered, this virtual platform is made for the wider audience and created to engage the AvÐÔ°® Christi community. It is another positive school initiative demonstrating the Arts commitment to the creatives of College for you to enjoy.

The Virtual Exhibition has now expired

Please view the gallery below for examples of the included pieces.