eNews - Week 9, Term 3.

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From The Principal

Dear parents

Recently, I met with each Year 11 student who applied for Head Girl or Head Boy for the 2019 academic year. It was a pleasure to discuss how they have served the College in the time they have been with us, what their vision for the College is, and to discuss some of their life’s goals, too…

Senior School News

Careers and Courses Update 

Information Sessions

Australian National University – Admissions, Scholarships & Accommodation Roadshow 
October 16  
Are you a Year 11 student? ANU is changing the way we do admissions and students commencing university in 2020 will be applying under this new admissions model.Find out more…

Middle School News


No SEQTA Reports are issued at the end of Term 3.


Term 3 Awards (Middle School and Senior School)

 The College acknowledges student performance in Terms One and Three with the Certificate of Endeavour. The Certificate of Endeavour will be awarded to a student in every class who has demonstrated…

Other News and Events

IT Support