West Coast Eagles visit AvÐÔ°® Christi

On Monday 7 May, West Coast Eagles players Dom Sheed, Jack Redden, Will Schofield, Fraser McInnes and Tony Olango paid a visit to AvÐÔ°® students from the Education Support Centre. The morning began with an entertaining question and answer time, morning tea and then photo and signing opportunities. The students and players then engaged in some on field activities, skills sessions, games and even a football match. 

A special thank you to the Eagles players who represented their club so well. The engagement with students, and their willingness to serve the community along with the gentle, kind nature exhibited made for a truly memorable day for both staff and students.

Will Schofield commented on a recent post by a students parent, writing "Best bunch of kids we have all had in a long time. An absolute pleasure. You should be very proud of him and all the rest of his class mates."

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