Parents and Friends meeting


The next AvÐÔ°® Christi Parents and Friends meeting will be held on Tuesday 8 May in the College staff room at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, and we encourage those interested to come along, and contribute to this important part of the college community.

The agenda for the evening is below.

1.     Welcome and Opening Prayer

 2.     Apologies

 3.     Acceptance of Previous Minutes – 20th March 2018

4.     Business/Actions arising from Previous Minutes

            4.1   Volunteer electronic form – inclusion of subcommittee information

5.     Correspondence IN/OUT  

6.     Principal’s Report - Mrs Caroline Payne

7.     Treasurer's Report – Mrs Shelley Hill

            7.1 PFFWA Affiliation Invoice

 8.     P&F Board Representative Report – Mrs Kate Trainor

9.     Sub-committee and Year Group Reports

            9.1 Friends of sub-committees reports

            9.2 Year Group reports

            9.3 Year 7-12 Education Support

10.  Upcoming P&F Events/Support

            10.1 Year 7 Sundowner – Friday 18th May 2018

            10.2 Music Night – Tuesday 26th June 2018

            10.3 Quiz Night – Saturday 4th August 2018                                                                                                                                                

11.  Recent events

            11.1 College Tour Days – 26th March 2018

12.  Other Business

13.  Next Meeting –  Tuesday 24th July 2018

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