P & F News

Welcome to 2018!

On Wednesday 7th February at the P&F AGM, the P&F committee for 2018 was voted into the following positions -
President- Sandra Fedele
Treasurer- Shelley Hill
Secretary- Silvana Cohen
P&F Board Rep- Kate Trainor

Our first P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th March at 7pm.  We only meet once a term. We look forward to seeing many parents there to help decide where our funds will be spent as well as be part of the AvÐÔ°® parent community.

A few notices to bring to your attention include the following
- the Year 7 parent sundowner is to be rescheduled for a later date so please keep an eye out for the new date and time announcement.
-We welcome parent volunteers for school events. You only need nominate to help at 1 event only (of course if you wish to help at more events, we would welcome that too). The link to electronic fill in the form is (here)
If you have been handed out a paper version at welcome nights, please fill in this attached version as well.

All P&F information is available on the P&F portal where you can see the minutes of previous meetings as well as upcoming event dates as well.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

P&F Committee 2018

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