Languages at AvÐÔ°®

Each year our Year 9 to Year 12 Language students take part in external examinations that are run by the various language organisations. These organisations include:

WAATI,  Western Australian Association of Teachers of Italian,

TOFA, Teachers of French Association,

ALC, Australian Languages Certificate.

Each year our students have done very well and this year is no exception.  In the ALC examination the Year 9 Indonesian students did extremely well with a number of students getting distinctions.  In the WAATI exams there was one place winner in the year 12 exam and 2 place winners in the Year 11 exams, in total 6 High distinctions and 8 distinctions.

The Alliance Francaise exams were also well done with 13 high distinctions and 5 distinctions but most importantly the achievement of Victoria Ann Chong.

Victoria was placed first in the State for Year 9 French.  Her prize was a reciprocal exchange to Paris fully paid for 6 weeks.  An excellent prize for an excellent effort.  Well done Victoria.

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