From The Principal


Dear Parents

We conclude the year with the Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony this Friday 30 November at 9.00am. All parents are welcome to join us to celebrate our students’ academic success.

Staff Acknowledgements

It is wonderful to also acknowledge two staff who were recognised for service to students at two separate Awards Presentations recently.

Sue Cooper

Firstly, Head of Languages Anna Triscari was invited to a special function last Wednesday organised by the Modern Language Teachers Association of WA (MLTAWA) where colleague and Languages teacher Sue Cooper was presented with the prestigious HILDE DIXON award. 

The highest honour for language teachers in WA, the Hilde Dixon Award recognises and congratulates excellence in the teaching of languages and the commitment to language education both in the classroom and through involvement in language professional associations in Western Australia. We are all very proud of Sue, a well-deserved recipient of this award.

Deborah Santaromita

At the Associated and Catholic Colleges Awards Presentation Breakfast held last week, Deb Santaromita received the prestigious ACC Recognition Award. The citation is as follows:

The recipient of this year’s Recognition Award has been tireless in her support of ACC sport at AvÐÔ°® Christi College for 30 years.

Deb is a multi-talented educator and coach who remains at the top of her game. Despite teaching across multiple learning areas in recent years, she has always remained a dedicated member of the HPE & Sport Team at AvÐÔ°® Christi. She coordinates the selection trials of all AvÐÔ°® Netball teams along with staffing, umpires and student coaches for Netball. Deb has always been a hands-on coach with all AvÐÔ°® teams, maintaining a constant presence whether it be Year 7 SASJ teams or Open girls’ teams. Regardless of whether they are home or away she will always be courtside either to coach players or mentor junior coaches. With a quick change of sports cap, she also coordinates with precision all the AvÐÔ°® Touch teams, including boys and girls SASJ teams. During Deb’s 30 years at the college, she has remained committed to preparing ACC Swimming and Athletics teams on top of her busy Netball and Touch commitments. She has also coached Basketball and Water Polo teams and has acted in the role of Sports Coordinator during her time at the College.

Deb’s invaluable level of experience in the industry has informed significant positive change in SASJ Sub-Association sport and she has continued her interest and consultation regarding the next phase of the ACC expanded netball competitions. In 2017 and 2018 she was Assistant Coach and then Head coach of the ACC All Star Netball Team. In both years, the team was victorious against the SSWA team.  She is currently organising a AvÐÔ°® Netball Tour to the Gold Coast to develop our next generation of netball stars.

Deb continues to give over and above in the interest of sporting development. She has been a mentor and ‘mother-figure’ to many in the industry and continues to move with the times, challenging everyone she connects with to raise the bar in terms of professionalism.

Deb is integral to the sporting fabric of AvÐÔ°® Christi and in turn, the ACC, and due to her significant and long-standing contribution, she is most deserving of this Award for Recognition to ACC Sport.

Deborah Santaromita is an outstanding recipient of the ACC Recognition Award for outstanding service to the College in sport, particularly in Netball, and to the ACC.

Student Excellence – congratulations to Year 12 student Ellessea Martincic

Year 12, Visual Art student, Ellessea Martincic has been selected to exhibit her drawings in the 2018 Perspectives Exhibition, amongst the top Year 12 Visual Art student Ellessea Martincic has been selected to exhibit her drawings in the 2018 Perspectives Exhibition, amongst the top students in the state.

This is a real honour for Ellessea and the College. Only 60 students from hundreds of submissions are selected each year to showcase their talents at the Art Gallery of WA. We are very proud of Ellessea’s achievement.

This is also a wonderful acknowledgement for our talented Visual Arts teachers Gaby Fabris and Julie Pannell, supported by Technician Trevor Bly.

This is a real honour for Ellessea and the College.   Only 60 students from hundreds of submissions are selected each year, to showcase their talents

Christmas Carols Community Event: Wed 5 December

Come along with family and friends to the Parents and Friends Christmas Carols community event on Wednesday 5 December. The evening will include performances from the AvÐÔ°® Christi College Choir, the Yidarra Catholic Primary School Choir, and the St Thomas More Men Alive Choir.

Best wishes and God Bless.


Mrs Caroline Payne


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