From The Principal


Dear Parents

Year 12 Graduation

We recently farewelled our year 12 graduates of 2018, with a beautiful Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, followed by a reception at the Novotel, where 800 members of the College community came together to wish the Year 12s God’s blessings to be able to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. We keep those commencing their WACE examinations this week in our prayers.

Deputy Principal Damian Scali announced the major award winners at a Whole School Assembly to farewell our Year 12s. I congratulate all Year 12 students who were presented with College awards.

The Sequere Dominum Award is a major award presented to a Year 12 AvÐÔ°® student each year. It acknowledges the graduate who epitomizes the College values of nurturing a living faith, promoting justice and service to others, striving for excellence in everything they do and respecting the dignity of each person they encounter.

All staff are invited to nominate students for this award, from which the recipients of the AvÐÔ°® Christi Medals are chosen. I congratulate Jessica De Freitas Basilio, the 2018 winner of the Sequere Dominum Award. Jess was Head Girl in 2018 and she has been an outstanding role model in the way she has served the College community in a broad variety of ways.

Damian Scali has acknowledged all Year 12 Awards recipients in his article in the Senior School News. Congratulations to all the recipients of these Awards which were presented to them at the Graduation Assembly.

Year 12 2019

We also welcome back our 2019 group of Year 12 students, as our Year 11 students start their Year 12 subjects this week. This successful initiative of starting Year 12 courses early continues, reducing the anxiety caused by a shortened final year of schooling.

Year 6 Fun day

Last week we welcomed the Year 6 students who are joining us next year to the College for a fun day. The Arts team made this a very special day and we are grateful to all members of our Arts Learning Area for all their work in supporting this program. Through participating in activities in visual arts, music, dance and drama, the Year 6 students fully engaged in the experiences offered, making new friends and becoming part of the AvÐÔ°® community.

2019 Prefect AvÐÔ°®

Meanwhile, the new student leaders, the 2019 Prefect Committee, attended a two-day residential camp at the Pallotine Centre in Rossmoyne. I would like to congratulate the 2019 Prefects on their appointment. Former staff member Mark Clayden supported Jim Elliott, Naomi Larsen and Sally Farrington to make this camp a memorable experience for our student leaders. 

Burgundy, White and Blue (BWB) dinner

Last Thursday night was an important date in the College sporting calendar, the Burgundy, White and Blue dinner. This annual event is organised and led by James Howard and is a celebration of the sporting achievements of students and also a recognition of the staff who have provided service to sport. James was supported by the Health and Physical Education team and Phoebe McGillivray, the AFL trainee as well as Music teacher Selena Barratt and the music students who provided entertained throughout the evening. Our cafeteria staff, led by Deb Lawson and Jo Court, provided excellent food which was enjoyed by all. Special thanks to Marcus Passauer who was integral in the organisation of the evening.

World Teachers’ Day

On Friday we acknowledged the invaluable contribution that teachers make to the faith formation and education of students and to our broader society, through World Teachers’ Day.

CEO Acting Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce emailed all teachers on Friday, expressing her gratitude for the work they do. In her email, she quoted Pope Francis, who in an audience with teachers in 2015, shared this encouragement:

“Teaching is a beautiful job, as it allows you to see the growth day-by-day of people entrusted to your care… A commitment of this type may inculcate apprehension, but remember that no teacher is ever alone, his or her work is shared with other colleagues and with all the education community to which they belong.â€

Dr Sayce said, “It is my hope that as part of our Catholic education community, every teacher, every educator, feels respected, supported and empowered in their work.â€

On behalf of the College, I commend our teachers for their dedication and commitment to the students, keeping them safe, guiding their learning, challenging them to excel and giving them hope and optimism for the future.


Elaine Liew

Finally, On Wednesday of last week, the College received the very sad news that our much-loved colleague and teacher, Ms Elaine Liew, passed away after battling cancer for many months. Elaine has been part of our AvÐÔ°® family for many years; first as a student at the College, graduating in 2000, and since 2007 as a teacher. We continue to keep Elaine, her husband Dave, their families and the College community in our prayers.

Best wishes and God Bless

Mrs Karen Prendergast

Acting Principal

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