From The Principal

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Dear Parents

I am taking four week’s leave commencing on Monday to join my daughters on a special trip which is the search for the Northern Lights in Norway. Karen Prendergast will be acting on my behalf. I have had to leave earlier than I would like because of my treatment dates, so I am also missing graduation, which I am quite sad about. I believe the Graduation Day at AvÐÔ°® is my favourite day of the year. Well done to Naomi Larsen on her work with our class of 2018, who will graduate next Friday.

Apple Distinguished School Award 2018-2020

Representatives from Apple Australia visited us at AvÐÔ°® this week, to formally present us with the Distinguished School (ADS) Award for 2018-2020. Our first ADS was awarded in 2012, and we continue to be recognised internationally for excellence in teaching and learning supported by technology. I would like to thank all staff, because without their openness for change for the benefit of our students, we could never receive such awards. Daniel Budd produced an outstanding iBook on our behalf, supported by Daniel Chapman and his team, Jean-Paul Papineau as the Deputy Principal with the ICT Integration portfolio on my team, as well as the members of the Teaching and Learning Council who led the way.

 Class of 2018 Gift to the College

The 2018 NAIDOC theme was, ‘Because of Her, We Can!’ – celebrating the role Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women have played and continue to play in the community. 

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have shared the Dreaming Stories of their culture for over 65 000 years.  Their achievements, their voice and their unwavering passion have empowered past generations and paved the way for generations to come.

In line with this theme, the artwork chosen as the gift from the Year 12 students to the College is painted by a Northern Territory woman, Selina Numina.  Selina’s piece is titled, ‘Water Dreaming’.  Many women from the Numina family hold custodial rights for these dreaming stories and are responsible for keeping and handing down the knowledge associated with them.  Knowing, carrying and reinforcing these stories gives respect for country and ancestors, and maintains their stories and traditional practices. The knowledge must be retold repeatedly and handed on. It is a privilege to receive this gift on behalf of the College, which will eventually be hung in the new Theatre.

 Graduation Week

Year 12 students conclude their formal time with the College this week, culminating in their Graduation Mass and Awards ceremony at St Mary’s Cathedral on Friday night followed by a cocktail event afterwards at the Novotel. I acknowledge the work of our Year 12 teachers who are preparing students for their ATAR examinations commencing on Monday 29 October, and the Homeroom teachers who will walk this final part of their students’ journey this week. Let’s pray for Naomi Larsen who has worked hard to shape and form this group, this year.

The work our Year 12 teachers are undertaking, their dedication and commitment which includes a thorough review process after the return of Exam papers, the ongoing running of tutoring or seminar sessions to support students, or responding to students’ online queries, are all part of the extra support we provide students to excel.

Please keep our graduating class in your thoughts and prayers as the majority of them prepare for the up and coming WACE examinations, whilst many others search for holiday work prior to commencing TAFE study next year or finalise apprenticeships or traineeships in the next step of their careers.

We are currently advertising for a number of teaching roles for 2019, covering staff on leave and those who have been appointed to roles within and outside the College, including:

·       Head of English (readvertised)

·       English and Literature

·       Digital Technologies

·       Mathematics (Term One)

·       Science (Term One)

We will be advertising the following non-teaching roles:

·       Workplace Learning Coordinator 0.5 FTE

·       Youth Minister (0.4 FTE)

Security cameras at AvÐÔ°®

As part of our OHS, security and safety procedures and to maximise student duty of care, we are increasing the number of security cameras around the school to assist the College in providing a safe environment for students, staff and visitors.  The management and use of these cameras are in line with the College’s Privacy Policy – Storage and Security

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