Instrumental and Vocal Music Tuition

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

I am writing to let you know that we are now accepting enrolments for Instrumental and Vocal Music tuition in Term Three.

If you would like to learn any instrument, please look on the Community Portal under 'Instrumental Music Program Portal'.  There you will find an information brochure, enrolment form and details of our instrumental tutors.  Please let Mrs Michelle Hunt the Arts Administrator know of your wishes and we will enrol your son/daughter at the earliest opportunity.  Forms can also be collected from the Art's Office.

May I also encourage all AvÐÔ°® Students with an interest in Music to participate in the College Music program.  We run 4 choirs and 15 music ensembles representing music of all kinds, and for all levels of expertise. We also run a Rock School and extra Music Theory classes. Please note that at present only 3 of the 19 music groups are auditioned. Details can be found on the Community Portal (under 'Instrumental Music Program Portal'), or from Mrs Hunt or the Head of Music, Mr Harries.

We will be taking on all-comers at the Catholic Performing Arts (August) - please join up before it's too late, and let's show them what we can do!!!

If you are currently enrolled, you will be automatically re-enrolled for Term 3.

Michelle Hunt
Arts Administrator