LifeLink Launch 2017

On Tuesday 2 May, representatives of the Ministry Team were privileged to take part in the LifeLink Launch 2017. We left for Aranmore College and when we arrived we were warmly welcomed by students from 27 different schools, Archbishop Timothy Costello and Bishop Donald Sproxton. Once seated, Archbishop Costello used the inspirational life and sayings of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop to inform us about this year’s LifeLink message.

The first saying was “never see a need without doing something about it”. He said that it was the perfect description of generosity and selflessness. He also said that to be able to do this we must have eyes that are open to see the needs of others around us, ears that are tuned in to the different ways people call for help and a heart that is sensitive to the the needs of others. In summary we must learn to be aware of needs and want to help.

The second saying he used was‘remember who you are trying to follow”. In remembering that we follow Jesus, we can put Jesus at the centre of our actions and allow him to work in our lives.

We were also given information about LifeLink. It was established in 1994 and raises money that is is distributed to organisations such as Centrecare, identitywa, the Shopfront and DayDawn that commit themselves to helping communities in need with either support or services.

LifeLink Day also helped us get ideas to help raise money to support these organisations, and the ministry team are already brainstorming some fun ideas. By doing this we are fulfilling what Pope Francis expressed, " is not only in what we believed and what we say, but in what we do, that we come to fully know and understand the message of love which Jesus brought to the world.”

We look forward to the support of the Av԰ College community as we ‘raise awareness and raise money’ for LifeLink 2017.

By Rachel Dellaca Year 10

LifeLink 2017 was attended by;

Olivia Dellaca - Year 8
Luke Phillips - Year 8
Samuel Watters - Year 9
Madison Wilde - Year 9
Yannick Machado - Year 9
Rachel Dellaca - Year 10