ESC AvÐÔ°® 2017

On Wednesday 25th October, 19 ESC students set off to Ern Halliday recreation camp for three days and two nights. On the way to camp, they stopped at AQWA to see the spectacular living reef aquarium, where the stingrays and sharks were being fed. After the AQWA adventure students had a tour of Hilary’s Boat Harbour. Arriving at the campsite around 2pm students and staff settled in before the first afternoon activity. Students were challenged to a roping activity where their class mates hauled each other to 8m height. Students pull a pin and are swung in the air like a giant pendulum. After a busy day, the excitement continued into the evening with a game of spotlight disco. Thursday was an early start as everyone set off for a beach walk, the walk ended abruptly when it began to rain, this didn’t dampen the camp spirits. Students and staff then spent some time playing board games including giant Jenga, whilst they sat out the rain. The rain stopped just in time for the afternoon activities which included bike riding. Many students had a go at riding a bike for the first time. Students went on a scavenger hunt to find items from the environment to design a canvas. In the afternoon, Judy Coehlo joined the camp to run a liturgy, which included decorating individual candle and writing prayers of reflection on those people in the students’ lives they are grateful for. By Thursday evening our campers were all very tired and after dinner watched Johnny English.  The last day arrived so quickly and it was time to pack up, ready to head home. Before leaving the campsite, students had one final challenge, to crawl the 280m artificial caving system.

The students were outstanding over the three days, enjoying each other’s company, helping each other and challenging themselves to try new and different things. Thank you to all the staff who attended camp.


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